216.950 EUR
1 Z
78 m²
UPTOWN DISTRICT occupies an iconic location that has the power to completely transform the perception of its urban environment. It is located in the most accessible area of Santo Domingo, being served by two of the main avenues of the city and having the convenience of the two metro lines. In addition, there is the possibility of a future direct connection with the airport. Its proximity to the prestigious residential and commercial area to the southwest provides an environment enriched with a variety of significant assets, such as recreation areas, banks and shops.
UPTOWN DISTRICT is a cutting-edge project that has the potential to completely transform the urban landscape of the area and requalify the city center of Santo Domingo.
Payment plan
-Book with $3,000 US
-20% signature
-30% Cash on Delivery
-60 Months. INCLUSIONS
-- Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen UPTOWN DISTRICT est situé à l'angle nord-est de l'intersection de l'avenue John F. Kennedy (est-ouest) et de l'avenue Máximo Gómez (nord-sud), à Saint-Domingue, en République dominicaine.
UPTOWN DISTRICT occupe un lieu emblématique qui a le pouvoir de transformer complètement la perception de son environnement urbain. Il est situé dans la zone la plus accessible de Saint-Domingue, desservi par deux des principales avenues de la ville et bénéficiant des deux lignes de métro. De plus, il existe la possibilité dune future connexion directe avec laéroport. Sa proximité avec la prestigieuse zone résidentielle et commerciale du sud-ouest offre un environnement enrichi d'une variété d'atouts importants, tels que des zones de loisirs, des banques et des commerces.
UPTOWN DISTRICT est un projet d'avant-garde qui a le potentiel de transformer complètement le paysage urbain de la zone et de requalifier le centre-ville de Saint-Domingue.
Plan de paiement
-Réservez avec 3 000 $ US
-20% signature
-30% contre remboursement
-60 mois. INCLUSIONS
-- UPTOWN DISTRICT is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of John F. Kennedy Avenue (east-west) and Máximo Gómez Avenue (north-south), in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
UPTOWN DISTRICT occupies an iconic location that has the power to completely transform the perception of its urban environment. It is located in the most accessible area of Santo Domingo, being served by two of the main avenues of the city and having the convenience of the two metro lines. In addition, there is the possibility of a future direct connection with the airport. Its proximity to the prestigious residential and commercial area to the southwest provides an environment enriched with a variety of significant assets, such as recreation areas, banks and shops.
UPTOWN DISTRICT is a cutting-edge project that has the potential to completely transform the urban landscape of the area and requalify the city center of Santo Domingo.
Payment plan
-Book with $3,000 US
-20% signature
-30% Cash on Delivery
-60 Months. INCLUSIONS