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Apartments & eigentumswohnungen zum Verkauf in Vichy

149.000 EUR

Apartments & Eigentumswohnungen (Zum Verkauf)

2 Z
1 Ba
1 Schla
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T100862487 / 100862487
We exclusively present to you this magnificent and very large 2-room apartment in very good condition, with an area of 67.27 m2, located in the Thermal district. Each room has a small balcony. It is sold free and furnished, including an entrance with wardrobe containing a vacuum cleaner, a kitchen equipped with ceramic hob, electric oven, microwave, fridge/freezer, steamer, electric coffee maker, toaster, electric kettle, etc. Two pantries are available, one with dishwasher and the other with washing machine, iron and ironing board, as well as a wardrobe. The dining/living room, with an area of more than 28m2, is equipped with a sofa bed, a bed for one person, a table, six chairs, a large flat screen TV and a library. The bedroom, with an area of 17.57m2, is furnished with a double bed (140 x 190), a wardrobe with wardrobe, a desk and a base unit. The bathroom is equipped with a double sink, a bathtub and a toilet with washbasin. A freight elevator, double-glazed windows and electric shutters are also present. Heating is individual, provided by electric radiators with thermostatic taps. The T2 is located in a former emblematic hotel, Le Palais des Parcs, built in 1913 by the architect Chanet. Transformed into a hospital and then a Radio hotel in 1937, this building steeped in history now houses apartments. With its remarkable architecture, with its ground floor with balconies-loggias and its nine floors including a central lounge under a glass roof, it offers a unique setting where neo-Louis XVI décor and Art Nouveau motifs are mixed, reminiscent of the elegance of the Belle Époque of Vichy. DPE: The law states that in metropolitan France, to be qualified as 'decent' and rentable, a dwelling must meet the following criteria: From 1 January 2025, have at least class F of the DPE. From 1 January 2028, have at least class E of the DPE. From 1 January 2034, have at least class D of the DPE. The current T2 is labeled as class E, so it is all decent for rental until January 1, 2028. Insulation work can also be carried out in order to improve the energy label for future years. Different hypotheses are available to you for the purchase of this T2: Hypothesis 1: Buying to live in the most chic district of Vichy. Hypothesis 2: Long-term rental, 1-year student or 3-year lease, 650 to 750 EUR per month, with a return of 6 to 7% per year. FACADE WORK: Facade work is currently underway. The effective end is scheduled for 2030, and the insurance covers all the costs. No financial constraints are to be expected. It is an excellent investment, as it is one of the most beautiful buildings in Vichy. Once completely renovated, its added value will be considerable! CHARGES: Charges amount to 110EUR per month. Property tax: The property tax is 800EUR per year. Well presented by Agences de France. France agencies – SIREN: 899413603 – Holder of the T card: ... not authorised to collect funds
- Lift
Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Exkluzivně vám představujeme tento nádherný a velmi velký 2-pokojový byt ve velmi dobrém stavu, o rozloze 67,27 m2, který se nachází v termální čtvrti. Každý pokoj má malý balkon. Prodává se zdarma a zařízený, včetně vchodu se šatní skříní s vysavačem, kuchyňskou linkou vybavenou sklokeramickou deskou, elektrickou troubou, mikrovlnnou troubou, lednicí s mrazákem, parním hrncem, elektrickým kávovarem, toustovačem, rychlovarnou konvicí atd. K dispozici jsou dvě komory, jedna s myčkou a druhá s pračkou, žehličkou a žehlicím prknem, stejně jako šatní skříň. Jídelna/obývací pokoj o rozloze více než 28 m2 je vybaven rozkládací pohovkou, postelí pro jednu osobu, stolem, šesti židlemi, velkou TV s plochou obrazovkou a knihovnou. Ložnice o rozloze 17,57 m2 je vybavena manželskou postelí (140 x 190), šatní skříní se šatní skříní, psacím stolem a základní jednotkou. Koupelna je vybavena dvojitým umyvadlem, vanou a toaletou s umyvadlem. Nechybí ani nákladní výtah, okna s dvojitým zasklením a elektrické žaluzie. Vytápění je individuální, zajišťuje elektrické radiátory s termostatickými bateriemi. Hotel T2 se nachází v bývalém symbolickém hotelu Le Palais des Parcs, postaveném v roce 1913 architektem Chanetem. V této budově s bohatou historií byla v roce 1937 přeměněna na nemocnici a poté na rozhlasový hotel a nyní se v ní nacházejí apartmány. Se svou pozoruhodnou architekturou, s přízemím s balkony-lodžiemi a devíti patry včetně centrálního salonku pod skleněnou střechou, nabízí jedinečné prostředí, kde se mísí výzdoba novo-Ludvíka XVI. a secesní motivy, které připomínají eleganci Belle Époque ve Vichy. DPE: Zákon stanoví, že v metropolitní Francii, aby bylo obydlí kvalifikováno jako "slušné" a pronajímatelné, musí splňovat následující kritéria: Od 1. ledna 2025 mít alespoň třídu F DPE. Od 1. ledna 2028 mít alespoň třídu E DPE. Od 1. ledna 2034 mít alespoň třídu D DPE. Současná T2 je označena jako třída E, takže je vše slušné k pronájmu až do 1. ledna 2028. Izolační práce mohou být provedeny také za účelem zlepšení energetického štítku pro budoucí roky. Pro nákup tohoto T2 máte k dispozici různé hypotézy: Hypotéza 1: Koupě za účelem bydlení v nejelegantnější čtvrti Vichy. Hypotéza 2: Dlouhodobý pronájem, 1letý studentský nebo 3letý pronájem, 650 až 750 EUR měsíčně, s návratností 6 až 7 % ročně. FASÁDNÍ PRÁCE: V současné době probíhají práce na fasádě. Konec účinnosti je plánován na rok 2030 a pojištění kryje veškeré náklady. Nelze očekávat žádná finanční omezení. Je to skvělá investice, protože se jedná o jednu z nejkrásnějších budov ve Vichy. Po kompletní rekonstrukci bude jeho přidaná hodnota značná! POPLATKY: Poplatky činí 110 EUR měsíčně. Daň z nemovitosti: Daň z nemovitosti činí 800EUR ročně. Dobře uvádí Agences de France. Francouzské agentury – SIREN: 899413603 – Držitel karty T: ... není oprávněn vybírat finanční prostředky
- Lift
Nous vous présentons en exclusivité ce magnifique et très grand appartement de 2 pièces en très bon état, d'une superficie de 67.27 m2, situé dans le quartier Thermal. Chaque pièce bénéficie d'un petit balcon. Il est vendu libre et meublé, comprenant une entrée avec penderie contenant un aspirateur, une cuisine équipée avec plaque vitrocéramique, four électrique, micro-onde, réfrigérateur/congélateur, cuit-vapeur, cafetière électrique, grille-pain, bouilloire électrique, etc. Deux celliers sont disponibles, l'un avec lave-vaisselle et l'autre avec lave-linge, fer et planche à repasser, ainsi qu'une penderie. La salle à manger/salon, d'une superficie de plus de 28m2, est équipée d'un canapé-lit clic-clac, d'un lit pour une personne, d'une table, de six chaises, d'une télévision grand écran plat et d'une bibliothèque. La chambre, d'une superficie de 17.57m2, est meublée d'un lit double (140 x 190), d'une armoire avec penderie, d'un bureau et d'un meuble bas. La salle de bains est équipée d'un lavabo double vasque, d'une baignoire et de toilettes avec lave-mains. Un monte-charge, des fenêtres en double vitrage et des volets roulants électriques sont également présents. Le chauffage est individuel, assuré par des radiateurs électriques avec robinets thermostatiques. Le T2 est situé dans un ancien hôtel emblématique, Le Palais des Parcs, construit en 1913 par l'architecte Chanet. Transformé en hôpital puis en hôtel Radio en 1937, cet édifice chargé d'histoire abrite désormais des appartements. Doté d'une architecture remarquable, avec son rez-de-chaussée à balcons-loggias et ses neuf étages comprenant un salon central sous verrière, il offre un cadre unique où se mêlent décor néo Louis XVI et motifs Art Nouveau, rappelant l'élégance de la Belle Époque de Vichy. DPE : La loi dispose qu'en France métropolitaine, pour être qualifié de 'décent' et louable, un logement doit respecter les critères suivants : À partir du 1er janvier 2025, avoir au moins la classe F du DPE. À partir du 1er janvier 2028, avoir au moins la classe E du DPE. À partir du 1er janvier 2034, avoir au moins la classe D du DPE. Le T2 actuel est étiqueté en classe E, il donc tout décent pour la mise en location jusqu'au 1er janvier 2028. Des travaux d'isolation peuvent également être effectués afin d'améliorer l'étiquette énergétique pour les années futures. Différentes hypothèses s'offrent à vous pour l'achat de ce T2 : Hypothèse 1 : Acheter pour habiter dans le quartier le plus chic de Vichy. Hypothèse 2 : Mise en location longue durée, bail d'1 an étudiant ou 3 ans, 650 à 750EUR par mois, avec un rendement de 6 à 7% par an. TRAVAUX DE FAÇADE : Des travaux de façade sont actuellement en cours de réalisation. La fin effective est prévue pour 2030, et l'assurance prend en charge l'intégralité des frais. Aucune contrainte financière n'est à prévoir. C'est un excellent investissement, car c'est l'un des plus beaux immeubles de Vichy. Une fois entièrement rénové, sa plus-value sera considérable ! CHARGES : Les charges s'élèvent à 110EUR par mois. Taxe foncière : La taxe foncière est de 800EUR par an. Bien présenté par Agences de France. Agences de France – SIREN : 899413603 – Titulaire de la carte T : ... non habilité à percevoir des fonds
- Lift
Apresentamos-lhe em exclusivo este magnífico e muito amplo apartamento de 2 assoalhadas em muito bom estado de conservação, com uma área de 67,27 m2, localizado no bairro Termal. Cada quarto tem uma pequena varanda. É vendido gratuitamente e mobilado, incluindo uma entrada com roupeiro contendo aspirador, uma cozinha equipada com placa vitrocerâmica, forno elétrico, micro-ondas, frigorífico/congelador, vaporizador, máquina de café elétrica, torradeira, chaleira elétrica, etc. Estão disponíveis duas despensas, uma com máquina de lavar loiça e outra com máquina de lavar roupa, ferro e tábua de engomar, bem como um roupeiro. A sala de jantar/estar, com uma área superior a 28m2, está equipada com um sofá-cama, uma cama para uma pessoa, uma mesa, seis cadeiras, uma grande TV de ecrã plano e uma biblioteca. O quarto, com uma área de 17,57m2, está mobilado com uma cama de casal (140 x 190), um roupeiro com roupeiro, uma secretária e um armário baixo. A casa de banho está equipada com um lavatório duplo, uma banheira e uma sanita com lavatório. Um elevador de carga, janelas com vidros duplos e persianas elétricas também estão presentes. O aquecimento é individual, fornecido por radiadores elétricos com torneiras termostáticas. O T2 está localizado num antigo hotel emblemático, Le Palais des Parcs, construído em 1913 pelo arquiteto Chanet. Transformado em hospital e depois em hotel Radio em 1937, este edifício repleto de história agora abriga apartamentos. Com sua arquitetura notável, com seu térreo com varandas-galerias e seus nove andares incluindo um lounge central sob um telhado de vidro, oferece um cenário único onde se misturam a decoração neo-Luís XVI e os motivos Art Nouveau, que lembram a elegância da Belle Époque de Vichy. DPE: A lei estabelece que na França metropolitana, para ser qualificada como 'decente' e alugável, uma habitação deve atender aos seguintes critérios: A partir de 1º de janeiro de 2025, ter pelo menos a classe F do DPE. A partir de 1º de janeiro de 2028, ter pelo menos a classe E do DPE. A partir de 1º de janeiro de 2034, ter pelo menos a classe D do DPE. O T2 atual é rotulado como classe E, portanto, é tudo decente para aluguel até 1º de janeiro de 2028. O trabalho de isolamento também pode ser realizado para melhorar a etiqueta energética para os próximos anos. Diferentes hipóteses estão disponíveis para a compra deste T2: Hipótese 1: Comprar para morar no bairro mais chique de Vichy. Hipótese 2: Arrendamento de longa duração, estudante de 1 ano ou arrendamento de 3 anos, 650 a 750 EUR por mês, com um retorno de 6 a 7% ao ano. TRABALHO DE FACHADA: O trabalho de fachada está em andamento. O fim efetivo está previsto para 2030, e o seguro cobre todos os custos. Não são de esperar restrições financeiras. É um excelente investimento, pois é um dos edifícios mais bonitos de Vichy. Uma vez completamente renovado, seu valor agregado será considerável! ENCARGOS: Os encargos chegam a 110 euros por mês. Imposto predial: O imposto predial é de 800EUR por ano. Bem apresentado pelas Agences de France. Agências francesas – SIREN: 899413603 – Portador do cartão T: ... não autorizado a recolher fundos
- Lift
We exclusively present to you this magnificent and very large 2-room apartment in very good condition, with an area of 67.27 m2, located in the Thermal district. Each room has a small balcony. It is sold free and furnished, including an entrance with wardrobe containing a vacuum cleaner, a kitchen equipped with ceramic hob, electric oven, microwave, fridge/freezer, steamer, electric coffee maker, toaster, electric kettle, etc. Two pantries are available, one with dishwasher and the other with washing machine, iron and ironing board, as well as a wardrobe. The dining/living room, with an area of more than 28m2, is equipped with a sofa bed, a bed for one person, a table, six chairs, a large flat screen TV and a library. The bedroom, with an area of 17.57m2, is furnished with a double bed (140 x 190), a wardrobe with wardrobe, a desk and a base unit. The bathroom is equipped with a double sink, a bathtub and a toilet with washbasin. A freight elevator, double-glazed windows and electric shutters are also present. Heating is individual, provided by electric radiators with thermostatic taps. The T2 is located in a former emblematic hotel, Le Palais des Parcs, built in 1913 by the architect Chanet. Transformed into a hospital and then a Radio hotel in 1937, this building steeped in history now houses apartments. With its remarkable architecture, with its ground floor with balconies-loggias and its nine floors including a central lounge under a glass roof, it offers a unique setting where neo-Louis XVI décor and Art Nouveau motifs are mixed, reminiscent of the elegance of the Belle Époque of Vichy. DPE: The law states that in metropolitan France, to be qualified as 'decent' and rentable, a dwelling must meet the following criteria: From 1 January 2025, have at least class F of the DPE. From 1 January 2028, have at least class E of the DPE. From 1 January 2034, have at least class D of the DPE. The current T2 is labeled as class E, so it is all decent for rental until January 1, 2028. Insulation work can also be carried out in order to improve the energy label for future years. Different hypotheses are available to you for the purchase of this T2: Hypothesis 1: Buying to live in the most chic district of Vichy. Hypothesis 2: Long-term rental, 1-year student or 3-year lease, 650 to 750 EUR per month, with a return of 6 to 7% per year. FACADE WORK: Facade work is currently underway. The effective end is scheduled for 2030, and the insurance covers all the costs. No financial constraints are to be expected. It is an excellent investment, as it is one of the most beautiful buildings in Vichy. Once completely renovated, its added value will be considerable! CHARGES: Charges amount to 110EUR per month. Property tax: The property tax is 800EUR per year. Well presented by Agences de France. France agencies – SIREN: 899413603 – Holder of the T card: ... not authorised to collect funds
- Lift
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T100862487
Land: FR
Stadt: Vichy
Postleitzahl: 03200
Kategorie: Wohnsitze
Anzeigentyp: Zum Verkauf
Immobilientyp: Apartments & Eigentumswohnungen
Größe der Immobilie : 67
Zimmer: 2
Schlafzimmer: 1
Badezimmer: 1
WC: 1
Fahrstuhl: Ja



Durchschnittsverkaufspreis pro
Okt 2023
3 Mon
1 Jahr
1.978 EUR
2.202 EUR


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