Häuser & Einzelhäuser (Zum Verkauf)
/ 1453
This castle for sale near Pisa, built in 1172, owes its name and its emblem to the shape of the hill on which it stands, similar to an inverted glass. Its ancient origins are documented and clearly visible in the structure of the building, whose history has spanned the centuries: it seems to have been the property of the Della Gherardesca counts, a structure born for defensive purposes and subsequently purchased by the Municipality, in 1198. After the Florentine conquest of Pisa, the fort became a noble residence and until the early 20th century was a productive farm. The estate consists of the main house with a farm, and a church owned by the Curia. The castle has an area of about 5.000 sq m while the village covers about 1.300 sq m. The wine-growing vocation of this estate, facilitated by the fertility of the surrounding land, makes it suitable for investments in the cultivation of vines and for a wine production that is highly appreciated on the current market. Ref.: 1453 https://www.lionard.com/ancient-castle-for-sale-in-pisa.html
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Ce majestueux château à vendre près de Pise, construit en 1172, est immergé dans un lieu de conte de fées, facilement accessible par une route qui serpente à travers les paysages les plus authentiques de la Toscane, entre bois et vallées magnifiques. L'ancien manoir, appartenant à l'origine aux comtes Della Gherardesca, est né comme une structure à des fins défensives, a été acheté par la suite par la Municipalité en 1198. Après la conquête florentine de Pise, le fort a perdu sa fonction militaire devenant une demeure historique et a été jusqu'au début du XXème siècle, une ferme prospère et productive. La propriété se compose du manoir avec ferme, à côté de duquel se trouve une église appartenant à la Curie, le tout protégé par un puissant mur d'enceinte avec de grandes portes d'entrée. Dans les environs immédiats, se trouvent quelques fermes. Le château à vendre a une surface d'environ 5 000 mètres carrés tandis que le village s'étend sur environ 1 300 mètres carrés. Environ 110 hectares de domaine entourent la propriété, répartis en zones boisées, zones cultivées d'orge et de blé et oliveraies. REF. 1453 https://www.lionard.com/fr/chateau-ancien-en-vente-a-pise.html
Questo maestoso castello in vendita vicino a Pisa, edificato nel 1172, è immerso in una location da fiaba, facilmente raggiungibile attraverso una strada che si insinua nei paesaggi più autentici della Toscana, tra boschi e magnifiche vallate. L'antico maniero, alle origini di proprietà dei conti Della Gherardesca, nacque come struttura per scopi difensivi, successivamente fu acquistata dal Comune nel 1198. Dopo la conquista fiorentina di Pisa, il fortilizio perse la sua funzione militare divenendo una residenza signorile e fino ai primi del Novecento è stato una fiorente e produttiva fattoria. La proprietà si compone della dimora padronale con fattoria, adiacente alla quale c'è una chiesa di proprietà della Curia, il tutto racchiuso in una possente cinta muraria con grandi porte di ingresso. Nelle immediate vicinanze si trovano alcune case coloniche. Il castello in vendita ha una superficie di circa 5.000 mq mentre il borgo si estende su circa 1.300 mq. Circa 110 ettari di tenuta circondano la proprietà e sono suddivisi in aree boschive, zone coltivate con orzo e grano e oliveti. RIF. 1453 https://www.lionard.com/it/castello-in-vendita-in-toscana-1.html
В окрестностях Пизы продается старинный замок, сооруженный в 1172 году, с прилегающей к нему частной часовней. История объекта засвидетельствована в древних документах: замок принадлежал династии графа Делла-Герардеска и служил оборонительной крепостью; позднее в 1198 году его приобрела Коммуна. После завоевания Пизы флорентинцами строение утратило свою военную функцию, превратившись в аристократическую резиденцию и вплоть до двадцатого века производя сельскохозяйственные продукты. Имение окружено 110 гектарами участка, отведенного под леса, посевные площади, ячмень и оливковые рощи. Территорию замка окружают внушительные стены с широкими воротами при входе. Неподалеку расположены крестьянские дома. Предлагаемый замок имеет площадь 5 000 кв. м.; оставшиеся здания - 1 300 кв. м. Ссылка: 1453 https://www.lionard.com/ru/starinnyj-osobnjak-v-pize.html
This castle for sale near Pisa, built in 1172, owes its name and its emblem to the shape of the hill on which it stands, similar to an inverted glass. Its ancient origins are documented and clearly visible in the structure of the building, whose history has spanned the centuries: it seems to have been the property of the Della Gherardesca counts, a structure born for defensive purposes and subsequently purchased by the Municipality, in 1198. After the Florentine conquest of Pisa, the fort became a noble residence and until the early 20th century was a productive farm. The estate consists of the main house with a farm, and a church owned by the Curia. The castle has an area of about 5.000 sq m while the village covers about 1.300 sq m. The wine-growing vocation of this estate, facilitated by the fertility of the surrounding land, makes it suitable for investments in the cultivation of vines and for a wine production that is highly appreciated on the current market. Ref.: 1453 https://www.lionard.com/ancient-castle-for-sale-in-pisa.html
Zum Verkauf
Häuser & Einzelhäuser
Größe der Immobilie :
9.000 m²
Stadt |
Durchschnittspreis m2 haus |
Durchschnittspreis m2 wohnung |
Toskana | 2.201 EUR | 3.077 EUR |
Lucca | 2.317 EUR | 3.349 EUR |
Arezzo | 1.858 EUR | 2.213 EUR |
Bastia | - | 2.519 EUR |
Marken | 1.668 EUR | 2.346 EUR |
Département Haute-Corse | 2.663 EUR | 2.865 EUR |
Korsika | 2.716 EUR | 3.096 EUR |
Brescia | 1.938 EUR | 2.720 EUR |
Lombardei | 1.806 EUR | 2.708 EUR |
Italien | 1.895 EUR | 2.861 EUR |
Venedig | - | 5.175 EUR |
Département Corse-du-Sud | 3.748 EUR | 3.543 EUR |
Venetien | 1.654 EUR | 2.555 EUR |
Ajaccio | 4.023 EUR | 3.628 EUR |
Porto-Vecchio | 4.553 EUR | 4.624 EUR |
Latium | 1.986 EUR | 3.280 EUR |
Abruzzen | 1.407 EUR | 2.036 EUR |
Menton | 6.115 EUR | 5.926 EUR |