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Häuser & einzelhäuser zum Verkauf in Plowdiw

600.000 EUR

Häuser & Einzelhäuser (Zum Verkauf)

Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T94073068 / 94073068
LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... We are pleased to present an exclusively new furnished house 3 km from the city of Plovdiv with views of the city and the mountains. Warm neutral colors, white and natural stone cladding, wrought iron railings, large veranda and infinity pool make this property a true perfection in Mediterranean style. The property has Act 16 of 2021. The house is sold finished turnkey and furnished with stylish and high-quality furniture and electric. appliances of the highest class under warranty. The property has a total built-up area of 336 sq.m and has the following layout: First floor: spacious living room with kitchenette 49.12 sq.m; bathroom with toilet; laundry room; service room; veranda 30 sq.m with infinity pool 25 sq.m. Second floor master bedroom - 18 sq.m with en-suite bathroom with toilet 4.35 sq.m, private closet 8.18 sq.m and beautiful terrace of 10 sq.m; second bedroom - 13.63 sq.m; third bedroom - 13.04 sq.m; bathroom with toilet serving the entire floor - 5.47 sq.m. Technical characteristics: Mounted heat pump with control and Daikin indoor units; PROFILCO aluminum joinery with sliding system and interrupted thermal bridge. Increased thermal insulation and sound insulation by using polyamide 24 mm; To ensure the quality of the manufactured joinery, the ISO 9001 quality control system is applied; Pitched roof with BRAMAC system and 15 years warranty.Technically advanced and constantly developed BRAMAC roof system guarantees for every model of tiles and original roofing accessories; Installation for underfloor heating in each room; Facing with white, natural stone; The terraces are wrought iron; Neopor exterior insulation is an innovative thermal insulation product of a new generation and due to its unique properties, it is about to establish itself on the market as the most preferred material for thermal insulation of buildings. With its technical characteristics, Neopor achieves an unsurpassed thermal insulation effect, unsurpassed for most For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: PLV-97551 Tel: ... , 032 331 006 Responsible broker: Ivaylo Bozadjiev Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... С удоволствие представяме ексклузивно нова обзаведена къща на 3 км от град Пловдив с гледка към града и планината. Топлите неутрални цветове, облицовката от бял, естествен камък, парапетите от ковано желязо, голямата веранда и инфинити басейна превръщат този имот в едно истинско съвършенство в средиземноморски стил. Имотът е с Акт 16 от 2021 г. Къщата се продава завършена до ключ и обзаведена със стилни и висококачествени мебели и ел. уреди от най-висок клас в гаранция. Имотът е с РЗП от 336 кв.м и има следното разпределение: Първи етаж: просторна дневна с кухненски бокс 49.12 кв.м; баня с тоалетна; перално помещение; сервизно помещение; веранда 30 кв.м с инфинити басейн 25 кв.м. Втори етаж родителска спалня - 18 кв.м със собствена баня с тоалетна 4.35 кв.м, собствен дрешник 8.18 кв.м и красива тераса от 10 кв.м; втора спалня - 13.63 кв.м; трета спалня - 13.04 кв.м; баня с тоалетна, обслужваща целия етаж - 5.47 кв.м. Технически характеристики: Монтирана термо помпа с управление и вътрешни тела Daikin; Алуминиева дограма PROFILCO с плъзгаща система и прекъснат термо мост. Повишена термоизолация и звукоизолация чрез използване на полиамид 24 мм; За гарантиране на качеството на произвежданата дограма се прилага системата за качествен контрол ISO 9001; Скатен покрив с BRAMAC система и 15 години гаранция.Технически усъвършенствана и постоянно разработвана покривната система BRAMAC гарантира за всеки модел керемиди и оригинални покривни принадлежности; Инсталация за подово отопление във всяка една стая; Облицовка с бял, естествен камък; Терасите са с ковано желязо; Външна изолация Neopor - иновационен топлоизолационен продукт от ново поколение и поради уникалните си свойства е на път да се наложи на пазара като най-предпочитания материал за топлоизолация на сгради. Със своите технически характеристики Neopor постига ненадминат до този момент топлоизолационен ефект, непосилен за повечето За повече информация свържете се с нас и цитирайте референтния номер на имота. Моля, кажете, че сте видeли обявата в този сайт. Референтен номер: PLV-97551 Тел: ... , 032 331 006 Отговорен брокер:Ивайло Бозаджиев LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... We are pleased to present an exclusively new furnished house 3 km from the city of Plovdiv with views of the city and the mountains. Warm neutral colors, white and natural stone cladding, wrought iron railings, large veranda and infinity pool make this property a true perfection in Mediterranean style. The property has Act 16 of 2021. The house is sold finished turnkey and furnished with stylish and high-quality furniture and electric. appliances of the highest class under warranty. The property has a total built-up area of 336 sq.m and has the following layout: First floor: spacious living room with kitchenette 49.12 sq.m; bathroom with toilet; laundry room; service room; veranda 30 sq.m with infinity pool 25 sq.m. Second floor master bedroom - 18 sq.m with en-suite bathroom with toilet 4.35 sq.m, private closet 8.18 sq.m and beautiful terrace of 10 sq.m; second bedroom - 13.63 sq.m; third bedroom - 13.04 sq.m; bathroom with toilet serving the entire floor - 5.47 sq.m. Technical characteristics: Mounted heat pump with control and Daikin indoor units; PROFILCO aluminum joinery with sliding system and interrupted thermal bridge. Increased thermal insulation and sound insulation by using polyamide 24 mm; To ensure the quality of the manufactured joinery, the ISO 9001 quality control system is applied; Pitched roof with BRAMAC system and 15 years warranty.Technically advanced and constantly developed BRAMAC roof system guarantees for every model of tiles and original roofing accessories; Installation for underfloor heating in each room; Facing with white, natural stone; The terraces are wrought iron; Neopor exterior insulation is an innovative thermal insulation product of a new generation and due to its unique properties, it is about to establish itself on the market as the most preferred material for thermal insulation of buildings. With its technical characteristics, Neopor achieves an unsurpassed thermal insulation effect, unsurpassed for most For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: PLV-97551 Tel: ... , 032 331 006 Responsible broker: Ivaylo Bozadjiev
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T94073068
Land: BG
Stadt: Plovdiv
Kategorie: Wohnsitze
Anzeigentyp: Zum Verkauf
Immobilientyp: Häuser & Einzelhäuser
Größe der Immobilie : 336


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