Geschäftsmöglichkeiten zum Verkauf in Poiares (Santo André)
490.000 EUR
Geschäftsmöglichkeiten (Zum Verkauf)
/ 96118093
Zum Verkauf
Größe der Immobilie :
1.234 m²
It has a parking area, independent urban land, attic housing, offices on the first floor, toilets, bar, gym and others.
Currently with an approved project.
Inserted in a unique location, in the center of the village of Poiares.Project approved for:
8 Apartments T3
3 2 Bedroom Apartments
5 stores
16 public car parks
15 uncovered private car parks
12 Garages (gated parking)Vila Nova de Poiares is located in the center of Portugal, more specifically in the district of Coimbra between the mountains of Carvalho, São Pedro Dias and Magarrufe as well as the rivers Alva and Mondego. Throughout the four parishes of the municipality, we can find breathtaking natural landscapes, excellent gastronomy, handicrafts rich in traditions. It has one of the largest industrial parks in the region.One of the typical dishes of the region is the chanfana that goes to the table still smoking is the safeguard of the most genuine recipes, as if a well-kept secret for the pleasure of this tradition. Discovering flavours also involves trying the bucho rice from Poiares or the negalhos, and the Poiaritos, served to sweeten the end of the meal. Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Excelente edifício de centro comercial de três pisos e sótão com lojas no seu interior, terraço, logradouro com jardim e árvores de fruto e zona de lazer única.
Possui zona de estacionamento, terreno independente urbano, habitação no sótão, escritórios no primeiro andar, wc's, bar, ginásio e outros.
Atualmente com projecto aprovado.
Inserido numa localização única, no centro da vila de Poiares.Projecto aprovado para:
8 Apartamentos T3
3 Apartamentos T2
5 lojas
16 estacionamentos publicos
15 estacionamentos privados descobertos
12 Garagens (estacionamento fechado)Vila Nova de Poiares situa-se no centro de Portugal, mais propriamente no distrito de Coimbra entre as serras do Carvalho, de São Pedro Dias e de Magarrufe assim como dos rios Alva e Mondego. Ao longo das quatro freguesias do concelho, podemos encontrar paisagens naturais de prender a respiração, uma gastronomia de excelência, um artesanato rico em tradições. Tem um dos maiores parques industriais da região.Um dos pratos típicos da região é a chanfana que vai à mesa ainda a fumaçar é a salvaguarda das mais genuínas receitas, como que um segredo bem guardado para o prazer dessa tradição. Descobrir sabores passa também por experimentar o arroz de bucho de Poiares ou os negalhos, e os Poiaritos, servidos para adoçar o final da refeição. Excellent three-storey shopping center building with attic with shops inside, terrace, patio with garden and fruit trees and unique leisure area.
It has a parking area, independent urban land, attic housing, offices on the first floor, toilets, bar, gym and others.
Currently with an approved project.
Inserted in a unique location, in the center of the village of Poiares.Project approved for:
8 Apartments T3
3 2 Bedroom Apartments
5 stores
16 public car parks
15 uncovered private car parks
12 Garages (gated parking)Vila Nova de Poiares is located in the center of Portugal, more specifically in the district of Coimbra between the mountains of Carvalho, São Pedro Dias and Magarrufe as well as the rivers Alva and Mondego. Throughout the four parishes of the municipality, we can find breathtaking natural landscapes, excellent gastronomy, handicrafts rich in traditions. It has one of the largest industrial parks in the region.One of the typical dishes of the region is the chanfana that goes to the table still smoking is the safeguard of the most genuine recipes, as if a well-kept secret for the pleasure of this tradition. Discovering flavours also involves trying the bucho rice from Poiares or the negalhos, and the Poiaritos, served to sweeten the end of the meal. Doskonały trzypiętrowy budynek centrum handlowego z poddaszem użytkowym ze sklepami w środku, tarasem, patio z ogrodem i drzewami owocowymi oraz wyjątkową strefą rekreacyjną.
Posiada parking, niezależne tereny miejskie, poddasze, biura na pierwszym piętrze, toalety, bar, siłownię i inne.
Obecnie z zatwierdzonym projektem.
Umieszczony w wyjątkowym miejscu, w centrum wioski Poiares.Projekt zatwierdzony dla:
8 Apartamenty T3
3 Apartamenty z 2 sypialniami
5 sklepów
16 parkingów publicznych
15 odkrytych parkingów prywatnych
12 Garaże (ogrodzony parking)Vila Nova de Poiares znajduje się w centrum Portugalii, a dokładniej w dzielnicy Coimbra między górami Carvalho, São Pedro Dias i Magarrufe oraz rzekami Alva i Mondego. Na terenie czterech parafii gminy możemy znaleźć zapierające dech w piersiach naturalne krajobrazy, doskonałą gastronomię, rękodzieło o bogatych tradycjach. Znajduje się tu jeden z największych parków przemysłowych w regionie.Jedną z typowych potraw regionu jest chanfana, która trafia na stół, wciąż paląc, jest gwarancją najoryginalniejszych przepisów, jakby dobrze strzeżoną tajemnicą dla przyjemności płynącej z tej tradycji. Odkrywanie smaków wiąże się również z próbowaniem ryżu bucho z Poiares lub negalhos oraz Poiaritos, podawanego na koniec posiłku.