Häuser & einzelhäuser zum Verkauf in San Damiano d'Asti
Häuser & Einzelhäuser (Zum Verkauf)
/ 6780
Elegant farmhouse for sale in the heart of Piedmont, between the Langhe and Monferrato, perched on a hill surrounded by woods, orchards and vineyards. The property, distributed on 2 hectares of land, boasts an internal surface of 1000 square meters and consists of 3 buildings: a farmhouse, a second villa and a farmhouse. Outside there is a large panoramic square and, at the level below, a splendid swimming pool with solarium area where you can admire the horizon and be able to enjoy the peace of nature in full relaxation and privacy. Today's structure is the result of an important renovation and conservative restoration project attentive to the sustainability that has maintained as much as possible the original eighteenth -century structure and has provided for the use of environmentally friendly materials such as wood, stone and water -based colors, in in order to guarantee maximum harmony with the surrounding environment. The property includes 3 buildings. The main farmhouse has a habitable surface of about 600 square meters and develops on 4 floors. In a hilly panoramic position there is a second villa of about 120 square meters and a splendid farmhouse where traditional materials such as terracotta, granite and stone stand out. The structure also lends itself perfectly as a location for exclusive events. The dominant position of the buildings gives maximum privacy to the property and gives breathtaking views in all directions. The vast secular park includes a hazelnut of about 10,000 square meters and a historic rosette. Ref. 6780 https://www.lionard.com/ancient-farmhouse-with-pool-in-the-land-of-piedmontese-wines.html
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Elegant farmhouse for sale in the heart of Piedmont, between the Langhe and Monferrato, perched on a hill surrounded by woods, orchards and vineyards. The property, distributed on 2 hectares of land, boasts an internal surface of 1000 square meters and consists of 3 buildings: a farmhouse, a second villa and a farmhouse. Outside there is a large panoramic square and, at the level below, a splendid swimming pool with solarium area where you can admire the horizon and be able to enjoy the peace of nature in full relaxation and privacy. Today's structure is the result of an important renovation and conservative restoration project attentive to the sustainability that has maintained as much as possible the original eighteenth -century structure and has provided for the use of environmentally friendly materials such as wood, stone and water -based colors, in in order to guarantee maximum harmony with the surrounding environment. The property includes 3 buildings. The main farmhouse has a habitable surface of about 600 square meters and develops on 4 floors. In a hilly panoramic position there is a second villa of about 120 square meters and a splendid farmhouse where traditional materials such as terracotta, granite and stone stand out. The structure also lends itself perfectly as a location for exclusive events. The dominant position of the buildings gives maximum privacy to the property and gives breathtaking views in all directions. The vast secular park includes a hazelnut of about 10,000 square meters and a historic rosette. Ref. 6780 https://www.lionard.com/ancient-farmhouse-with-pool-in-the-land-of-piedmontese-wines.html
Elegante agriturismo in vendita nel cuore del Piemonte, tra le Langhe e il Monferrato, arroccato su una collina circondata da boschi, frutteti e vigneti. La proprietà, distribuita su 2 ettari di terreno, vanta una superficie interna di 1000 mq e si compone di 3 edifici: una villa colonica, una seconda villetta e una cascina. All'esterno si trova un ampio piazzale panoramico e, al livello sottostante, una splendida piscina con zona solarium dove ammirare l'orizzonte e poter godere della pace della natura in pieno relax e privacy. La struttura odierna è il risultato di un importante progetto di ristrutturazione e restauro conservativo attento alla sostenibilità che ha mantenuto il più possibile la struttura settecentesca originaria e ha previsto l'impiego di materiali ecocompatibili come legno, pietra e colori a base d'acqua, in modo da garantire la massima armonia con l'ambiente circostante. La proprietà comprende 3 edifici. La colonica principale ha una superficie abitabile di circa 600 mq e si sviluppa su 4 piani. In posizione panoramica collinare si trova una seconda villa di circa 120 mq e una splendida cascina dove spiccano i materiali della tradizione come cotto, granito e pietra. La struttura si presta perfettamente anche come location per eventi esclusivi. La posizione dominante degli edifici conferisce la massima privacy alla proprietà e regala scorci mozzafiato in tutte le direzioni. Il vasto parco secolare include un noccioleto di circa 10.000 mq e un roseto storico. Rif. 6780 https://www.lionard.com/it/antica-colonica-con-piscina-nella-patria-dei-vini-piemontesi.html
На холме в самом сердце Пьемонта располагается элегантный фермерский дом, окруженный лесом, фруктовыми садами и виноградниками. Этот особняк, находящийся на 2 гектарах земли, состоит из трех зданий: фермерского дома, второй виллы и хозяйственной постройки. Внешняя территория включает большую панорамную площадку и великолепный бассейн с зоной солярия. Расположенный между Ланге и Монферрато, этот регион славится своими превосходными винами и живописными пейзажами. Резиденция, отреставрированная с учетом экологичности и использования природных материалов, предлагает просторные апартаменты, где доминируют теплые и мягкие тона. Главный фермерский дом на четырех этажах включает в себя просторные гостиные, спальни с ванными комнатами и балконами с видом на Альпы. Вторая вилла и фермерский дом также добавляют атмосферы вневременной красоты и подходят для проведения мероприятий. Обширный парк с лесной рощей и розовым садом придает этому поместью уникальный характер. Ссылка: 6780 https://www.lionard.com/ru/starinnyj-krestjanskij-dom-s-bassenom-v-vinodellcheskom-regione-piemont.html
San Damiano d'Asti
Zum Verkauf
Häuser & Einzelhäuser
Größe der Immobilie :
1.000 m²