Häuser & Einzelhäuser (Zum Verkauf)
/ 5837
One of Florence's most important Renaissance buildings, Palazzo Serristori, is coming back to its old splendour thanks to some major restoration works, which will also convert it into twelve exclusive apartments. This prestigious sixteenth-century estate, once home of the noble Serristori family, stands on the bank of the river Arno, close to the city's most famous sights. It measures 5.500 sqm, has five floors and features priceless well-preserved original elements such as fine frescoes, marble fireplaces, a big terracotta stove and majestic 18th-century Murano chandeliers in the great dance hall; the common areas will include a SPA, a fitness area, a swimming pool, and a 2,748-sqm garden. It is assumed that the architects who designed the building were the same of the magnificent Palazzo Strozzi. In the beating heart of the Cradle of the Renaissance, this magnificent Renaissance palace will return to its ancient splendor, combining the most modern living comforts in a context of great historical prestige. Ref: 5837 https://www.lionard.com/palazzo-serristori-for-sale-in-florence.html
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One of Florence's most important Renaissance buildings, Palazzo Serristori, is coming back to its old splendour thanks to some major restoration works, which will also convert it into twelve exclusive apartments. This prestigious sixteenth-century estate, once home of the noble Serristori family, stands on the bank of the river Arno, close to the city's most famous sights. It measures 5.500 sqm, has five floors and features priceless well-preserved original elements such as fine frescoes, marble fireplaces, a big terracotta stove and majestic 18th-century Murano chandeliers in the great dance hall; the common areas will include a SPA, a fitness area, a swimming pool, and a 2,748-sqm garden. It is assumed that the architects who designed the building were the same of the magnificent Palazzo Strozzi. In the beating heart of the Cradle of the Renaissance, this magnificent Renaissance palace will return to its ancient splendor, combining the most modern living comforts in a context of great historical prestige. Ref: 5837 https://www.lionard.com/palazzo-serristori-for-sale-in-florence.html
Palazzo Serristori, uno dei più importanti palazzi rinascimentali di Firenze di origine cinquecentesca, appartenuto alla nobile famiglia dei Serristori, fedeli alleati dei Medici, torna al suo splendore grazie ad un imponente intervento di restauro dal quale saranno ricavati dodici esclusivi appartamenti extra lusso, le cui dimensioni varieranno tra i circa 170 mq ed i 500 mq. Direttamente affacciato sulla sponda del fiume Arno, a un passo dal centro storico della città e dai suoi monumenti celebri in tutto il mondo, il magnifico palazzo di 5.500 mq di superficie complessiva si sviluppa su cinque piani e presenta ancora oggi inestimabili elementi originari ben conservati come i preziosi affreschi, i camini in marmo, una grande stufa in terracotta e imponenti lampadari di Murano del 1700 che spiccano nel grande salone da ballo. Quest'ultimo, considerato il più grande salone della città grazie ai suoi 250 mq di ampiezza, sarà destinato a zona comune per tutti gli appartamenti, cosi come la SPA, la zona fitness, la piscina e il giardino, della superficie di 2.748 mq. Il palazzo avrà tre ingressi indipendenti, ciascuno fornito da un comodo ascensore che collega i piani. Nel cuore pulsante della Culla del Rinascimento, questo magnifico palazzo tornerà all'antico splendore ospitando diverse soluzioni abitative: Appartamento 1 - piano terra - 500 mq Appartamento 3 - piano terra - 250 mq Appartamento 4 - piano terra - 310 mq Appartamento 5 - piano terra - 300 mq Appartamento 7 - piano nobile - 220 mq Appartamento 8 - piano nobile - 350 mq Appartamento 9 - piano nobile - 250 mq Appartamento 10 - secondo piano - 170 mq Appartamento 11 - secondo piano - 360 mq Appartamento 12 - secondo piano - 250 mq Appartamento 13 - secondo e ultimo piano - 400 mq Appartamento 14 - attico - 260 mq Rif. 5837 https://www.lionard.com/it/palazzo-serristori-in-vendita-a-firenze.html
Во Флоренции выставлен на продажу один из самых знаменитых домов города, Палаццо Серристори, который обрел свое изначальное очарование благодаря тщательным работам по реставрации. Здание датируется XV веком, в прошлом принадлежя семейству Серритоси, верным соратникам Медичи. Площадь дома составляет 5500 кв.м., а сам он состоит из пяти этажей. В настоящее время дом разделен на четырнадцать апартаментов. Большой бальный зал, который останется в общем пользовании всех владельцев апартаментов, является одним из самых красивых в городе. В комплекс также входит очаровательный сад, также остающися в общем пользовании всех жильцов зона. Объект находится на берегу реки Арно и позволяет с легкостью достичь любой точки города. Ссылка: 5837 https://www.lionard.com/ru/starinnaja-villa-prodazha-apartamenty-florentsija.html
Palais historique avec d'élégantes fresques du XIXème siècle à vendre à Florence L'un des plus importants palais de la Renaissance de Florence, le Palazzo Serristori, retrouve sa splendeur grâce à une importante intervention de restauration dont on a tiré douze appartements de grand luxe, dont les dimensions varieront entre 170 m² et 500 m². La prestigieuse résidence datant du XVe siècle et ayant appartenu à la noble famille des Serristori. Le prestigieux palais, de 5 500 m² de surface totale, se déploie sur cinq étages. Dans les zones communes à tous les appartements, on trouve le SPA, le coin fitness, la piscine et le jardin, d'une surface de 2 748 m². Le palais aura trois entrées indépendantes. On suppose que les architectes qui ont projeté le palais aient été Giuliano et Antonio da Sangallo. Ref.5837 https://www.lionard.com/fr/palais-historique-vente-appartements-florence.html
Zum Verkauf
Häuser & Einzelhäuser
Größe der Immobilie :
5.500 m²