Grundstücke (Zum Verkauf)
/ 97726904
Lousa e Vilarinho
Zum Verkauf
Größe der Immobilie :
4.257 m²
Bebaubare Fläche:
4.257 m²
Located in a quiet area but very close to the center of Lousã.The village of Lousã is located 28km from Coimbra and is surrounded by imposing mountains where some of the most charming schist villages dot.Serra da Lousã is a true natural paradise lost in the interior of Portugal. A place of stories, good gastronomy and, above all, breathtaking natural landscapes.What to visit:. Schist Villages: Talasnal; Cerdeira; Casal Novo; Candal; Pigsty
The Schist Villages Network is composed of 27 villages distributed throughout the interior of the Central Region of Portugal, 5 of which are located in the Municipality of Lousã. These small nuclei bring together the regional tourist potential reflected in architecture, gastronomy and traditions.For those who like to walk, there are more than 600 km of duly approved walking routes. Mountain bike lovers will be surprised by the offer of trails with various levels of difficulty anchored in the MTB Centers;River beach of Senhora da Piedade / Burgo", seduces those who arrive after traveling the tortuous two-kilometre road through the mountains. In addition to being a center of pilgrimages to the chapel of Nossa Senhora da Piedade and the Chapels, the entire "Burgo" - and especially the castle of Arouce built in schist - guides visitors through the history of the municipality. Below the castle, the river beach is faced with an excellent use of the waters of the Ribeira de São João, for bathing.It has a "Blue Flag" award developed by the Blue Flag Association of Europe (ABAE) with the technical support of the Portuguese Environment Agency. . Trevim Swing, Built by the Isto é Lousã project, this swing is located in Alto de Trevim, the highest point of the Serra da Lousã. At 1,200 meters of altitude, the giant wooden swing is the ideal place to take original photos for Instagram. Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Terreno com área de 4257 m2 em Fiscal, Lousã; Composto por área para construção.
Situado numa zona calma mas muito próximo do centro da Lousã.A vila da Lousã, está localizada a 28km de Coimbra e encontra-se rodeada por imponentes montanhas onde pontilham algumas das mais charmosas aldeias de xisto.A Serra da Lousã é um verdadeiro paraíso natural perdido no interior de Portugal. Um local de histórias, de boa gastronomia e, sobretudo, de paisagens naturais de cortar a respiração.O que visitar:.Aldeias de Xisto: Talasnal; Cerdeira; Casal Novo; Candal; Chiqueiro
A Rede das Aldeias do Xisto é composta por 27 aldeias distribuídas pelo interior da Região Centro de Portugal, 5 das quais localizadas no Concelho da Lousã. Estes pequenos núcleos agrupam o potencial turístico regional reflectido na arquitectura, na gastronomia e nas tradições.Para quem gosta de caminhar, existem mais de 600Km de percursos pedestres devidamente homologados. Os amantes de BTT vão ficar surpreendidos com a oferta de trilhos com vários níveis de dificuldade ancorados nos Centros de BTT;Praia fluvial da Senhora da Piedade/ Burgo", seduz quem chega depois de percorrer a estrada tortuosa de dois quilómetros pela serra. Além de ser um centro de romarias à capela da Nossa Senhora da Piedade e às Ermidas, todo o "Burgo" - e em especial o castelo de Arouce construído em xisto - orienta os visitantes através da história do concelho. Abaixo do castelo, a praia fluvial depara-se com um excelente aproveitamento das águas da Ribeira de São João, para a prática balnear.Tem "Bandeira Azul" galardão desenvolvido pela Associação Bandeira Azul da Europa (ABAE) com o apoio técnico da Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente. .Baloiço do Trevim, Construído pelo projeto Isto é Lousã, este baloiço fica no Alto de Trevim, o ponto mais alto da Serra da Lousã. A 1.200 metros de altitude, o baloiço gigante de madeira é o local ideal para tirar fotografias originais para o Instagram. Pozemek o rozloze 4257 m2 ve Fiscal, Lousã; Skládá se z plochy pro stavbu.
Nachází se v klidné oblasti, ale velmi blízko centra města Lousã.Vesnice Lousã se nachází 28 km od Coimbry a je obklopena impozantními horami, které jsou posety některými z nejpůvabnějších břidlicových vesnic.Serra da Lousã je skutečným přírodním rájem ztraceným ve vnitrozemí Portugalska. Místo příběhů, dobré gastronomie a především dechberoucích přírodních scenérií.Co navštívit:. Břidlicové vesnice: Talasnal; Cerdeira; Nový pár; Kandál; Chlívek
Síť břidlicových vesnic se skládá z 27 vesnic rozmístěných po celém vnitrozemí centrálního regionu Portugalska, z nichž 5 se nachází v obci Lousã. Tato malá jádra spojují regionální turistický potenciál, který se odráží v architektuře, gastronomii a tradicích.Pro ty, kteří rádi chodí pěšky, je k dispozici více než 600 km řádně schválených pěších tras. Milovníky horských kol překvapí nabídka stezek s různými stupni obtížnosti zakotvených v MTB centrech;Říční pláž Senhora da Piedade/Burgo", svádí ty, kteří přijíždějí po cestě po klikaté dvoukilometrové silnici přes hory. Kromě toho, že je centrem poutí ke kapli Nossa Senhora da Piedade a poustevnám, celé "Burgo" - a zejména hrad Arouce postavený z břidlice - provází návštěvníky historií kraje. Pod hradem se nachází říční pláž s vynikajícím využitím vod Ribeira de São João ke koupání.Má ocenění "Modrá vlajka", které vytvořila Evropská asociace modrých vlajek (ABAE) s technickou podporou Portugalské agentury pro životní prostředí. . Tato houpačka, postavená projektem Isto é Lousã, se nachází v Alto de Trevim, nejvyšším bodě pohoří Serra da Lousã. Obří dřevěná houpačka v nadmořské výšce 1 200 metrů je ideálním místem pro pořízení originálních fotografií na Instagram. Land with an area of 4257 m2 in Fiscal, Lousã; Composed of construction area.
Located in a quiet area but very close to the center of Lousã.The village of Lousã is located 28km from Coimbra and is surrounded by imposing mountains where some of the most charming schist villages dot.Serra da Lousã is a true natural paradise lost in the interior of Portugal. A place of stories, good gastronomy and, above all, breathtaking natural landscapes.What to visit:. Schist Villages: Talasnal; Cerdeira; Casal Novo; Candal; Pigsty
The Schist Villages Network is composed of 27 villages distributed throughout the interior of the Central Region of Portugal, 5 of which are located in the Municipality of Lousã. These small nuclei bring together the regional tourist potential reflected in architecture, gastronomy and traditions.For those who like to walk, there are more than 600 km of duly approved walking routes. Mountain bike lovers will be surprised by the offer of trails with various levels of difficulty anchored in the MTB Centers;River beach of Senhora da Piedade / Burgo", seduces those who arrive after traveling the tortuous two-kilometre road through the mountains. In addition to being a center of pilgrimages to the chapel of Nossa Senhora da Piedade and the Chapels, the entire "Burgo" - and especially the castle of Arouce built in schist - guides visitors through the history of the municipality. Below the castle, the river beach is faced with an excellent use of the waters of the Ribeira de São João, for bathing.It has a "Blue Flag" award developed by the Blue Flag Association of Europe (ABAE) with the technical support of the Portuguese Environment Agency. . Trevim Swing, Built by the Isto é Lousã project, this swing is located in Alto de Trevim, the highest point of the Serra da Lousã. At 1,200 meters of altitude, the giant wooden swing is the ideal place to take original photos for Instagram.