Wohnsitz - zum Verkauf
  • Supetar


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Grundstücke zum Verkauf in Supetar

3.300.000 EUR

Grundstücke (Zum Verkauf)

Aktenzeichen: BCEQ-T300 / z001bra
A building plot of 3928 m2 in a beautiful bay in Milna on the island of Brač is for sale.
The land has a regular rectangular shape, with an access road and the necessary infrastructure nearby (electricity and water).
According to the Spatial Development Plan of the Municipality of Milna, the land is located in an undeveloped and arranged construction area of the settlement, mixed use.
Construction conditions:
- The smallest area of a building plot for the construction of a free-standing building has to be 400 m2, with the fact that the width of the construction plot cannot be less than 14.00 m.
- The maximum permitted floor height of family residential buildings and multi-apartment buildings, is up to 3 above-ground levels, with a roof cornice height of no more than 11.00 m, (the number of basement levels is not limited);
- The highest permitted coefficient of construction within the construction area of the settlement is 0.30, while the highest permitted coefficient of utilization is 0.90.
The land is in an excellent location, in the first row to the sea, near the center of the village. This location offers peace and an authentic Mediterranean atmosphere, and the main advantage of this land is, in addition to the proximity to the sea, a spectacular view of the sea and the bay. The land is oriented towards the southwest. This orientation provides the land with plenty of light during the day, but also beautiful sunsets.
Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Un terrain à bâtir de 3928 m2 dans une belle baie de Milna sur l'île de Brač est à vendre.
Le terrain a une forme rectangulaire régulière, avec une route d'accès et l'infrastructure nécessaire à proximité (électricité et eau).
Selon le plan d'aménagement du territoire de la municipalité de Milna, le terrain est situé dans une zone de construction non développée et aménagée de la colonie, à usage mixte.
Conditions de construction :
- La plus petite surface d'un terrain à bâtir pour la construction d'un bâtiment indépendant doit être de 400 m2, sachant que la largeur du terrain à bâtir ne peut être inférieure à 14,00 m.
- La hauteur maximale autorisée du sol des immeubles résidentiels familiaux et des immeubles à appartements multiples est de 3 niveaux au-dessus du sol, avec une hauteur de corniche de toit ne dépassant pas 11,00 m (le nombre de niveaux de sous-sol n'est pas limité) ; - Le coefficient de construction le plus élevé autorisé dans la zone de construction de l'agglomération est de 0,30, tandis que le coefficient d'utilisation le plus élevé autorisé est de 0,90.
Le terrain est idéalement situé, en première ligne de la mer, près du centre du village. Cet emplacement offre la paix et une atmosphère méditerranéenne authentique, et le principal avantage de ce terrain est, en plus de la proximité de la mer, une vue spectaculaire sur la mer et sur la baie. Le terrain est orienté vers le sud-ouest. Cette orientation offre au terrain beaucoup de lumière pendant la journée, mais aussi de magnifiques couchers de soleil.
Građevinsko zemljište od 3928 m2 u prekrasnoj uvali u Milni na otoku Braču je na prodaju.
Zemljište je pravilnog pravokutnog oblika, s pristupnim putem i potrebnom infrastrukturom u blizini (struja voda).
Prema Prostornom planu uređenja općine Milna, zemljište se nalazi u neizgrađenom uređenom građevinskom području naselja, mješovite namjene.
Uvjeti gradnje:
- Najmanja površina građevne čestice za građenje slobodnostojeće zgrade: 400 m2 u neizgrađenom dijelu građevinskog područja naselja, s tim da širina građevne čestice, mjerena na mjestu građevne crte ne može biti manja od 14,00 m.
- Najveća dozvoljena katnost obiteljskih stambenih zgrada i višestambenih zgrada za građevno područje naselja Milna, do 3 nadzemne razine, uz visinu krovnog vijenca od najviše 11,00 m, (broj podrumskih razina nije ograničen);
- Najveći dozvoljeni koeficijent izgrađenosti za zahvate građevne čestice unutar građevinskog područja naselja iznosi 0,30, dok najveći dozvoljeni koeficijent iskorištenosti iznosi 0,90.
Zemljište se nalazi na izvrsnoj lokaciji, u prvom redu do mora, u blizini centra naselja. Ova lokacija pruža mir i autentičan mediteranski ugođaj, a glavna prednost ovog zemljišta je osim blizine mora i spektakularan pogled na more i uvalu. Zemljište je orijentirano prema jugozapadu. Ova orijentacija pruža zemljištu obilje svjetla tijekom dana, ali i prekrasne zalaske sunca.
A building plot of 3928 m2 in a beautiful bay in Milna on the island of Brač is for sale.
The land has a regular rectangular shape, with an access road and the necessary infrastructure nearby (electricity and water).
According to the Spatial Development Plan of the Municipality of Milna, the land is located in an undeveloped and arranged construction area of the settlement, mixed use.
Construction conditions:
- The smallest area of a building plot for the construction of a free-standing building has to be 400 m2, with the fact that the width of the construction plot cannot be less than 14.00 m.
- The maximum permitted floor height of family residential buildings and multi-apartment buildings, is up to 3 above-ground levels, with a roof cornice height of no more than 11.00 m, (the number of basement levels is not limited);
- The highest permitted coefficient of construction within the construction area of the settlement is 0.30, while the highest permitted coefficient of utilization is 0.90.
The land is in an excellent location, in the first row to the sea, near the center of the village. This location offers peace and an authentic Mediterranean atmosphere, and the main advantage of this land is, in addition to the proximity to the sea, a spectacular view of the sea and the bay. The land is oriented towards the southwest. This orientation provides the land with plenty of light during the day, but also beautiful sunsets.
Aktenzeichen: BCEQ-T300
Land: HR
Stadt: Milna
Kategorie: Wohnsitze
Anzeigentyp: Zum Verkauf
Immobilientyp: Grundstücke
Größe der Immobilie : 3.928
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EUR Euro