
Detaillierte Suchkriterien

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Neu/ Wiederverkauf
Preis / m²
Miete / m² / Jahr

Grundstücke zum Verkauf in Maia

147.500 EUR

Grundstücke (Zum Verkauf)

Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T68148919 / 68148919
Property ID: ZMPT522442

By purchasing this land in São Pedro Fins, Maia is investing in a property with the following characteristics:

Large land, with more than 1 hectare, near the center of the Parish of São Pedro Fins. It can be transformed into a farm with an agricultural vocation or only for agriculture.

According to the established in the Municipal Master Plan of the Municipality of Maia (PDM), the parcel is classified as:
"Rural Soil", covered by functional qualification, in the category of "Fundamental Agricultural Areas", included in the National Agricultural Reserve.

Building regime

In the core agricultural areas, the specific building scheme provided for the national agricultural reserve applies, cumulatively with the following provisions:
In cases of construction or expansion of housing for own and permanent residence of the owners and their households:
(i)new buildings shall be deployed in the area of the building less detrimental to agricultural activity;
(ii)the corresponding usage index, including any existing building for the same purpose, shall not exceed 0,025;
(iii)the height of the maximum façade is 2 floors or 7 metres;
(iv) the typology and maximum area of construction may not be higher than that allowed for housing at costs controlled according to the size of the household;

For more information, do not hesitate to contact me.

3 reasons to buy with Zome

+ follow-up

With a unique preparation and experience in the real estate market, Zome consultants put all their dedication to giving you the best accompaniment, guiding you with maximum confidence, in the right direction of your needs and ambitions.

From now on, we will create a close relationship and listen carefully to your expectations, because our priority is your happiness! Because it's important that you feel that you're with someone, and that we're with you all the time.

+ simple

Zome consultants have a unique training in the market, anchored in the sharing of practical experience among professionals and strengthened by the knowledge of applied neuroscience that allows them to simplify and make their real estate experience more effective.

Leave behind bureaucratic nightmares because zome finds the full support of an experienced and multidisciplinary team that gives you practical support in all key aspects, so that your real estate experience exceeds expectations.

+ happy

Our greatest value is to give you happiness!

Get rid of worries and save the quality time you need to devote yourself to what makes you happier.

We act daily to bring more value to your life with the reliable advice you need to achieve the best results together.

With Zome you will never be lost or unaccompanied and you will find something priceless: your maximum tranquility!

This is how you will feel throughout the experience: Quiet, safe, comfortable and... HAPPY!

1. If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to introduce your buyers customers and talk to us to schedule your visit.
2. For ease in identifying this property, please refer to its ZMPT ID or the respective agent who sent you the suggestion.
Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT522442

Ao adquirir este Terreno em São Pedro Fins, Maia está a investir num imóvel com as seguintes características:

Terreno amplo, com mais de 1 hectare, perto do centro da Freguesia de São Pedro Fins. Pode ser transformado em quinta com vocação agrícola ou apenas para agricultura.

De acordo com o estabelecido no Plano Diretor Municipal do Concelho da Maia (PDM), a parcela encontra-se classificada como:
“Solo Rural”, abrangida pela Qualificação Funcional, na categoria de “Áreas Agrícolas Fundamentais”, incluída na Reserva Agrícola Nacional.

Regime de edificabilidade

Nas áreas agrícolas fundamentais aplica-se o regime específico de edificação previsto para a reserva agrícola nacional, cumulativamente com as seguintes disposições:
Nos casos de construção ou ampliação de habitação para residência própria e permanente dos proprietários e dos respetivos agregados familiares:
i)Os novos edifícios devem implantar-se na área do prédio menos prejudicial à atividade agrícola;
ii)O índice de utilização correspondente, incluindo a edificação eventualmente existente para o mesmo fim, não pode ser superior a 0,025;
iii)A altura da fachada máxima é de 2 pisos ou 7 metros;
iv) A tipologia e a área máxima de construção não podem ser superiores à admitida para habitação a custos controlados em função da dimensão do agregado familiar;

Para mais informações, não hesite em contactar-me.

3 razões para comprar com a Zome

+ acompanhamento

Com uma preparação e experiência única no mercado imobiliário, os consultores Zome põem toda a sua dedicação em dar-lhe o melhor acompanhamento, orientando-o com a máxima confiança, na direção certa das suas necessidades e ambições.

Daqui para a frente, vamos criar uma relação próxima e escutar com atenção as suas expectativas, porque a nossa prioridade é a sua felicidade! Porque é importante que sinta que está acompanhado, e que estamos consigo sempre.

+ simples

Os consultores Zome têm uma formação única no mercado, ancorada na partilha de experiência prática entre profissionais e fortalecida pelo conhecimento de neurociência aplicada que lhes permite simplificar e tornar mais eficaz a sua experiência imobiliária.

Deixe para trás os pesadelos burocráticos porque na Zome encontra o apoio total de uma equipa experiente e multidisciplinar que lhe dá suporte prático em todos os aspetos fundamentais, para que a sua experiência imobiliária supere as expectativas.

+ feliz

O nosso maior valor é entregar-lhe felicidade!

Liberte-se de preocupações e ganhe o tempo de qualidade que necessita para se dedicar ao que lhe faz mais feliz.

Agimos diariamente para trazer mais valor à sua vida com o aconselhamento fiável de que precisa para, juntos, conseguirmos atingir os melhores resultados.

Com a Zome nunca vai estar perdido ou desacompanhado e encontrará algo que não tem preço: a sua máxima tranquilidade!

É assim que se vai sentir ao longo de toda a experiência: Tranquilo, seguro, confortável e... FELIZ!

1. Caso seja um consultor imobiliário, este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio. Não hesite em apresentar aos seus clientes compradores e fale connosco para agendar a sua visita.
2. Para maior facilidade na identificação deste imóvel, por favor, refira o respetivo ID ZMPT ou o respetivo agente que lhe tenha enviado a sugestão.
Property ID: ZMPT522442

By purchasing this land in São Pedro Fins, Maia is investing in a property with the following characteristics:

Large land, with more than 1 hectare, near the center of the Parish of São Pedro Fins. It can be transformed into a farm with an agricultural vocation or only for agriculture.

According to the established in the Municipal Master Plan of the Municipality of Maia (PDM), the parcel is classified as:
"Rural Soil", covered by functional qualification, in the category of "Fundamental Agricultural Areas", included in the National Agricultural Reserve.

Building regime

In the core agricultural areas, the specific building scheme provided for the national agricultural reserve applies, cumulatively with the following provisions:
In cases of construction or expansion of housing for own and permanent residence of the owners and their households:
(i)new buildings shall be deployed in the area of the building less detrimental to agricultural activity;
(ii)the corresponding usage index, including any existing building for the same purpose, shall not exceed 0,025;
(iii)the height of the maximum façade is 2 floors or 7 metres;
(iv) the typology and maximum area of construction may not be higher than that allowed for housing at costs controlled according to the size of the household;

For more information, do not hesitate to contact me.

3 reasons to buy with Zome

+ follow-up

With a unique preparation and experience in the real estate market, Zome consultants put all their dedication to giving you the best accompaniment, guiding you with maximum confidence, in the right direction of your needs and ambitions.

From now on, we will create a close relationship and listen carefully to your expectations, because our priority is your happiness! Because it's important that you feel that you're with someone, and that we're with you all the time.

+ simple

Zome consultants have a unique training in the market, anchored in the sharing of practical experience among professionals and strengthened by the knowledge of applied neuroscience that allows them to simplify and make their real estate experience more effective.

Leave behind bureaucratic nightmares because zome finds the full support of an experienced and multidisciplinary team that gives you practical support in all key aspects, so that your real estate experience exceeds expectations.

+ happy

Our greatest value is to give you happiness!

Get rid of worries and save the quality time you need to devote yourself to what makes you happier.

We act daily to bring more value to your life with the reliable advice you need to achieve the best results together.

With Zome you will never be lost or unaccompanied and you will find something priceless: your maximum tranquility!

This is how you will feel throughout the experience: Quiet, safe, comfortable and... HAPPY!

1. If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to introduce your buyers customers and talk to us to schedule your visit.
2. For ease in identifying this property, please refer to its ZMPT ID or the respective agent who sent you the suggestion.
ID de la propriété: ZMPT522442

En achetant ce terrain à São Pedro Fins, Maia investit dans une propriété présentant les caractéristiques suivantes:

Grand terrain, avec plus de 1 hectare, près du centre de la paroisse de São Pedro Fins. Elle peut être transformée en une ferme à vocation agricole ou uniquement pour l’agriculture.

Selon l’établi dans le plan directeur municipal de la municipalité de Maia (PDM), la parcelle est classée comme:
« Sol rural », couvert par la qualification fonctionnelle, dans la catégorie des « Zones agricoles fondamentales », inclus dans la Réserve agricole nationale.

Régime de construction

Dans les zones agricoles centrales, le régime spécifique de construction prévu pour la réserve agricole nationale s’applique, cumulativement avec les dispositions suivantes:
En cas de construction ou d’agrandissement de logements pour résidence propre et permanente des propriétaires et de leurs ménages:
i)de nouveaux bâtiments sont déployés dans la zone du bâtiment qui nuit le moins à l’activité agricole;
ii)l’indice d’utilisation correspondant, y compris tout bâtiment existant aux mêmes fins, ne dépasse pas 0,025;
iii)la hauteur maximale de la façade est de 2 étages ou 7 mètres;
iv) la typologie et la superficie maximale de construction ne peuvent être supérieures à celles autorisées pour les logements à des coûts contrôlés en fonction de la taille du ménage;

Pour plus d’informations, n’hésitez pas à me contacter.

3 raisons d’acheter avec Zome

+ suivi

Avec une préparation et une expérience uniques sur le marché immobilier, les consultants Zome mettent tout leur dévouement pour vous donner le meilleur accompagnement, vous guidant avec un maximum de confiance, dans la bonne direction de vos besoins et ambitions.

Désormais, nous allons créer une relation de proximité et écouter attentivement vos attentes, car notre priorité est votre bonheur ! Parce qu’il est important que vous sentiez que vous êtes avec quelqu’un, et que nous sommes avec vous tout le temps.

+ simple

Les consultants Zome disposent d’une formation unique sur le marché, ancrée dans le partage d’expériences pratiques entre professionnels et renforcée par les connaissances en neurosciences appliquées qui leur permettent de simplifier et de rendre leur expérience immobilière plus efficace.

Laissez derrière vous les cauchemars bureaucratiques car zome trouve le soutien total d’une équipe expérimentée et multidisciplinaire qui vous apporte un soutien pratique dans tous les aspects clés, afin que votre expérience immobilière dépasse les attentes.

+ heureux

Notre plus grande valeur est de vous donner du bonheur!

Débarrassez-vous des soucis et économisez le temps de qualité dont vous avez besoin pour vous consacrer à ce qui vous rend plus heureux.

Nous agissons quotidiennement pour apporter plus de valeur à votre vie avec les conseils fiables dont vous avez besoin pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats ensemble.

Avec Zome, vous ne serez jamais perdu ou non accompagné et vous trouverez quelque chose d’inestimable: votre tranquillité maximale!

C’est ainsi que vous vous sentirez tout au long de l’expérience: calme, sûr, confortable et... CONTENT!

1. Si vous êtes un consultant immobilier, cette propriété est disponible pour le partage d’affaires. N’hésitez pas à présenter vos clients acheteurs et à nous parler pour planifier votre visite.
2. Pour faciliter l’identification de cette propriété, veuillez vous référer à son identifiant ZMPT ou à l’agent respectif qui vous a envoyé la suggestion.
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T68148919
Land: PT
Stadt: Maia
Kategorie: Wohnsitze
Anzeigentyp: Zum Verkauf
Immobilientyp: Grundstücke
Größe der Immobilie : 11.557


Durchschnittsverkaufspreis pro
Okt 2023
3 Mon
1 Jahr
2.248 EUR
2.566 EUR



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