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Apartments & eigentumswohnungen zum Verkauf in Oblast Burgas

38.800 EUR

Apartments & Eigentumswohnungen (Zum Verkauf)

1 Z
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T100379570 / 100379570
We offer for sale a studio in Sunny Beach. The property is on the 1st floor, furnished and equipped. The studio has the following layout - a corridor, a spacious living room with a kitchenette and a sleeping area, a bathroom with WC, a nice terrace to the pool. The complex is 350 meters from the beach, there is a parking lot, swimming pool, shop, elevator, children's area, year-round security and reception. Wonderful property for family recreation or rental. Maintenance fee 330 euros per year. There is Act 16. A comment on the price is possible. Price: 38800 euros NO COMMISSION FROM THE BUYER! Reservation of the property: 5%-10% deposit, with a guarantee agreement. After that, the property is removed from sale and the preparation of documents for a notarial transaction begins. TOP BG DOM 1 Ltd. agency offers: professional consulting, we work only with verified properties for the client's peace of mind, we organize viewings on weekends by prior arrangement, we carry out online viewings, we accompany the transaction process to the very end, we are guarantors for every transaction, we assist with mortgage and consumer loans. During the inspection, the client signs a protocol. Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Предлагаме за продажба, студио в к.к. Слънчев бряг. Имота е на 1-ри етаж, обзаведен и обобрудван. Студиото има следното разпределение- коридор, просторна дневна с кухненски кът и зона за спане, баня с WC, хубава тераса към басейна. Комплекса е на 350 метра от плажа, има паркинг, басейн, магазин, асансьор, зона за децата, целогодишна охрана и рецепция. Прекрасен имот за семеен отдих или отдаване под наем. Такса поддръжка 330 евро на година. Има Акт 16. Възможен е коментар на цената. Цена: 38800 евро БЕЗ КОМИСИОННА ОТ КУПУВАЧА! Резервиране на имота: 5%-10% депозит, с договор за гаранция. След това имота се сваля от продажба и се започва подготовка на документите за изповядване на нотариална сделка. Агенция ТОП БГ ДОМ 1 ЕООД предлага: професионално консултиране, работим само с проверени имоти за спокойствие на клиента, организираме огледи и през почивните дни по предварителна договорка, извършваме онлайн огледи, съпровождаме процеса на сделката до самия край, гаранти сме по всяка сделка, съдействаме за ипотечни и потребителски кредити. При оглед клиентът подписва протокол. Ponúkame na predaj štúdio na Slnečnom pobreží. Nehnuteľnosť je na 1. poschodí, zariadená a vybavená. Štúdio má nasledovnú dispozíciu - chodba, priestranná obývacia izba s kuchynským kútom a priestorom na spanie, kúpeľňa s WC, pekná terasa k bazénu. Komplex je vzdialený 350 metrov od pláže, k dispozícii je parkovisko, bazén, obchod, výťah, detský kútik, celoročná bezpečnostná služba a recepcia. Nádherná nehnuteľnosť na rodinnú rekreáciu alebo prenájom. Poplatok za údržbu 330 eur ročne. Existuje zákon 16. Komentár k cene je možný. Cena: 38800 eur ŽIADNA PROVÍZIA OD KUPUJÚCEHO! Rezervácia nehnuteľnosti: 5%-10% kaucia, so zmluvou o záruke. Potom sa nehnuteľnosť stiahne z predaja a začne sa príprava dokumentov pre notársky úkon. Agentúra TOP BG DOM 1 s.r.o. ponúka: odborné poradenstvo, pracujeme len s overenými nehnuteľnosťami pre pokoj klienta, obhliadky organizujeme cez víkendy po predchádzajúcej dohode, vykonávame online prehliadky, sprevádzame proces transakcie až do konca, sme ručiteľmi každej transakcie, pomáhame s hypotekárnymi a spotrebnými úvermi. Počas kontroly klient podpíše protokol. Proponiamo in vendita un monolocale a Sunny Beach. L'immobile si trova al 1° piano, arredato e corredato. Il monolocale ha il seguente layout: un corridoio, un ampio soggiorno con angolo cottura e zona notte, un bagno con WC, una bella terrazza sulla piscina. Il complesso si trova a 350 metri dalla spiaggia, c'è un parcheggio, piscina, negozio, ascensore, area per bambini, sicurezza e reception tutto l'anno. Meravigliosa proprietà per la ricreazione o l'affitto della famiglia. Tassa di manutenzione 330 euro all'anno. C'è l'Atto 16. È possibile un commento sul prezzo. Prezzo: 38800 euro NESSUNA COMMISSIONE DA PARTE DELL'ACQUIRENTE! Prenotazione dell'immobile: acconto del 5%-10%, con accordo di garanzia. Successivamente, l'immobile viene ritirato dalla vendita e inizia la preparazione dei documenti per una transazione notarile. L'agenzia TOP BG DOM 1 Ltd. offre: consulenza professionale, lavoriamo solo con immobili verificati per la tranquillità del cliente, organizziamo visite nei fine settimana previo accordo, effettuiamo visite online, accompagniamo il processo di transazione fino alla fine, siamo garanti per ogni transazione, assistiamo con mutui e prestiti al consumo. Durante l'ispezione, il cliente firma un protocollo. We offer for sale a studio in Sunny Beach. The property is on the 1st floor, furnished and equipped. The studio has the following layout - a corridor, a spacious living room with a kitchenette and a sleeping area, a bathroom with WC, a nice terrace to the pool. The complex is 350 meters from the beach, there is a parking lot, swimming pool, shop, elevator, children's area, year-round security and reception. Wonderful property for family recreation or rental. Maintenance fee 330 euros per year. There is Act 16. A comment on the price is possible. Price: 38800 euros NO COMMISSION FROM THE BUYER! Reservation of the property: 5%-10% deposit, with a guarantee agreement. After that, the property is removed from sale and the preparation of documents for a notarial transaction begins. TOP BG DOM 1 Ltd. agency offers: professional consulting, we work only with verified properties for the client's peace of mind, we organize viewings on weekends by prior arrangement, we carry out online viewings, we accompany the transaction process to the very end, we are guarantors for every transaction, we assist with mortgage and consumer loans. During the inspection, the client signs a protocol. Ofrecemos a la venta un estudio en Sunny Beach. La propiedad se encuentra en la 1ª planta, amueblada y equipada. El estudio tiene la siguiente distribución: un pasillo, una amplia sala de estar con una pequeña cocina y una zona para dormir, un baño con WC, una bonita terraza a la piscina. El complejo está a 350 metros de la playa, hay estacionamiento, piscina, tienda, ascensor, área para niños, seguridad durante todo el año y recepción. Maravillosa propiedad para recreación familiar o alquiler. Cuota de mantenimiento 330 euros anuales. Existe la Ley 16. Es posible hacer un comentario sobre el precio. Precio: 38800 euros ¡SIN COMISIÓN POR PARTE DEL COMPRADOR! Reserva de la propiedad: depósito del 5%-10%, con acuerdo de garantía. Después de eso, la propiedad se retira de la venta y comienza la preparación de los documentos para una transacción notarial. La agencia TOP BG DOM 1 Ltd. ofrece: consultoría profesional, trabajamos solo con propiedades verificadas para la tranquilidad del cliente, organizamos visitas los fines de semana previo acuerdo, realizamos visitas en línea, acompañamos el proceso de transacción hasta el final, somos garantes de cada transacción, asistimos con préstamos hipotecarios y de consumo. Durante la inspección, el cliente firma un protocolo.
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T100379570
Land: BG
Stadt: Burgas
Kategorie: Wohnsitze
Anzeigentyp: Zum Verkauf
Immobilientyp: Apartments & Eigentumswohnungen
Größe der Immobilie : 33
Zimmer: 1


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