Geschäftsmöglichkeiten zum Verkauf in Ferrara
4.950.000 EUR
Geschäftsmöglichkeiten (Zum Verkauf)
/ 13170
This exquisite 16th-century villa, located in the heart of Ferrara, has been converted into a luxurious hotel, offering 2,273 sqm of interior space and 400 sqm of exterior space. The hotel features 27 classically furnished rooms adorned with frescoes by the Ferrarese school, reflecting the elegance of Renaissance art. The villa also includes a private garden, an internal courtyard, and a parking area with 19 spaces, making it an ideal investment for the tourism sector. Situated near the iconic Este Castle, this hotel enjoys a prime location in a city renowned for its rich Renaissance history. The villa boasts original architectural details, including coffered ceilings with gold friezes, lacquered doors, and ancient fireplaces. Recently renovated, the property is in excellent condition, with a newly restored façade in 2023. The hotel includes amenities such as a bar-restaurant, a spa with a sauna and Turkish bath, and a meeting room for up to 90 guests. An authorized plan to convert four common areas into suites offers potential for expansion. This property combines historical grandeur with modern luxury, making it a unique investment in Ferrara's cultural heritage. Ref: 13170 https://www.lionard.com/16th-century-villa-in-ferrara-luxury-hotel-with-spa-and-garden.html
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This exquisite 16th-century villa, located in the heart of Ferrara, has been converted into a luxurious hotel, offering 2,273 sqm of interior space and 400 sqm of exterior space. The hotel features 27 classically furnished rooms adorned with frescoes by the Ferrarese school, reflecting the elegance of Renaissance art. The villa also includes a private garden, an internal courtyard, and a parking area with 19 spaces, making it an ideal investment for the tourism sector. Situated near the iconic Este Castle, this hotel enjoys a prime location in a city renowned for its rich Renaissance history. The villa boasts original architectural details, including coffered ceilings with gold friezes, lacquered doors, and ancient fireplaces. Recently renovated, the property is in excellent condition, with a newly restored façade in 2023. The hotel includes amenities such as a bar-restaurant, a spa with a sauna and Turkish bath, and a meeting room for up to 90 guests. An authorized plan to convert four common areas into suites offers potential for expansion. This property combines historical grandeur with modern luxury, making it a unique investment in Ferrara's cultural heritage. Ref: 13170 https://www.lionard.com/16th-century-villa-in-ferrara-luxury-hotel-with-spa-and-garden.html
Villa del 1500 in vendita nel cuore di Ferrara, a pochi passi dal celebre Castello Estenseoggi, trasformata in un elegante hotel di lusso. Questo immobile unico nel suo genere si sviluppa su una superficie interna di 2273 mq, con un'area esterna di 400 mq. La struttura, di destinazione turistica, offre 27 camere arredate con gusto classico, arricchite da delicati affreschi appartenenti alla scuola ferrarese e decorate in tenui colori pastello. La corte interna, il giardino privato e un ampio parcheggio con 19 posti auto completano questa meravigliosa proprietà, rendendola perfetta per chi cerca un investimento pronto all'uso. Costruita nel 1500, la villa è caratterizzata da soffitti a cassettoni con fregi in oro zecchino, autentiche porte laccate dell'epoca, e maestosi camini con antichi colonnati. Gli affreschi, realizzati da artisti della scuola ferrarese, decorano le sale con colori vivaci e dettagli straordinari, conferendo un’atmosfera nobile e sofisticata. Recentemente ristrutturata, la villa si presenta in uno stato conservativo eccellente, con la facciata completamente rinnovata nel 2023. Questo connubio tra passato e presente rende la proprietà un luogo dal fascino senza tempo, perfettamente integrato nel contesto rinascimentale della città. All'esterno, la proprietà offre un ampio giardino privato, ideale per momenti di relax o eventi esclusivi. L'affascinante corte interna, con i suoi eleganti spazi verdi, crea un'atmosfera intima e riservata, unica per una struttura situata nel pieno centro di Ferrara. Il parcheggio, con 19 posti auto, rappresenta un ulteriore vantaggio. Rif. 13170 https://www.lionard.com/it/villa-del-1500-a-ferrara-hotel-di-lusso-con-spa-e-giardino.html
В центре Феррары, недалеко от замка Эстенсе, расположена эта изысканная вилла XVI века, преобразованная в роскошный отель. Площадь объекта составляет 2273 кв. м, а прилегающий участок — 400 кв. м. Отель располагает 27 классическими номерами с фресками, украшенными в стиле феррарской школы, а также уютным внутренним двором, садом и парковкой на 19 мест. Отель сочетает исторические элементы, такие как позолоченные потолки, оригинальные двери и старинные камины, с современным комфортом. Недавно отреставрированное здание включает бар-ресторан, СПА-зону и конференц-зал на 90 человек. Также предусмотрена возможность создания дополнительных люксов для повышения вместимости. Вилла — это великолепное вложение для ценителей ренессансного очарования и утончённого комфорта в сердце Феррары. Ссылка: 13170 https://www.lionard.com/ru/villa-1500-v-ferrara-hotel.html
Zum Verkauf
Bar, Hotel, Restaurant
Größe der Immobilie :
2.273 m²