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Apartments & eigentumswohnungen zum Verkauf in Primorsko

55.000 EUR

Apartments & Eigentumswohnungen (Zum Verkauf)

1 Z
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T99124933 / 99124933
For more information, call us at: ... or 056 828 449 and quote the reference number of the property: BPS 73536. Responsible broker: Pavel Ravanov No commission from the buyer! Apartment 202 (net area + common areas). The complex is the fifth phase of the construction of the year-round gated complex. The complex is located in an oak forest among tall trees, dense greenery, silence and forest air, among flowers, shrubs and trees, as well as wonderful decorations. The complex is a 5-storey building with a rectangular shape, underground parking, an outdoor large swimming pool, an elevator and a staircase. The apartments in the building - studios, one- and two-bedroom apartments overlooking the courtyard and the forest, have a functional layout, without transitional rooms, with a practical entrance hall, access to the terrace from all rooms and a bathroom with toilet. The construction includes: Monolithic construction Walls with Wienerberger bricks 25 cm Machine plaster Putty and latex Thermal insulation with mineral plaster Windows 5 chamber PVC profile with double glazing and double opening Floors tiles and laminate Doors MDF The complex is offered to its guests and apartment owners: Restaurant 3 outdoor pools Indoor warm pool Sauna Jacuzzi Steam bath Children's playroom Barbecue areas Gym Gazebos for Holiday Reception Why buy an apartment in the complex? A choice of functionally distributed, spacious studios, one- and two-bedroom apartments Location in a quiet part of the resort of Primorsko, amidst a forest 5 minutes from the beach and the sea Pleasant architecture, high quality construction with excellent materials Furnishing options, maintenance and rental of the properties on a hotel basis Construction company with an impeccable reputation Viewing the property We can organize a viewing of the property at a convenient time for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell him when you would like to make a viewing. The property can be reserved and removed from sale with the payment of a deposit, after which the viewings with other buyers are terminated and the preparation of documents for concluding a preliminary and final contract begins. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information about the purchase procedure and payment methods. Additional services and after-sales service We are a reputable company and we will be with you not only during the purchase but also afterwards, providing you with Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen За повече информация обадете ни се на тел: ... или 056 828 449 и цитирайте референтния номер на имота: BPS 73536. Отговорен брокер: Павел Раванов Без комисионна от купувача! Апартамент 202 (нетна площ + общи части). Комплексът е петата фаза от строителството на целогодишния затворен комплекс. Комплексът се намира в дъбова гора сред високи дървета, гъста зеленина, тишина и горски въздух, сред цветя, храсти и дървета, както и прекрасни декорации. Комплекса е 5-етажна сграда с правоъгълна форма, подземен паркинг, външен голям басейн, асансьор и стълбище. Апартаментите в сградата - студия, жилища с една и две спални с гледка към вътрешния двор и гората, имат функционално разпределение, без преходни стаи, с практично антре, изход към терасата от всички помещения и баня с тоалетна. Строителството включва: Монолитна конструкция Стени с тухли Wienerberger 25 см Машинна мазилка Шпакловка и латекс Топлоизолация с минерална мазилка Дограма 5 камерен ПВЦ профил с двоен стъклопакет и двойно отваряне Подове плочки и ламинат Врати МДФ Комплексът се предлага на своите гости и собственици на апартаменти: Ресторант 3 открити басейна Закрит топъл басейн Сауна Джакузи Парна баня Детска стая за игри Зони за барбекю Фитнес зала Беседки за почивка Рецепция Защо за закупите апартамент в комплекса? Избор от функционално разпределени, просторни студиа, двустайни и тристайни апартаменти Разположение в тихата част на курорт Приморско, сред гора на 5 мин от плажната ивица и морето Приятна архитектура, висококачествено строителство с отлични материали Опции за обзавеждане, осигурени поддръжка и отдаване под наем на имотите на хотелски принцип Строителна компания с безупречна репутация Оглед на имота Можем да организираме оглед на имота в удобно за вас време. За целта, свържете се с отговорния за офертата брокер и му кажете кога бихте искали да направите оглед. Резервация на имота Имотът може да бъде резервиран и свален от продажба със заплащане на депозит, след което се прекратява провеждането на огледи с други купувачи и започва подготовка на документите за сключване на предварителен и окончателен договор. Свържете се с отговорния брокер за този имот за подробна информация относно процедурата на покупка и начините за плащане. Допълнителни услуги и следпродажбено обслужване Ние сме реномирана компания и ще бъдем с вас не само по време на покупката, но и след това, осигурявайки ви For more information, call us at: ... or 056 828 449 and quote the reference number of the property: BPS 73536. Responsible broker: Pavel Ravanov No commission from the buyer! Apartment 202 (net area + common areas). The complex is the fifth phase of the construction of the year-round gated complex. The complex is located in an oak forest among tall trees, dense greenery, silence and forest air, among flowers, shrubs and trees, as well as wonderful decorations. The complex is a 5-storey building with a rectangular shape, underground parking, an outdoor large swimming pool, an elevator and a staircase. The apartments in the building - studios, one- and two-bedroom apartments overlooking the courtyard and the forest, have a functional layout, without transitional rooms, with a practical entrance hall, access to the terrace from all rooms and a bathroom with toilet. The construction includes: Monolithic construction Walls with Wienerberger bricks 25 cm Machine plaster Putty and latex Thermal insulation with mineral plaster Windows 5 chamber PVC profile with double glazing and double opening Floors tiles and laminate Doors MDF The complex is offered to its guests and apartment owners: Restaurant 3 outdoor pools Indoor warm pool Sauna Jacuzzi Steam bath Children's playroom Barbecue areas Gym Gazebos for Holiday Reception Why buy an apartment in the complex? A choice of functionally distributed, spacious studios, one- and two-bedroom apartments Location in a quiet part of the resort of Primorsko, amidst a forest 5 minutes from the beach and the sea Pleasant architecture, high quality construction with excellent materials Furnishing options, maintenance and rental of the properties on a hotel basis Construction company with an impeccable reputation Viewing the property We can organize a viewing of the property at a convenient time for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell him when you would like to make a viewing. The property can be reserved and removed from sale with the payment of a deposit, after which the viewings with other buyers are terminated and the preparation of documents for concluding a preliminary and final contract begins. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information about the purchase procedure and payment methods. Additional services and after-sales service We are a reputable company and we will be with you not only during the purchase but also afterwards, providing you with Pro více informací nám zavolejte na číslo: ... nebo 056 828 449 a uveďte referenční číslo nemovitosti: BPS 73536. Odpovědný makléř: Pavel Ravanov Žádná provize od kupujícího! Apartmán 202 (čistá plocha + společné prostory). Areál je pátou etapou výstavby celoročně uzavřeného areálu. Komplex se nachází v dubovém lese mezi vysokými stromy, hustou zelení, tichem a lesním vzduchem, mezi květinami, keři a stromy, stejně jako nádhernými dekoracemi. Komplex je 5-podlažní budova obdélníkového tvaru, podzemním parkovištěm, venkovním velkým bazénem, výtahem a schodištěm. Byty v domě - ateliéry, jednopokojové a dvoupokojové byty s výhledem do dvora a do lesa, mají funkční dispozici, bez přechodových místností, s praktickou vstupní halou, vstupem na terasu ze všech pokojů a koupelnou s WC. Stavba zahrnuje: Monolitická konstrukce Stěny s cihlami Wienerberger 25 cm Strojní omítka Tmel a latex Tepelná izolace s minerální omítkou Okna 5 komorový PVC profil s dvojitým zasklením a dvojitým otevíráním Podlahy Dlaždice a laminát Dveře MDF Komplex je nabízen svým hostům a majitelům apartmánů: Restaurace 3 venkovní bazény Vnitřní teplý bazén Sauna Jacuzzi Parní lázeň Dětská herna Grilovací plochy Posilovna Altány pro Dovolená Recepce Proč koupit apartmán v tomto komplexu? Výběr funkčně rozmístěných, prostorných studií, apartmánů s jednou a dvěma ložnicemi Umístění v klidné části letoviska Primorsko, uprostřed lesa 5 minut od pláže a moře Příjemná architektura, vysoce kvalitní konstrukce s vynikajícími materiály Možnosti vybavení, údržby a pronájmu nemovitostí na hotelové bázi Stavební společnost s bezvadnou pověstí Prohlídka nemovitosti Můžeme zorganizovat prohlídku nemovitosti v čase, který vám vyhovuje. Chcete-li to provést, kontaktujte makléře odpovědného za nabídku a sdělte mu, kdy byste chtěli provést prohlídku. Nemovitost je možné rezervovat a vyřadit z prodeje po složení zálohy, poté jsou prohlídky s ostatními kupujícími ukončeny a začíná příprava podkladů pro uzavření předběžné a finální smlouvy. Kontaktujte odpovědného makléře pro tuto nemovitost pro podrobné informace o postupu koupě a způsobech platby. Doplňkové služby a poprodejní servis Jsme renomovaná společnost a budeme s Vámi nejen při nákupu, ale i po něm, abychom Vám poskytli
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T99124933
Land: BG
Stadt: Burgas
Postleitzahl: 8180
Kategorie: Wohnsitze
Anzeigentyp: Zum Verkauf
Immobilientyp: Apartments & Eigentumswohnungen
Größe der Immobilie : 29
Zimmer: 1
Stockwerk: 2


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