Geschäftsmöglichkeiten (Zum Verkauf)
305 m²
/ 69724113
First Estates offers a luxurious, aesthetic center for sale in the Boyana district. It is located on the ground floor and basement level with quality and luxurious finishes. The ground floor has large showcases that give light and spaciousness to the premises. It consists of: Reception; Two zones separated by glass movable partitions; Acoustic ceiling; Heating - solved with radiators and ventilation with a recuperator machine; Flooring - natural oak parquet; There is fitness equipment in one of the areas; High-quality sound system. The basement floor is modern and functionally distributed and consists of: Massage room. SPA area - relaxation room, Finnish sauna and steam bath. The sauna is made with the highest quality materials - hemlock and abachi. Separate shower to the spa area. A large women's dressing room with boudoir and five private shower cabins. Men's dressing room with private shower cabins. Service and staff rooms with shower cabin and toilet. Heating - independent underfloor. The site is ready for use, and is also suitable for other activities such as a medical center. The price is without VAT. If you are interested, please call 0700 15 15 1 or 02 980 20 68 and indicate Ref. No. 9191.
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First Estates предлага луксозен, естетичен център за продажба в квартал Бояна. Разположен е на партерно и сутеренно ниво с качествени и луксозни довършителни работи. Партерният етаж е с големи витрини, които дават светлина и простор на помещенията. Състои се от: Рецепция; Две зони отделени със стъклени подвижни прегради; Акустичен таван; Отопление - решено с радиатори и вентилация с рекуператорна машина; Подова настилка - естествен дъбов паркет; В една от зоните има фитнес оборудване; Висококачествена озвучителна система. Сутеренният етаж е модерно и функционално разпределен и се състои от: Масажен кабинет. СПА зона -стая за релакс, финландска сауна и парна баня. Сауната е изработена с най-висококачествени материали - хемлок и абачи. Отделен душ към СПА зоната. Голяма женска съблекалня с будоар и пет самостоятелни душ кабини. Мъжка съблекалня със самостоятелни душ кабини. Сервизни помещения и помещения за персонала с душ кабина и тоалетна. Отопление - самостоятелно подово. Обектът е готов за ползване, като е подходящ също и за други дейности като медицински център. Цената е без ДДС. Ако проявявате интерес, моля обадете се на 0700 15 15 1 или 02 980 20 68 и посочете Ref. No. 9191.
First Estates offers a luxurious, aesthetic center for sale in the Boyana district. It is located on the ground floor and basement level with quality and luxurious finishes. The ground floor has large showcases that give light and spaciousness to the premises. It consists of: Reception; Two zones separated by glass movable partitions; Acoustic ceiling; Heating - solved with radiators and ventilation with a recuperator machine; Flooring - natural oak parquet; There is fitness equipment in one of the areas; High-quality sound system. The basement floor is modern and functionally distributed and consists of: Massage room. SPA area - relaxation room, Finnish sauna and steam bath. The sauna is made with the highest quality materials - hemlock and abachi. Separate shower to the spa area. A large women's dressing room with boudoir and five private shower cabins. Men's dressing room with private shower cabins. Service and staff rooms with shower cabin and toilet. Heating - independent underfloor. The site is ready for use, and is also suitable for other activities such as a medical center. The price is without VAT. If you are interested, please call 0700 15 15 1 or 02 980 20 68 and indicate Ref. No. 9191.
First Estates biedt een luxueus, esthetisch centrum te koop aan in de wijk Boyana. Het is gelegen op de begane grond en in het souterrain met kwaliteit en luxe afwerking. De begane grond heeft grote vitrines die licht en ruimtelijkheid geven aan het pand. Het bestaat uit: Receptie; Twee zones gescheiden door glazen verplaatsbare scheidingswanden; Akoestisch plafond; Verwarming - opgelost met radiatoren en ventilatie met een recuperatormachine; Vloeren - natuurlijk eiken parket; In een van de ruimtes is fitnessapparatuur aanwezig; Hoogwaardig geluidssysteem. De kelderverdieping is modern en functioneel ingedeeld en bestaat uit: Massageruimte. SPA-ruimte - ontspanningsruimte, Finse sauna en stoombad. De sauna is gemaakt van materialen van de hoogste kwaliteit - hemlock en abachi. Aparte douche naar de spa. Een grote dameskleedkamer met boudoir en vijf eigen douchecabines. Herenkleedkamer met eigen douchecabines. Service- en personeelsruimtes met douchecabine en toilet. Verwarming - onafhankelijke ondervloer. Het terrein is klaar voor gebruik, en is ook geschikt voor andere activiteiten zoals een medisch centrum. De prijs is exclusief BTW. Als u geïnteresseerd bent, bel dan 0700 15 15 1 of 02 980 20 68 en vermeld het ref. nr. 9191.
First Estates offre un lussuoso centro estetico in vendita nel quartiere di Boyana. Si trova al piano terra e al piano seminterrato con finiture di qualità e lussuose. Il piano terra è dotato di ampie vetrine che donano luce e ampiezza ai locali. Si compone di: Reception; Due zone separate da pareti mobili in vetro; Controsoffitto acustico; Riscaldamento - risolto con radiatori e ventilazione con una macchina recuperatrice; Pavimentazione - parquet in rovere naturale; C'è attrezzatura per il fitness in una delle aree; Sistema audio di alta qualità. Il piano seminterrato è moderno e funzionalmente distribuito ed è composto da: Sala massaggi. Area SPA - sala relax, sauna finlandese e bagno turco. La sauna è realizzata con materiali di altissima qualità: cicuta e abachi. Doccia separata per l'area spa. Un ampio spogliatoio femminile con boudoir e cinque cabine doccia private. Spogliatoio maschile con cabine doccia private. Camere di servizio e personale con cabina doccia e servizi igienici. Riscaldamento - a pavimento autonomo. Il sito è pronto per l'uso ed è adatto anche per altre attività come un centro medico. Il prezzo è IVA esclusa. Se siete interessati, chiamate il numero 0700 15 15 1 o 02 980 20 68 e indicate il numero di riferimento 9191.
First Estates propose un centre luxueux et esthétique à vendre dans le quartier de Boyana. Il est situé au rez-de-chaussée et au sous-sol avec des finitions de qualité et luxueuses. Le rez-de-chaussée dispose de grandes vitrines qui donnent de la lumière et de l’espace aux lieux. Il se compose de : Réception ; Deux zones séparées par des cloisons mobiles en verre ; Plafond acoustique ; Chauffage - résolu avec des radiateurs et ventilation avec un récupérateur ; Revêtement de sol - parquet en chêne naturel ; Il y a des appareils de fitness dans l’une des zones ; Système de sonorisation de haute qualité. Le sous-sol est moderne et fonctionnel et se compose de : Salle de massage. Espace SPA - salle de relaxation, sauna finlandais et bain de vapeur. Le sauna est fabriqué avec des matériaux de la plus haute qualité - pruche et abachi. Douche séparée à l’espace spa. Un grand dressing pour femmes avec boudoir et cinq cabines de douche privatives. Vestiaire homme avec cabines de douche privatives. Chambres de service et du personnel avec cabine de douche et toilettes. Chauffage - plancher indépendant. Le site est prêt à l’emploi, et convient également à d’autres activités telles qu’un centre médical. Le prix est hors TVA. Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez appeler le 0700 15 15 1 ou le 02 980 20 68 et indiquer le n° de référence 9191.
Zum Verkauf
Größe der Immobilie :
305 m²