Häuser & Einzelhäuser (Zum Verkauf)
/ 5631
This period luxury villa for sale is surrounded by a leafy centuries-old park located in an exclusive residential area of Genoa. This property is in a high position, has two floors and a basement, and measures 450 square meters, offering rooms embellished with elegant frescoes and fine finishes such as stone fireplaces and oak and marble parquet floors. A convenient internal lift connects its various floors, which feature a spacious living area consisting of bright reception rooms, a dining room, a well-equipped eat-in kitchen, and a guest bathroom; the sleeping area has four bedrooms, three of which are double and one single, completed by three bathrooms and a study. This luxury villa is surrounded by a private garden of 1,800 sqm embellished with tall trees, two big terraces, and a barbecue area that is perfect for enjoying meals in the open air during summer; there is also a 180-sqm garage. This luxury villa for sale in Genoa is in a very quiet area, making it ideal for those seeking privacy and intimacy. Ref: 5631 https://www.lionard.com/luxury-villa-for-sale-in-genoa.html
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A Genova, in un'esclusiva zona residenziale in posizione dominante, questa villa d'epoca di lusso è in vendita. Circondata da un giardino privato di 1.800 mq, abbellito da alberi ad alto fusto con due ampie terrazze abitabili e una zona barbecue, l'immobile si sviluppa su due piani oltre interrato ed ha una superficie interna di 450 mq, con ambienti abbelliti da eleganti affreschi e pregiate finiture, come i pavimenti in parquet di rovere, pavimenti in marmo e camini in pietra. Un ascensore collega i vari piani della dimora, che ospita una spaziosa zona giorno, composta da luminosi saloni di rappresentanza, una sala da pranzo, una cucina abitabile attrezzata ed un bagno per gli ospiti; la zona notte ospita quattro camere da letto di cui tre matrimoniali, una singola, tre bagni ed uno studio. Completa la residenza un comodo garage sotterraneo di 180 mq di superficie. Rif. 5631 https://www.lionard.com/it/vill-di-lusso-in-vendita-a-genova.html
В Генуе, на территории многовекового парка, продаётся великолепный двухэтажный особняк. Вилла имеет площадь помещений в 450 кв. м. и декорирована старинными фресками и другими элементами классического дизайна: паркетные дубовые полы, дорогой мрамор, изящные камины. Здание имеет два этажа, не считая цокольного, и обслуживается лифтом. Помещения виллы включают в себя большую прихожую, салоны и столовую, примыкающую к современной, полностью оборудованной кухней. Далее следует ванная комната для гостей. Выше расположены четыре спальни, элегантный кабинет и три ванные. На цокольном уровне находится гараж в 180 кв. м. Вокруг виллы находится великолепный сад площадью 1800 кв. м., засаженный высокоствольными деревьями и цветущими кустарниками. На территории сада выстроены две очаровательные террасы с зоной для барбекю. Ссылка: 5631 https://www.lionard.com/ru/villa-klassa-ljux-prodaetsja-v-genuje.html
This period luxury villa for sale is surrounded by a leafy centuries-old park located in an exclusive residential area of Genoa. This property is in a high position, has two floors and a basement, and measures 450 square meters, offering rooms embellished with elegant frescoes and fine finishes such as stone fireplaces and oak and marble parquet floors. A convenient internal lift connects its various floors, which feature a spacious living area consisting of bright reception rooms, a dining room, a well-equipped eat-in kitchen, and a guest bathroom; the sleeping area has four bedrooms, three of which are double and one single, completed by three bathrooms and a study. This luxury villa is surrounded by a private garden of 1,800 sqm embellished with tall trees, two big terraces, and a barbecue area that is perfect for enjoying meals in the open air during summer; there is also a 180-sqm garage. This luxury villa for sale in Genoa is in a very quiet area, making it ideal for those seeking privacy and intimacy. Ref: 5631 https://www.lionard.com/luxury-villa-for-sale-in-genoa.html
A Gênes, dans un quartier résidentiel exclusif en position dominante, cette villa d'époque de luxe est à vendre. Entourée d'un jardin privé de 1800 mètres carrés, agrémenté de grands arbres avec deux grandes terrasses habitables et un coin barbecue, la propriété est répartie sur deux étages plus sous-sol et a une superficie intérieure de 450 mètres carrés, avec des pièces ornées d'élégantes fresques et de belles finitions, comme des parquets en chêne, des sols en marbre et des cheminées en pierre. Un ascenseur relie les différents étages de la maison, qui abrite une pièce à vivre spacieuse, composée de pièces de réception lumineuses, d'une salle à manger, d'une cuisine dînatoire entièrement équipée et d'une salle de bains pour les invités; la zone nuit comprend quatre chambres, dont trois doubles, une simple, trois salles de bains et un bureau. La résidence est complétée par un confortable garage souterrain de 180 mètres carrés. Réf.5631 https://www.lionard.com/fr/villa-de-luxe-en-vente-a-genes.html
Zum Verkauf
Häuser & Einzelhäuser
Größe der Immobilie :
450 m²