2.400.000 EUR
10 Ba
590 m²
The property is located within the Nature Reserve of "Beautiful Firefly", a Unesco World Heritage Site, a protected area within the municipal territory of Pienza, in the province of Siena, inserted in the last eastern offshoots of the famous Sienese Crete and possesses all the characteristic elements of the landscape of the Val d'Orcia.
The Villa of the early 1900s, formerly owned by the Marquis Iris and Antonio Origo, is built with noble materials, stone and Tuscan terracotta and has recently been renovated leaving the original features of the old farmhouse unchanged, with a focus on detail and comfort. All around, a large garden surrounded by lavender plants, positioned on the top of the hill with a view of the hills of Val D'Orcia, unique in the world. You can relax in the shade of the large oak tree adjacent to the house, enjoy the view from the gazebo, useful for dining or dining outdoors, biking or walking along the reserve trails.
The Villa consists of two bodies. The main body is developed over two floors with large living room, living room, living room, living kitchen, nine bedrooms and related bathrooms. The second body is developed on a single floor with large living room, living room, living kitchen, room and related bathroom.
From the property you can easily reach the picturesque villages of Val d'Orcia, Pienza (18 km), San Quirico d'Orcia (20 km), Montalcino (34 km), Castiglione d'Orcia (23 km), Chianciano Terme (9 km) which offers famous spas. The ski slopes of Mount Amiata are only 38 km away. It is possible to reach Florence by car in just 2 hours and Siena in 1 hour. Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen The property is located at the top of a hill, to which you arrive via a road, characterized by soft curves, surrounded by high cypresses that embellish it. This iconic image of the Tuscan landscape, is one of the most famous and photographed locations in the world, the basis of well-known commercials, which enhance the beauty and quality of life Tuscany, dreamed and desired by many.
The property is located within the Nature Reserve of "Beautiful Firefly", a Unesco World Heritage Site, a protected area within the municipal territory of Pienza, in the province of Siena, inserted in the last eastern offshoots of the famous Sienese Crete and possesses all the characteristic elements of the landscape of the Val d'Orcia.
The Villa of the early 1900s, formerly owned by the Marquis Iris and Antonio Origo, is built with noble materials, stone and Tuscan terracotta and has recently been renovated leaving the original features of the old farmhouse unchanged, with a focus on detail and comfort. All around, a large garden surrounded by lavender plants, positioned on the top of the hill with a view of the hills of Val D'Orcia, unique in the world. You can relax in the shade of the large oak tree adjacent to the house, enjoy the view from the gazebo, useful for dining or dining outdoors, biking or walking along the reserve trails.
The Villa consists of two bodies. The main body is developed over two floors with large living room, living room, living room, living kitchen, nine bedrooms and related bathrooms. The second body is developed on a single floor with large living room, living room, living kitchen, room and related bathroom.
From the property you can easily reach the picturesque villages of Val d'Orcia, Pienza (18 km), San Quirico d'Orcia (20 km), Montalcino (34 km), Castiglione d'Orcia (23 km), Chianciano Terme (9 km) which offers famous spas. The ski slopes of Mount Amiata are only 38 km away. It is possible to reach Florence by car in just 2 hours and Siena in 1 hour. La proprietà si trova in cima ad una collina, alla quale si arriva tramite una strada, caratterizzata da morbide curve, circondata da alti cipressi che la impreziosiscono. Questa immagine iconica del paesaggio toscano, è una delle location più famose e fotografate al mondo, base di noti spot pubblicitari, che esaltano la bellezza e la qualità della vita toscana, sognata e desiderata da molti.
La proprietà si trova all'interno della Riserva Naturale della "Bella Lucciola", patrimonio mondiale dell'Unesco, un'area protetta all'interno del territorio comunale di Pienza, in provincia di Siena, inserita nelle ultime propaggini orientali delle famose Crete senesi e possiede tutti gli elementi caratteristici del paesaggio della Val d'Orcia.
La Villa dei primi del 1900, già di proprietà del marchese Iris e di Antonio Origo, è costruita con materiali nobili, pietra e cotto toscano ed è stata recentemente ristrutturata lasciando inalterate le caratteristiche originali dell'antico casale, con particolare attenzione ai dettagli e al comfort. Tutto intorno, un ampio giardino circondato da piante di lavanda, posizionato sulla sommità della collina con vista sulle colline della Val D'Orcia, uniche al mondo. Potrete rilassarvi all'ombra della grande quercia adiacente alla casa, godervi il panorama dal gazebo, utile per cenare o cenare all'aperto, andare in bicicletta o passeggiare lungo i sentieri della riserva.
La Villa è composta da due corpi. Il corpo principale si sviluppa su due piani con ampio soggiorno, soggiorno, soggiorno, cucina abitabile, nove camere da letto e relativi bagni. Il secondo corpo si sviluppa su un unico piano con ampio soggiorno, soggiorno, cucina abitabile, camera e relativo bagno.
Dalla proprietà si possono raggiungere facilmente i pittoreschi borghi della Val d'Orcia, Pienza (18 km), San Quirico d'Orcia (20 km), Montalcino (34 km), Castiglione d'Orcia (23 km), Chianciano Terme (9 km) che offre rinomati centri termali. Le piste da sci del Monte Amiata distano solo 38 km. E' possibile raggiungere Firenze in auto in sole 2 ore e Siena in 1 ora. Nemovitost se nachází na vrcholu kopce, ke kterému přijedete po silnici, která se vyznačuje měkkými křivkami, obklopená vysokými cypřiši, které ji zdobí. Tento ikonický obraz toskánské krajiny je jedním z nejznámějších a nejfotografovanějších míst na světě, základem známých reklam, které zvyšují krásu a kvalitu života v Toskánsku, o kterém mnozí snili a po kterém touží.
Nemovitost se nachází v přírodní rezervaci "Krásná světluška", která je zapsána na seznamu světového dědictví UNESCO, v chráněné oblasti na území obce Pienza v provincii Siena, která je vložena do posledních východních odnoží slavné sienské Kréty a má všechny charakteristické prvky krajiny Val d'Orcia.
Vila z počátku 20. století, kterou dříve vlastnili markýz Iris a Antonio Origo, je postavena z ušlechtilých materiálů, kamene a toskánské terakoty a nedávno byla zrekonstruována, přičemž původní prvky starého statku zůstaly nezměněny se zaměřením na detail a pohodlí. Všude kolem velká zahrada obklopená levandulovými rostlinami, umístěná na vrcholu kopce s výhledem na kopce Val D'Orcia, jedinečné na světě. Můžete si odpočinout ve stínu velkého dubu sousedícího s domem, vychutnat si výhled z altánu, který je užitečný pro stolování nebo stolování venku, jízdu na kole nebo procházky po stezkách rezervace.
Vila se skládá ze dvou těles. Hlavní těleso se rozkládá na dvou podlažích s velkým obývacím pokojem, obývacím pokojem, obývacím pokojem, obývacím pokojem, obývacím pokojem, devíti ložnicemi a souvisejícími koupelnami. Druhé tělo je vyvinuto na jednom patře s velkým obývacím pokojem, obývacím pokojem, obývacím pokojem, kuchyní, pokojem a související koupelnou.
Z hotelu se snadno dostanete do malebných vesniček Val d'Orcia, Pienza (18 km), San Quirico d'Orcia (20 km), Montalcino (34 km), Castiglione d'Orcia (23 km), Chianciano Terme (9 km), které nabízejí známé lázně. Sjezdovky na hoře Amiata jsou vzdálené pouhých 38 km. Do Florencie je možné dojet autem za pouhé 2 hodiny a do Sieny za 1 hodinu.