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The story of Ombria began in a paradisiacal landscape, between olive groves and oak valleys, a sanctuary that houses an unspoiled way of life. A place of serenity, where a vibrant community thrives with beautiful natural involvement. The promoter was inspired and motivated to preserve it for future generations and began a new chapter of their history together.Seamlessly integrated into the landscape of the Algarve, Ombria is the perfect getaway for those looking to connect with nature. Preserving the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the region, Ombria consists of a luxury hotel managed by Viceroy Hotels & Resorts, along with an 18-hole golf course. The Ombria offers a unique selection of wellness experiences and outdoor activities, along with recreational facilities specially designed for families and children.In Ombria, you can find unique opportunities to invest in exclusive properties, from full-service apartments to luxury villas, semi-detached houses, and apartments with rental management. Every aspect of the concept and design is deeply rooted in the region, combining ancestral hills and lush forests with a contemporary lifestyle.Surrounded by serene hillsides and picturesque white-walled villages, this resort is part of a vibrant local community where golf, winding streams, white sand beaches, and blue skies can be enjoyed along with local events and activities throughout the year, aspects to keep such as the streets rich in gastronomy, culture, and history of the region.Sustainability is an integral part of this resort, from the way it has been integrated into the environment to the way the local community has been involved in a fundamental reflection that guides the same philosophies of planning, design, construction, and operation. Through a rigorous environmental impact study it was possible to plan and build sustainably and in balance with this fantastic natural heritage. Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen A história de Ombria começou numa paisagem paradisíaca, entre olivais e vales de carvalhos, um santuário que abriga um modo de vida intocado. Um lugar de serenidade, onde uma comunidade vibrante prospera com o belo envolvimento natural. O promotor foi inspirado e motivado a preservá-lo para as gerações futuras e iniciaram um novo capítulo da sua história juntos.Integrado de forma equilibrada na paisagem do Algarve, Ombria é o refúgio perfeito para aqueles que procuram conectar-se com a natureza. Preservando a beleza natural e o património cultural da região, Ombria é composto por um hotel de luxo gerido pela Viceroy Hotels & Resorts, juntamente com um campo de golfe de 18 buracos. O Ombria oferece uma seleção exclusiva de experiências de bem-estar e atividades ao ar livre, juntamente com instalações recreativas especialmente projetadas para famílias e crianças.No Ombria, é possível encontrar oportunidades únicas para investir em propriedades exclusivas, desde apartamentos com serviços de gestão completos, vilas de luxo, casas geminadas e apartamentos com gestão de arrendamento. Todos os aspectos do conceito e do design estão profundamente enraizados na região, combinando colinas ancestrais e florestas exuberantes com um estilo de vida contemporâneo.Rodeado por encostas serenas e pitorescas aldeias de paredes brancas, este resort faz parte de uma vibrante comunidade local, onde o golfe, riachos sinuosos, praias de areia branca e céus azuis podem ser apreciados juntamente com eventos e atividades locais durante todo o ano, aspectos a manter tais como as ruas ricas em gastronomia, cultura e história da região.A sustentabilidade é uma parte integrante deste resort, desde a forma como foi integrado no meio ambiente como a forma como a comunidade local foi envolvida numa reflexão fundamental que orientam as mesmas filosofias de planeamento, design, construção e operação. Através dum rigoroso estudo de impacto ambiental foi possível planear e construir de forma sustentável e em equilíbrio com este fantástico património natural. Located in Loulé.
The story of Ombria began in a paradisiacal landscape, between olive groves and oak valleys, a sanctuary that houses an unspoiled way of life. A place of serenity, where a vibrant community thrives with beautiful natural involvement. The promoter was inspired and motivated to preserve it for future generations and began a new chapter of their history together.Seamlessly integrated into the landscape of the Algarve, Ombria is the perfect getaway for those looking to connect with nature. Preserving the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the region, Ombria consists of a luxury hotel managed by Viceroy Hotels & Resorts, along with an 18-hole golf course. The Ombria offers a unique selection of wellness experiences and outdoor activities, along with recreational facilities specially designed for families and children.In Ombria, you can find unique opportunities to invest in exclusive properties, from full-service apartments to luxury villas, semi-detached houses, and apartments with rental management. Every aspect of the concept and design is deeply rooted in the region, combining ancestral hills and lush forests with a contemporary lifestyle.Surrounded by serene hillsides and picturesque white-walled villages, this resort is part of a vibrant local community where golf, winding streams, white sand beaches, and blue skies can be enjoyed along with local events and activities throughout the year, aspects to keep such as the streets rich in gastronomy, culture, and history of the region.Sustainability is an integral part of this resort, from the way it has been integrated into the environment to the way the local community has been involved in a fundamental reflection that guides the same philosophies of planning, design, construction, and operation. Through a rigorous environmental impact study it was possible to plan and build sustainably and in balance with this fantastic natural heritage.