Häuser & Einzelhäuser (Zum Verkauf)
/ 6038
In a quiet, intimate position in Barzio, a renowned tourist town of the province of Lecco, there is this stunning villa for sale in a typical Alpine design. Its high, panoramic position offers breathtaking views that open onto the entire surroundings, from the lively villages below to the silent snow-capped peaks that frame it. Immersed in a 3,000-sqm park, the villa has three levels and measures an impressive 1,000 sqm. Its spacious living area features a welcoming dining room and a big living room with a splendid wooden coffered ceiling. The floor is completed by a custom-made kitchen, a courtesy bathroom, a robe room, and an area for staff. The staircase leads to the second level, home to the sleeping area and embellished with a wooden balcony overlooking the living room below. Here, there are five bedrooms, three of which are very spacious and en suite. The top floor is currently used as a leisure area. On the ground floor, there is a pink stone veranda with big panoramic windows; a large space with a dining area, a brick bar and a fireplace; a games room with a pool table; a wellness area with a heated indoor pool, a changing room and shower, and a bathroom. To complete this magnificent villa for sale there is also a 100-sqm keeper's lodge, two big garages and the possibility of creating multisport spaces in the garden. Ref: 6038 https://www.lionard.com/luxury-chalet-in-barzio.html
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Nella rinomata località turistica di Barzio, in provincia di Lecco, questa splendida villa dalla tipica architettura alpina rurale è in vendita in incantevole posizione panoramica, tranquilla e riservata. A pochi passi dal cuore pulsante del paese, meta sciistica per eccellenza della Valsassina per la vicina località dei Piani di Bobbio, la villa in vendita vanta vedute mozzafiato che si aprono sull'intero paesaggio circostante, dai vivaci paesi sottostanti alle silenziose cime innevate che le fanno da cornice. Immersa in un grande parco che si estende per 3.000 mq, la residenza si sviluppa su tre livelli, per un'importante superficie totale di 1.000 mq. Un grande scalone conduce all'interno della residenza e al suo ampio living, composto da un'accogliente sala da pranzo vetrata e un grande salotto con splendido soffitto a cassettoni in legno e ballatoio del piano camere, oltre all'originale pavimentazione in pregiato legno parquet inchiodato e camino con un'antica cornice in pietra scolpita. Completano il piano una cucina realizzata su misura, un bagno di cortesia e un locale guardaroba, oltre a una zona dedicata al personale di servizio, con una camera da letto doppia e bagno privato. La scala centrale conduce al secondo livello, dedicato alla la zona notte e impreziosito da una balconata in legno affacciata sul salone sottostante. Un lungo corridoio centrale collega le cinque camere da letto, tre delle quali molto ampie e dotate di bagno en suite. L’ultimo piano mansardato è attualmente adibito ad area svago. Al pian terreno, accessibile direttamente dal giardino, si sviluppa una veranda in pietra rosa chiusa da grandi vetrate panoramiche, una grande taverna con zona pranzo, un bar in muratura con camino, una sala giochi con tavolo da biliardo e un'area wellness con piscina coperta riscaldata, spogliatoio e doccia, oltre a un bagno. Un alloggio per il custode di circa 100 mq, due ampi box e la possibilità di realizzare nel giardino spazi multisport completano la proprietà. Rif. 6038 https://www.lionard.com/it/chalet-di-lusso-a-barzio.html
In a quiet, intimate position in Barzio, a renowned tourist town of the province of Lecco, there is this stunning villa for sale in a typical Alpine design. Its high, panoramic position offers breathtaking views that open onto the entire surroundings, from the lively villages below to the silent snow-capped peaks that frame it. Immersed in a 3,000-sqm park, the villa has three levels and measures an impressive 1,000 sqm. Its spacious living area features a welcoming dining room and a big living room with a splendid wooden coffered ceiling. The floor is completed by a custom-made kitchen, a courtesy bathroom, a robe room, and an area for staff. The staircase leads to the second level, home to the sleeping area and embellished with a wooden balcony overlooking the living room below. Here, there are five bedrooms, three of which are very spacious and en suite. The top floor is currently used as a leisure area. On the ground floor, there is a pink stone veranda with big panoramic windows; a large space with a dining area, a brick bar and a fireplace; a games room with a pool table; a wellness area with a heated indoor pool, a changing room and shower, and a bathroom. To complete this magnificent villa for sale there is also a 100-sqm keeper's lodge, two big garages and the possibility of creating multisport spaces in the garden. Ref: 6038 https://www.lionard.com/luxury-chalet-in-barzio.html
В провинции Лекко, в городке Барцио, выставлена на продажу роскошная вилла в альпийском стиле. Здешние места высоко ценятся жителями Милана и других городов Северной Италии, в первую очередь за эксклюзивные горнолыжные курорты, но также и за возможность любоваться невероятными пейзажами или практиковать разные виды спорта. Виллу окружает пышный парк в 3000 кв.м., а сама вилла имеет площадь 1000 кв.м. При входе на виллу расположен просторный салон, за которым следует столовая и еще один салон с высокими кессонными потолками. Далее расположена кухня, ванная для гостей и гардеробная. В комплекс также входят отдельные апартаменты для обслуживающего персонала. Второй этаж отведен под спальные помещения, а мансардный – под комфортную зоны отдыха. С нижнего этажа можно выйти на уютную веранду. Отдельного упоминания стоят входящие в комплекс спа-зона и жилье для смотрителя, а также теннисная и футбольная площака на участке и удобный гараж. Ссылка: 6038 https://www.lionard.com/ru/chalet-klassa-ljux-v-barzio.html
En position tranquille et protégée à Barzio, localité touristique renommée de la province de Lecco, cette splendide villa à vendre. La structure en béton armé est rendue chaude et accueillante par la présence du bois, élément prédominant qui donne à la demeure son aspect de chalet de montagne typique. Blottie dans un grand parc qui s'étend sur 3000 m², parfaitement entretenu en pelouse, la villa se déploie sur trois niveaux et couvre une importante surface totale de 1000 m². Pour compléter cette villa en vente, on dispose d'un logement pour le gardien d'environ 100m², de deux grands box et on a la possibilité de réaliser dans le jardin des espaces multisports, tels que des terrains de football à cinq ou de tennis. Ref.6038 https://www.lionard.com/fr/chalet-de-luxe-a-barzio.html
Zum Verkauf
Häuser & Einzelhäuser
Größe der Immobilie :
1.000 m²