Häuser & Einzelhäuser (Zum Verkauf)
/ 103653739
San Miniato
Zum Verkauf
Häuser & Einzelhäuser
Größe der Immobilie :
480 m²
Größe des Grundstücks:
20.000 m²
The villa itself is surrounded by 2 hectares of land, which is at your disposal as a green lawn. Here you can stroll around, get creative with garden design or enjoy the fresh air with a relaxing picnic. In addition to this large outdoor space, the villa has an additional agricultural outbuilding, which offers even more space to realize your personal ideas. On the ground floor of the house are the spacious kitchen and living room, which are particularly inviting thanks to the well-thought-out layout of the rooms and the large windows. The warm tones of colors inside the house, combined with the natural light that penetrates every corner of the room, make every stay an experience. Upstairs, the spacious bedrooms invite you to dream and relax in comfort and design. The basement of the villa also has several storage rooms, which provide ample storage space, perfect for those who appreciate organization. A special feature of this house is that it will be delivered partially furnished. This gives you the opportunity to furnish your new home without much effort, while also allowing you to add your own personal touches. The property is available immediately, so you won't have to wait long for your new home. In terms of technical equipment, this villa sets standards. It is equipped with underfloor heating powered by a heat pump, which ensures a pleasant indoor climate all year round. In addition, the house has a photovoltaic system that provides environmentally friendly electricity and the thermal insulation of the façade ensures low energy consumption. Access to the public water supply is also available, ensuring a practical and uncomplicated everyday life.
Don't wait any longer and let yourself be enchanted by this villa: your new home is waiting for you.
- Garden
- Parking
- Wine Cellar Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Questa villa, che è stata costruita nel 2011 e vanta un'architettura e un design impressionanti, si trova al centro di un pittoresco panorama collinare con una vista unica su San Miniato.
La villa stessa è circondata da 2 ettari di terreno, che è a vostra disposizione come prato verde. Qui potrete passeggiare, dare libero sfogo alla vostra creatività nella progettazione del giardino o godervi l'aria fresca con un rilassante picnic. Oltre a questo ampio spazio esterno, la villa dispone di un ulteriore annesso agricolo, che offre ancora più spazio per realizzare le vostre idee personali. Al piano terra della casa si trovano la spaziosa cucina e il soggiorno, particolarmente invitanti grazie alla disposizione ben studiata degli ambienti e alle ampie finestre. I toni caldi dei colori all'interno della casa, uniti alla luce naturale che penetra in ogni angolo della stanza, rendono ogni soggiorno un'esperienza. Al piano superiore, le ampie camere da letto invitano a sognare e a rilassarsi nel comfort e nel design. Il seminterrato della villa dispone anche di diversi ripostigli, che offrono un ampio spazio di archiviazione, perfetto per chi apprezza l'organizzazione. Una caratteristica speciale di questa casa è che verrà consegnata parzialmente arredata. Questo vi dà l'opportunità di arredare la vostra nuova casa senza grandi sforzi, permettendovi allo stesso tempo di aggiungere i vostri tocchi personali. La proprietà è disponibile immediatamente, quindi non dovrete aspettare a lungo per la vostra nuova casa. In termini di equipaggiamento tecnico, questa villa stabilisce degli standard. È dotata di riscaldamento a pavimento alimentato da una pompa di calore, che garantisce un clima interno piacevole tutto l'anno. Inoltre, la casa dispone di un impianto fotovoltaico che fornisce elettricità ecologica e l'isolamento termico della facciata assicura un basso consumo energetico. È disponibile anche l'accesso alla rete idrica pubblica, che garantisce una vita quotidiana pratica e senza complicazioni.
Non aspettate oltre e lasciatevi incantare da questa villa: la vostra nuova casa vi sta aspettando.
- Garden
- Parking
- Wine Cellar Tato vila, která byla postavena v roce 2011 a pyšní se působivou architekturou a designem, se nachází uprostřed malebné krajiny na svahu s jedinečným výhledem na San Miniato.
Samotná vila je obklopena 2 hektary půdy, která je vám k dispozici jako zelený trávník. Zde se můžete procházet, popustit uzdu kreativitě při navrhování zahrady nebo si užít čerstvý vzduch při relaxačním pikniku. Kromě tohoto velkého venkovního prostoru má vila další zemědělskou přístavbu, která nabízí ještě více prostoru pro realizaci vašich osobních nápadů. V přízemí domu se nachází prostorná kuchyň a obývací pokoj, které jsou lákavé zejména díky promyšlenému uspořádání pokojů a velkým oknům. Teplé tóny barev uvnitř domu v kombinaci s přirozeným světlem, které proniká do každého koutu místnosti, dělají z každého pobytu zážitek. V patře jsou prostorné ložnice, které vás zvou ke snění a relaxaci v pohodlí a designu. V suterénu vily je také několik úložných místností, které poskytují dostatek úložného prostoru, ideální pro ty, kteří ocení organizaci. Zvláštností tohoto domu je, že bude dodán částečně zařízený. To vám dává možnost zařídit si svůj nový domov bez velkého úsilí a zároveň vám to umožní přidat vlastní osobní dotek. Nemovitost je k dispozici ihned, takže na svůj nový domov nebudete muset dlouho čekat. Pokud jde o technické vybavení, tato vila nastavuje standardy. Je vybaven podlahovým vytápěním poháněným tepelným čerpadlem, které zajišťuje příjemné vnitřní klima po celý rok. Dům má navíc fotovoltaický systém, který zajišťuje ekologickou elektřinu a tepelná izolace fasády zajišťuje nízkou spotřebu energie. K dispozici je také přístup k veřejnému vodovodu, což zajišťuje praktický a nekomplikovaný každodenní život.
Už na nic nečekejte a nechte se okouzlit touto vilou: váš nový domov na vás čeká.
- Garden
- Parking
- Wine Cellar This villa, which was built in 2011 and boasts impressive architecture and design, is located in the middle of a picturesque hillside landscape with a unique view of San Miniato.
The villa itself is surrounded by 2 hectares of land, which is at your disposal as a green lawn. Here you can stroll around, get creative with garden design or enjoy the fresh air with a relaxing picnic. In addition to this large outdoor space, the villa has an additional agricultural outbuilding, which offers even more space to realize your personal ideas. On the ground floor of the house are the spacious kitchen and living room, which are particularly inviting thanks to the well-thought-out layout of the rooms and the large windows. The warm tones of colors inside the house, combined with the natural light that penetrates every corner of the room, make every stay an experience. Upstairs, the spacious bedrooms invite you to dream and relax in comfort and design. The basement of the villa also has several storage rooms, which provide ample storage space, perfect for those who appreciate organization. A special feature of this house is that it will be delivered partially furnished. This gives you the opportunity to furnish your new home without much effort, while also allowing you to add your own personal touches. The property is available immediately, so you won't have to wait long for your new home. In terms of technical equipment, this villa sets standards. It is equipped with underfloor heating powered by a heat pump, which ensures a pleasant indoor climate all year round. In addition, the house has a photovoltaic system that provides environmentally friendly electricity and the thermal insulation of the façade ensures low energy consumption. Access to the public water supply is also available, ensuring a practical and uncomplicated everyday life.
Don't wait any longer and let yourself be enchanted by this villa: your new home is waiting for you.
- Garden
- Parking
- Wine Cellar