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Häuser & einzelhäuser zum Verkauf in Miranda do Douro

795.000 EUR

Häuser & Einzelhäuser (Zum Verkauf)

13 Z
8 Ba
7 Schla
Grund 1.373
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T94830394 / 94830394
Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT564114

General Description

Located in the heart of the Douro International Natural Park, in Aldeia Nova, Casa dos Edras is a unique property that combines the rustic charm of the region with all modern amenities. This magnificent country house has been meticulously restored, preserving the essence of traditional architecture while incorporating contemporary elements for maximum comfort.

Location and Access

Situated in a peaceful region of Miranda do Douro, the property offers a serene retreat, ideal for nature lovers. Its privileged location in the Douro International Natural Park invites exploration of natural trails and bird watching, providing an authentic rural tourism experience.

Investment Potential

Casa dos Edras is not just a charming residential property; it also offers significant commercial potential as a country house for rural tourism. With exceptional reviews on tourism platforms and an established reputation for hospitality and quality, it represents an attractive investment opportunity in the growing rural tourism market.

Tourist Attractions and Cultural Activities

- Douro International Natural Park: A protected area offering stunning landscapes, where the Douro River forms the natural border between Portugal and Spain. Ideal for hiking, bird watching, and boat tours.
- Viewpoints: The region has several viewpoints offering spectacular views of the river and the park, such as the São João das Arribas and the Colado viewpoints.
- City of Miranda do Douro: A historical city, known for its architectural heritage, such as the Cathedral of Miranda do Douro, and its distinct culture, including the Mirandese language.
- Museu da Terra de Miranda: Located in the city of Miranda do Douro, this museum displays the history, culture, and traditions of the region, including artifacts, costumes, and traditional musical instruments.
- Boat Tours on the Douro: One of the best ways to appreciate the beauty of the Douro International Natural Park is through a boat tour, offering a unique perspective of the region's fauna, flora, and geology.
- Traditional Villages: The region is dotted with small villages that maintain Portuguese rural traditions, such as Picote, Paradela, and Palaçoulo, known for its artisanal cutlery.
- Regional Gastronomy: The region is famous for its rich gastronomy, including dishes like Posta à Mirandesa, lamb, and traditional sausages, accompanied by local wines.
- Festivals and Cultural Events: Miranda do Douro hosts various cultural festivals throughout the year, celebrating music, dance, and local traditions, such as the Pauliteiros de Miranda Festival. These tourist spots and activities make Miranda do Douro and the Douro International Natural Park attractive destinations for tourists seeking adventure and nature as well as those interested in culture and history.
Access to Bragança and Porto

- Distance and Access to Bragança:

- Distance: Miranda do Douro is situated approximately 65 to 70 kilometers from Bragança, a relatively short distance that can be comfortably covered by car.
- Access: The most common access between the two cities is via National Road N218, a scenic route passing through various villages and landscapes characteristic of the Northeast Trás-os-Montes. The estimated travel time by car is about 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes, depending on traffic conditions and the exact starting and ending points.

- Distance and Access to Porto:

- Distance: The distance between Miranda do Douro and Porto is approximately 220 to 240 kilometers.
- Access: The most common route to Porto involves the use of the A4 Motorway. The car journey can take about 2 hours and 30 minutes to 3 hours, varying according to traffic and road conditions. In addition to cars, there are also public transportation options, such as buses, although with longer travel times and less convenience in terms of schedules and direct stops. These access routes and distances are important to consider, especially for those looking to explore the Douro region and Northern Portugal, including its historic cities and natural areas. Bragança, being an important city in the Trás-os-Montes region, offers a diverse cultural and historical panorama, while Porto, as a major coastal city, offers a vibrant mix of history, culture, and modernity, in addition to being an important business and tourism center.


This is a unique opportunity to acquire a stunning property in Miranda do Douro, ideal both for private residence and for exploration in the rural tourism sector. Casa dos Edras promises to be a welcoming home and a thriving business for the fortunate buyer.

3 reasons to buy with Zome:

Constantly accompanied

With the best training and experience in the real estate market, Zome’s agents are fully dedicated to providing you with the best assistance, guiding you with full confidence in the right direction to meet your needs and ambitions. From here onwards we will create a close relationship and carefully listen to your expectations, because our priority is your happiness! Because it is important that you feel you are being accompanied, and that we will be with you every step of the way.


Zome’s agents are given unique training on the market, based on practical experience sharing between professionals and strengthened by applied neuroscientific knowledge that allows them to simplify and make their real-estate experience more effective. Forget about bureaucratic nightmares because with Zome you have the total support of an experienced and multiskilled team that gives you practical support in all the essential aspects, so that your real estate experience exceeds your expectations.


Rid yourself of your worries and earn the quality time you need to do whatever makes you happier. We work every day to bring added value to your life by giving you the reliable advice you need, so that together we can achieve the best results. With Zome you will never feel lost or unaccompanied and you will gain something that is priceless: your complete peace of mind! That is how you will feel throughout the whole experience: Calm, secure, comfortable and... HAPPY!


1. If you are a real estate agent, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to show it to your customers and talk to us to book a visit.
2. To make it easier to identify this property, please quote the respective ZMPT ID or the respective agent that sent you the suggestion
- Terrace
Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT564114

Descrição Geral

Localizada no coração do Parque Natural do Douro Internacional, em Aldeia Nova, a Casa dos Edras é uma propriedade única que combina o charme rústico da região com todas as comodidades modernas. Esta magnífica casa de campo foi meticulosamente restaurada, preservando a essência da arquitetura tradicional, incorporando elementos contemporâneos para o máximo conforto.

Localização e Acesso

Situada numa região tranquila de Miranda do Douro, a propriedade oferece um retiro sereno, ideal para os amantes da natureza. A sua localização privilegiada no Parque Natural do Douro Internacional convida à exploração de trilhos naturais e observação de aves, proporcionando uma autêntica experiência de turismo rural.

Potencial de Investimento

A Casa dos Edras não é apenas uma encantadora propriedade residencial; Também oferece um potencial comercial significativo como casa de campo para o turismo rural. Com avaliações excepcionais em plataformas de turismo e uma reputação estabelecida de hospitalidade e qualidade, representa uma oportunidade de investimento atraente no crescente mercado de turismo rural.

Atrações Turísticas e Atividades Culturais

- Parque Natural do Douro Internacional: Uma área protegida que oferece paisagens deslumbrantes, onde o rio Douro forma a fronteira natural entre Portugal e Espanha. Ideal para caminhadas, observação de pássaros e passeios de barco.
- Miradouros: A região tem vários miradouros que oferecem vistas espectaculares sobre o rio e o parque, como os miradouros de São João das Arribas e do Colado.
- Cidade de Miranda do Douro: Cidade histórica, conhecida pelo seu património arquitetónico, como a Sé Catedral de Miranda do Douro, e pela sua cultura distinta, incluindo a língua mirandesa.
- Museu da Terra de Miranda: Localizado na cidade de Miranda do Douro, este museu exibe a história, cultura e tradições da região, incluindo artefatos, trajes e instrumentos musicais tradicionais.
- Passeios de barco no Douro: Uma das melhores formas de apreciar a beleza do Parque Natural do Douro Internacional é através de um passeio de barco, oferecendo uma perspetiva única da fauna, flora e geologia da região.
- Aldeias Tradicionais: A região é pontilhada por pequenas aldeias que mantêm tradições rurais portuguesas, como Picote, Paradela e Palaçoulo, conhecidas por seus talheres artesanais.
- Gastronomia Regional: A região é famosa por sua rica gastronomia, incluindo pratos como Posta à Mirandesa, cordeiro e embutidos tradicionais, acompanhados por vinhos locais.
- Festas e Eventos Culturais: Miranda do Douro acolhe vários festivais culturais ao longo do ano, celebrando a música, a dança e as tradições locais, como o Festival Pauliteiros de Miranda. Estes pontos turísticos e atividades tornam Miranda do Douro e o Parque Natural do Douro Internacional destinos atrativos para turistas que procuram aventura e natureza, bem como para aqueles interessados em cultura e história.
Acesso a Bragança e Porto

- Distância e Acesso a Bragança:

- Distância: Miranda do Douro situa-se a cerca de 65 a 70 quilómetros de Bragança, uma distância relativamente curta que pode ser confortavelmente percorrida de carro.
- Acessos: O acesso mais comum entre as duas cidades é através da Estrada Nacional N218, um percurso panorâmico que passa por várias aldeias e paisagens características do Nordeste transmontano. O tempo estimado de viagem de carro é de cerca de 1 hora a 1 hora e 15 minutos, dependendo das condições de tráfego e dos pontos exatos de partida e chegada.

- Distância e Acesso ao Porto:

- Distância: A distância entre Miranda do Douro e Porto é de aproximadamente 220 a 240 quilómetros.
- Acessos: O percurso mais comum para o Porto envolve a utilização da Autoestrada A4. A viagem de carro pode levar cerca de 2 horas e 30 minutos a 3 horas, variando de acordo com o tráfego e as condições da estrada. Além dos carros, há também opções de transporte público, como ônibus, embora com maior tempo de viagem e menos comodidade em termos de horários e paradas diretas. Estas vias de acesso e distâncias são importantes de considerar, especialmente para quem procura explorar a região do Douro e Norte de Portugal, incluindo as suas cidades históricas e áreas naturais. Bragança, sendo uma importante cidade na região de Trás-os-Montes, oferece um panorama cultural e histórico diversificado, enquanto o Porto, como uma grande cidade costeira, oferece uma vibrante mistura de história, cultura e modernidade, além de ser um importante centro de negócios e turismo.


Esta é uma oportunidade única para adquirir uma propriedade deslumbrante em Miranda do Douro, ideal tanto para residência privada como para exploração no setor do turismo rural. A Casa dos Edras promete ser uma casa acolhedora e um negócio próspero para o comprador afortunado.

3 motivos para comprar com a Zome:

Constantemente acompanhado

Com a melhor formação e experiência no mercado imobiliário, os agentes da Zome dedicam-se integralmente a prestar-lhe a melhor assistência, orientando-o com total confiança na direção certa para satisfazer as suas necessidades e ambições. A partir daqui vamos criar uma relação próxima e ouvir atentamente as suas expectativas, porque a nossa prioridade é a sua felicidade! Porque é importante que você sinta que está sendo acompanhado, e que estaremos com você a cada passo do caminho.


Os agentes da Zome recebem treinamento único no mercado, baseado no compartilhamento de experiências práticas entre profissionais e fortalecido por conhecimento neurocientífico aplicado que lhes permite simplificar e tornar sua experiência imobiliária mais eficaz. Esqueça os pesadelos burocráticos porque com a Zome você tem o total apoio de uma equipe experiente e multiqualificada que lhe dá suporte prático em todos os aspectos essenciais, para que sua experiência imobiliária supere suas expectativas.


Livre-se de suas preocupações e ganhe o tempo de qualidade que você precisa para fazer o que quer que o faça mais feliz. Trabalhamos todos os dias para trazer valor agregado à sua vida, dando-lhe o conselho confiável que você precisa, para que juntos possamos alcançar os melhores resultados. Com Zome você nunca se sentirá perdido ou desacompanhado e ganhará algo que não tem preço: sua completa paz de espírito! É assim que você se sentirá ao longo de toda a experiência: calma, segura, confortável e... FELIZ!


1. Se você é um agente imobiliário, este imóvel está disponível para compartilhamento de negócios. Não hesite em mostrá-lo aos seus clientes e fale conosco para agendar uma visita.
2. Para facilitar a identificação deste imóvel, por favor, cite o respectivo ID ZMPT ou o respectivo agente que lhe enviou a sugestão
- Terrace
Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT564114

General Description

Located in the heart of the Douro International Natural Park, in Aldeia Nova, Casa dos Edras is a unique property that combines the rustic charm of the region with all modern amenities. This magnificent country house has been meticulously restored, preserving the essence of traditional architecture while incorporating contemporary elements for maximum comfort.

Location and Access

Situated in a peaceful region of Miranda do Douro, the property offers a serene retreat, ideal for nature lovers. Its privileged location in the Douro International Natural Park invites exploration of natural trails and bird watching, providing an authentic rural tourism experience.

Investment Potential

Casa dos Edras is not just a charming residential property; it also offers significant commercial potential as a country house for rural tourism. With exceptional reviews on tourism platforms and an established reputation for hospitality and quality, it represents an attractive investment opportunity in the growing rural tourism market.

Tourist Attractions and Cultural Activities

- Douro International Natural Park: A protected area offering stunning landscapes, where the Douro River forms the natural border between Portugal and Spain. Ideal for hiking, bird watching, and boat tours.
- Viewpoints: The region has several viewpoints offering spectacular views of the river and the park, such as the São João das Arribas and the Colado viewpoints.
- City of Miranda do Douro: A historical city, known for its architectural heritage, such as the Cathedral of Miranda do Douro, and its distinct culture, including the Mirandese language.
- Museu da Terra de Miranda: Located in the city of Miranda do Douro, this museum displays the history, culture, and traditions of the region, including artifacts, costumes, and traditional musical instruments.
- Boat Tours on the Douro: One of the best ways to appreciate the beauty of the Douro International Natural Park is through a boat tour, offering a unique perspective of the region's fauna, flora, and geology.
- Traditional Villages: The region is dotted with small villages that maintain Portuguese rural traditions, such as Picote, Paradela, and Palaçoulo, known for its artisanal cutlery.
- Regional Gastronomy: The region is famous for its rich gastronomy, including dishes like Posta à Mirandesa, lamb, and traditional sausages, accompanied by local wines.
- Festivals and Cultural Events: Miranda do Douro hosts various cultural festivals throughout the year, celebrating music, dance, and local traditions, such as the Pauliteiros de Miranda Festival. These tourist spots and activities make Miranda do Douro and the Douro International Natural Park attractive destinations for tourists seeking adventure and nature as well as those interested in culture and history.
Access to Bragança and Porto

- Distance and Access to Bragança:

- Distance: Miranda do Douro is situated approximately 65 to 70 kilometers from Bragança, a relatively short distance that can be comfortably covered by car.
- Access: The most common access between the two cities is via National Road N218, a scenic route passing through various villages and landscapes characteristic of the Northeast Trás-os-Montes. The estimated travel time by car is about 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes, depending on traffic conditions and the exact starting and ending points.

- Distance and Access to Porto:

- Distance: The distance between Miranda do Douro and Porto is approximately 220 to 240 kilometers.
- Access: The most common route to Porto involves the use of the A4 Motorway. The car journey can take about 2 hours and 30 minutes to 3 hours, varying according to traffic and road conditions. In addition to cars, there are also public transportation options, such as buses, although with longer travel times and less convenience in terms of schedules and direct stops. These access routes and distances are important to consider, especially for those looking to explore the Douro region and Northern Portugal, including its historic cities and natural areas. Bragança, being an important city in the Trás-os-Montes region, offers a diverse cultural and historical panorama, while Porto, as a major coastal city, offers a vibrant mix of history, culture, and modernity, in addition to being an important business and tourism center.


This is a unique opportunity to acquire a stunning property in Miranda do Douro, ideal both for private residence and for exploration in the rural tourism sector. Casa dos Edras promises to be a welcoming home and a thriving business for the fortunate buyer.

3 reasons to buy with Zome:

Constantly accompanied

With the best training and experience in the real estate market, Zome’s agents are fully dedicated to providing you with the best assistance, guiding you with full confidence in the right direction to meet your needs and ambitions. From here onwards we will create a close relationship and carefully listen to your expectations, because our priority is your happiness! Because it is important that you feel you are being accompanied, and that we will be with you every step of the way.


Zome’s agents are given unique training on the market, based on practical experience sharing between professionals and strengthened by applied neuroscientific knowledge that allows them to simplify and make their real-estate experience more effective. Forget about bureaucratic nightmares because with Zome you have the total support of an experienced and multiskilled team that gives you practical support in all the essential aspects, so that your real estate experience exceeds your expectations.


Rid yourself of your worries and earn the quality time you need to do whatever makes you happier. We work every day to bring added value to your life by giving you the reliable advice you need, so that together we can achieve the best results. With Zome you will never feel lost or unaccompanied and you will gain something that is priceless: your complete peace of mind! That is how you will feel throughout the whole experience: Calm, secure, comfortable and... HAPPY!


1. If you are a real estate agent, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to show it to your customers and talk to us to book a visit.
2. To make it easier to identify this property, please quote the respective ZMPT ID or the respective agent that sent you the suggestion
- Terrace
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T94830394
Land: PT
Stadt: Miranda Do Douro
Kategorie: Wohnsitze
Anzeigentyp: Zum Verkauf
Immobilientyp: Häuser & Einzelhäuser
Größe der Immobilie : 455
Größe des Grundstücks: 1.373
Zimmer: 13
Schlafzimmer: 8
Badezimmer: 7
Terasse: Ja
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