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Apartments & eigentumswohnungen zum Verkauf in Plowdiw

63.245 EUR

Apartments & Eigentumswohnungen (Zum Verkauf)

1 Z
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T100379177 / 100379177
For more information, call us at: ... or 032 586 956 and quote the reference number of the property: Plv 85491. Responsible broker: Stefan Mollov Apartment D8, total area 43.65 sq.m. (net area 36.72 sq.m. + common parts 6.93 sq.m.). Choose your new home in a newly built modern residential building in a quiet and rapidly developing part of Plovdiv, an environment rich in landscaping, tranquility and at the same time quick and easy access to a variety of public amenities. It is located 5 minutes walk to the Rowing Canal, 7 minutes walk from Mall Plovdiv, 5 minutes by car to UMHAT Pulmed, 9 minutes to Youth Hill, 11 minutes from Mall Makovo Tepe. Start of construction - 30.03. 2024 Expected Act ... Expected Act ... Every aspect of the complex is aimed at the modern lifestyle of the new generation and its standard for an ideal home that combines nature with high-tech comfort. Common spaces are provided, including a landscaped garden park and a contemporary coworking space, which promote social interaction and coexistence. The building is energy efficient, with a façade of natural materials with clean lines, modern and functional design of the apartments. The properties are equally attractive both for buying your own home and for investment. High-quality and energy-efficient materials and technologies are used in the construction to achieve a balance between functionality and aesthetics: Monolithic reinforced concrete structure, Wienerberger ceramic bricks External enclosing walls - 25 cm, internal partition walls - 12 cm Facade - ventilated, thermally insulated façade Aluminum windows with triple glazing Entrance and garage doors from Hörmann Common areas Italian ceramic tiles High-tech elevators The apartments are issued according to BDS standard: Walls and ceilings - machine gypsum plaster, cement screed Terraces - granite tiles Plumbing installation next to the plug Installed water meters with remote reading Electrical installation with Legrand and Philips switches and sockets Wiring for Internet and TV Heating: air conditioners Due to its proximity to the boulevard. Peshtersko Shosse, the complex provides easy access to the most important places in the city, including two of the largest hospitals, Mall of Plovdiv and Mall of Markovo Tepe, Youth Hill, Bunardzhika Hill and others. The property is strategically located close to the Trakia highway and roads that lead to some of the most visited Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen За повече информация обадете ни се на тел: ... или 032 586 956 и цитирайте референтния номер на имота: Plv 85491. Отговорен брокер: Стефан Моллов Апартамент D8 , обща площ 43.65 кв.м. (нетна площ 36.72 кв.м. + общи части 6.93 кв.м.). Изберете своя нов дом в новострояща се модерна жилищна сграда в спокойна и бързо развиваща се част на Пловдив, среда богато озеленяване, спокойствие и същевременно бърз и лесен достъп до разнообразие от обществени удобства. Намира се на 5 минути пеша до Гребен канал, на 7 минути пеша от Мол Пловдив, на 5 минути с кола до УМБАЛ Пълмед, на 9 минути Младежки хълм, на 11 минути от Мол Маково тепе. Старт на строителството - 30.03. 2024г. Очакван Акт ... Очакван Акт ... Всеки аспект на комплекса е насочен към съвременния начин на живот на новото поколение и неговия стандарт за идеален дом, който обединява природата с високотехнологичния комфорт. Предоставени са общи пространства, включително озеленен градински парк и съвременно коуоркинг пространство, които насърчават социалното взаимодействие и съжителство. Сградата е енергоефективна, с фасада от естествени материали с изчистени линии, съвременен и функционален дизайн на жилищата. Имотите са еднакво атрактивни както за покупка на собствен дом, така и за инвестиция. В строителството са заложени висококачествени и енергоефективни материали и технологии за постигане на баланс между функционалност и естетика: Монолитна стоманобетонна конструкция, керамични тухли Wienerberger Външни ограждащи стени - 25 см, вътрешни преградни стени - 12 см Фасада - вентилируема, термично изолирана фасада Алуминиева дограма с троен стъклопакет Входни и гаражни врати от Hörmann Общи части италиански керамични плочки Високотехнологични асансьори Апартаментите се издават по БДС стандарт: Стени и тавани - машинна гипсова мазилка, циментова замазка Тераси - гранитогрес Изградена ВиК инсталация до тапа Монтирани водомери с дистанционно отчитане Електроинсталация с ключове и контакти Legrand и Philips Окабеляване за интернет и TV Отопление: климатици Благодарение на близостта си до бул. Пещерско шосе , комплексът предоставя лесен достъп до най-важните места в града, включително две от най-големите болници, МОЛ Пловдив и МОЛ Марково Тепе, Младежки хълм, хълм Бунарджика и други. Имотът е стратегически разположен близо до автомагистрала Тракия и пътища, които водят към някои от най-посещаваните Pour plus d’informations, appelez-nous au : ... ou 032 586 956 et indiquez le numéro de référence de la propriété : Plv 85491. Courtier responsable : Stefan Mollov Apartment D8, superficie totale 43,65 m². (surface nette 36,72 m² + parties communes 6,93 m²). Choisissez votre nouvelle maison dans un immeuble résidentiel moderne nouvellement construit dans un quartier calme et en développement rapide de Plovdiv, un environnement riche en aménagement paysager, tranquillité et en même temps un accès rapide et facile à une variété de commodités publiques. Il est situé à 5 minutes à pied du canal d’aviron, à 7 minutes à pied du centre commercial Plovdiv, à 5 minutes en voiture d’UMHAT Pulmed, à 9 minutes de la colline de la jeunesse, à 11 minutes du centre commercial Makovo Tepe. Début de la construction - 30.03. 2024 Acte prévu ... Acte prévu ... Chaque aspect du complexe est destiné au style de vie moderne de la nouvelle génération et à sa norme pour une maison idéale qui combine la nature avec le confort high-tech. Des espaces communs sont prévus, notamment un parc paysager et un espace de coworking contemporain, qui favorisent l’interaction sociale et la coexistence. Le bâtiment est économe en énergie, avec une façade de matériaux naturels aux lignes épurées, un design moderne et fonctionnel des appartements. Les propriétés sont tout aussi attrayantes pour l’achat d’un logement en propriété que pour l’investissement. Des matériaux et des technologies de haute qualité et économes en énergie sont utilisés dans la construction pour atteindre un équilibre entre fonctionnalité et esthétique : Structure monolithique en béton armé, briques céramiques de Wienerberger Murs extérieurs de clôture - 25 cm, cloisons intérieures - 12 cm Façade - façade ventilée et isolée thermiquement Fenêtres en aluminium avec triple vitrage Portes d’entrée et de garage de Hörmann Espaces communs Carreaux de céramique italienne Ascenseurs high-tech Les appartements sont livrés selon la norme BDS : Murs et plafonds - machine plâtre plâtre, chape ciment Terrasses - carreaux de granit Installation de plomberie à côté de la prise Compteurs d’eau installés avec télérelève Installation électrique avec interrupteurs et prises Legrand et Philips Câblage pour Internet et TV Chauffage : climatiseurs En raison de sa proximité avec le boulevard. Peshtersko Shosse, le complexe offre un accès facile aux lieux les plus importants de la ville, y compris deux des plus grands hôpitaux, le centre commercial de Plovdiv et le centre commercial Markovo Tepe, la colline de la jeunesse, la colline de Bunardzhika et d’autres. La propriété est stratégiquement située à proximité de l’autoroute Trakia et des routes qui mènent à certaines des villes les plus visitées Per maggiori informazioni, chiamateci al numero: ... o 032 586 956 e citate il numero di riferimento dell'immobile: Plv 85491. Broker responsabile: Stefan Mollov Appartamento D8, superficie totale 43,65 mq. (superficie netta 36,72 mq + parti comuni 6,93 mq). Scegli la tua nuova casa in un moderno edificio residenziale di nuova costruzione in una zona tranquilla e in rapido sviluppo di Plovdiv, un ambiente ricco di paesaggio, tranquillità e allo stesso tempo accesso facile e veloce a una varietà di servizi pubblici. Si trova a 5 minuti a piedi dal Canale di canottaggio, a 7 minuti a piedi dal centro commerciale Plovdiv, a 5 minuti in auto da UMHAT Pulmed, a 9 minuti da Youth Hill, a 11 minuti dal centro commerciale Makovo Tepe. Inizio della costruzione - 30.03. Legge 14 prevista per il ... Legge prevista ... Ogni aspetto del complesso è rivolto allo stile di vita moderno della nuova generazione e al suo standard per una casa ideale che combina la natura con il comfort high-tech. Sono previsti spazi comuni, tra cui un parco giardino paesaggistico e uno spazio di coworking contemporaneo, che promuovono l'interazione sociale e la convivenza. L'edificio è efficiente dal punto di vista energetico, con una facciata di materiali naturali dalle linee pulite, un design moderno e funzionale degli appartamenti. Gli immobili sono ugualmente attraenti sia per l'acquisto di una casa di proprietà che per l'investimento. Nella costruzione vengono utilizzati materiali e tecnologie di alta qualità ed efficienza energetica per ottenere un equilibrio tra funzionalità ed estetica: Struttura monolitica in cemento armato, mattoni ceramici Wienerberger Pareti di recinzione esterne - 25 cm, pareti divisorie interne - 12 cm Facciata - facciata ventilata e termicamente isolata Finestre in alluminio con tripli vetri Porte d'ingresso e da garage di Hörmann Aree comuni Piastrelle in ceramica italiana Ascensori high-tech Gli appartamenti sono emessi secondo lo standard BDS: Pareti e soffitti - intonaco di gesso a macchina, massetto cementizio Terrazze - piastrelle di granito Installazione idraulica accanto alla spina Contatori d'acqua installati con lettura remota Impianto elettrico con interruttori e prese Legrand e Philips Cablaggio per Internet e TV Riscaldamento: condizionatori d'aria Grazie alla sua vicinanza al viale. Peshtersko Shosse, il complesso offre un facile accesso ai luoghi più importanti della città, tra cui due dei più grandi ospedali, il centro commerciale di Plovdiv e il centro commerciale di Markovo Tepe, la collina della gioventù, la collina di Bunardzhika e altri. La proprietà è situata in posizione strategica vicino all'autostrada Trakia e alle strade che portano ad alcuni dei luoghi più visitati For more information, call us at: ... or 032 586 956 and quote the reference number of the property: Plv 85491. Responsible broker: Stefan Mollov Apartment D8, total area 43.65 sq.m. (net area 36.72 sq.m. + common parts 6.93 sq.m.). Choose your new home in a newly built modern residential building in a quiet and rapidly developing part of Plovdiv, an environment rich in landscaping, tranquility and at the same time quick and easy access to a variety of public amenities. It is located 5 minutes walk to the Rowing Canal, 7 minutes walk from Mall Plovdiv, 5 minutes by car to UMHAT Pulmed, 9 minutes to Youth Hill, 11 minutes from Mall Makovo Tepe. Start of construction - 30.03. 2024 Expected Act ... Expected Act ... Every aspect of the complex is aimed at the modern lifestyle of the new generation and its standard for an ideal home that combines nature with high-tech comfort. Common spaces are provided, including a landscaped garden park and a contemporary coworking space, which promote social interaction and coexistence. The building is energy efficient, with a façade of natural materials with clean lines, modern and functional design of the apartments. The properties are equally attractive both for buying your own home and for investment. High-quality and energy-efficient materials and technologies are used in the construction to achieve a balance between functionality and aesthetics: Monolithic reinforced concrete structure, Wienerberger ceramic bricks External enclosing walls - 25 cm, internal partition walls - 12 cm Facade - ventilated, thermally insulated façade Aluminum windows with triple glazing Entrance and garage doors from Hörmann Common areas Italian ceramic tiles High-tech elevators The apartments are issued according to BDS standard: Walls and ceilings - machine gypsum plaster, cement screed Terraces - granite tiles Plumbing installation next to the plug Installed water meters with remote reading Electrical installation with Legrand and Philips switches and sockets Wiring for Internet and TV Heating: air conditioners Due to its proximity to the boulevard. Peshtersko Shosse, the complex provides easy access to the most important places in the city, including two of the largest hospitals, Mall of Plovdiv and Mall of Markovo Tepe, Youth Hill, Bunardzhika Hill and others. The property is strategically located close to the Trakia highway and roads that lead to some of the most visited
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T100379177
Land: BG
Stadt: Plovdiv
Kategorie: Wohnsitze
Anzeigentyp: Zum Verkauf
Immobilientyp: Apartments & Eigentumswohnungen
Größe der Immobilie : 43
Zimmer: 1
Stockwerk: 3


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