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Häuser & einzelhäuser zum Verkauf in Ponta Delgada

950.000 EUR

Häuser & Einzelhäuser (Zum Verkauf)

13 Z
7 Ba
6 Schla
Grund 2.080
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T94422890 / 94422890
Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT563714

This distinctive property stands out as a spacious villa, comprising seven bedrooms spread over three independent fractions, offering a truly unique residential experience.

With a generous gross construction area of 599m2, this villa is elegantly situated on a spacious plot of 2080m2, providing a harmonious surrounding environment. The property is legalized for local accommodation with 17 beds and is ready to comfortably welcome guests, which is an important factor for those looking for a secure investment with the potential to make a profit.
The villa has three separate accesses which guarantee additional convenience.

The villa also has an annex equipped with an independent business office and sanitary facilities that offer versatility and privacy.

In addition, enjoy a magnificent view of the sea, providing moments of contemplation and serenity. The leisure space available on the property adds a touch of recreation, making it ideal for moments of conviviality and entertainment.

With a total of six bathrooms distributed throughout the fractions, the villa ensures convenience and practicality for all residents. Each of the three independent units is equipped with a kitchen, giving each space autonomy and functionality.

We would also highlight the large car park, an essential convenience for those who value safety and practicality in their daily lives. This villa represents a remarkable opportunity in the real estate market, offering a unique combination of space, privacy and versatility. Ideal for those looking for a solid investment or a spacious residence in a privileged location.

3 reasons to buy with Zome:

Constantly accompanied

With the best training and experience in the real estate market, Zome’s agents are fully dedicated to providing you with the best assistance, guiding you with full confidence in the right direction to meet your needs and ambitions. From here onwards we will create a close relationship and carefully listen to your expectations, because our priority is your happiness! Because it is important that you feel you are being accompanied, and that we will be with you every step of the way.


Zome’s agents are given unique training on the market, based on practical experience sharing between professionals and strengthened by applied neuroscientific knowledge that allows them to simplify and make their real-estate experience more effective. Forget about bureaucratic nightmares because with Zome you have the total support of an experienced and multiskilled team that gives you practical support in all the essential aspects, so that your real estate experience exceeds your expectations.


Rid yourself of your worries and earn the quality time you need to do whatever makes you happier. We work every day to bring added value to your life by giving you the reliable advice you need, so that together we can achieve the best results. With Zome you will never feel lost or unaccompanied and you will gain something that is priceless: your complete peace of mind! That is how you will feel throughout the whole experience: Calm, secure, comfortable and... HAPPY!


1. If you are a real estate agent, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to show it to your customers and talk to us to book a visit.
2. To make it easier to identify this property, please quote the respective ZMPT ID or the respective agent that sent you the suggestion
- Terrace
Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT563714

This distinctive property stands out as a spacious villa, comprising seven bedrooms spread over three independent fractions, offering a truly unique residential experience.

With a generous gross construction area of 599m2, this villa is elegantly situated on a spacious plot of 2080m2, providing a harmonious surrounding environment. The property is legalized for local accommodation with 17 beds and is ready to comfortably welcome guests, which is an important factor for those looking for a secure investment with the potential to make a profit.
The villa has three separate accesses which guarantee additional convenience.

The villa also has an annex equipped with an independent business office and sanitary facilities that offer versatility and privacy.

In addition, enjoy a magnificent view of the sea, providing moments of contemplation and serenity. The leisure space available on the property adds a touch of recreation, making it ideal for moments of conviviality and entertainment.

With a total of six bathrooms distributed throughout the fractions, the villa ensures convenience and practicality for all residents. Each of the three independent units is equipped with a kitchen, giving each space autonomy and functionality.

We would also highlight the large car park, an essential convenience for those who value safety and practicality in their daily lives. This villa represents a remarkable opportunity in the real estate market, offering a unique combination of space, privacy and versatility. Ideal for those looking for a solid investment or a spacious residence in a privileged location.

3 reasons to buy with Zome:

Constantly accompanied

With the best training and experience in the real estate market, Zome’s agents are fully dedicated to providing you with the best assistance, guiding you with full confidence in the right direction to meet your needs and ambitions. From here onwards we will create a close relationship and carefully listen to your expectations, because our priority is your happiness! Because it is important that you feel you are being accompanied, and that we will be with you every step of the way.


Zome’s agents are given unique training on the market, based on practical experience sharing between professionals and strengthened by applied neuroscientific knowledge that allows them to simplify and make their real-estate experience more effective. Forget about bureaucratic nightmares because with Zome you have the total support of an experienced and multiskilled team that gives you practical support in all the essential aspects, so that your real estate experience exceeds your expectations.


Rid yourself of your worries and earn the quality time you need to do whatever makes you happier. We work every day to bring added value to your life by giving you the reliable advice you need, so that together we can achieve the best results. With Zome you will never feel lost or unaccompanied and you will gain something that is priceless: your complete peace of mind! That is how you will feel throughout the whole experience: Calm, secure, comfortable and... HAPPY!


1. If you are a real estate agent, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to show it to your customers and talk to us to book a visit.
2. To make it easier to identify this property, please quote the respective ZMPT ID or the respective agent that sent you the suggestion
- Terrace
Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT563714

Tato výrazná nemovitost vyniká jako prostorná vila, která se skládá ze sedmi ložnic rozmístěných ve třech nezávislých frakcích a nabízí skutečně jedinečný rezidenční zážitek.

Tato vila s velkorysou hrubou stavební plochou 599 m2 je elegantně umístěna na prostorném pozemku o rozloze 2080 m2, který poskytuje harmonické okolní prostředí. Nemovitost je legalizována pro místní ubytování se 17 lůžky a je připravena pohodlně přivítat hosty, což je důležitý faktor pro ty, kteří hledají bezpečnou investici s potenciálem zisku.
Vila má tři samostatné přístupy, které zaručují další pohodlí.

Vila má také vedlejší budovu vybavenou nezávislou obchodní kanceláří a sociálním zázemím, které nabízí všestrannost a soukromí.

Kromě toho si vychutnejte nádherný výhled na moře, který poskytuje chvíle rozjímání a klidu. Volnočasový prostor dostupný na pozemku dodává nádech rekreace, takže je ideální pro chvíle pohostinnosti a zábavy.

S celkem šesti koupelnami rozmístěnými po frakcích zajišťuje vila pohodlí a praktičnost pro všechny obyvatele. Každá ze tří samostatných jednotek je vybavena kuchyní, což dává každému prostoru autonomii a funkčnost.

Rádi bychom také vyzdvihli velké parkoviště, které je nezbytným pohodlím pro ty, kteří ve svém každodenním životě oceňují bezpečnost a praktičnost. Tato vila představuje pozoruhodnou příležitost na trhu s nemovitostmi, nabízí jedinečnou kombinaci prostoru, soukromí a všestrannosti. Ideální pro ty, kteří hledají solidní investici nebo prostornou rezidenci v privilegované lokalitě.

3 důvody pro nákup u Zom:

Neustále doprovázen

Díky nejlepšímu školení a zkušenostem na trhu s nemovitostmi jsou agenti Zome plně odhodláni poskytnout vám tu nejlepší pomoc a vést vás s plnou důvěrou správným směrem, který splní vaše potřeby a ambice. Od této chvíle budeme vytvářet blízký vztah a pečlivě naslouchat vašim očekáváním, protože naší prioritou je vaše štěstí! Protože je důležité, abyste cítili, že vás někdo doprovází, a že s vámi budeme na každém kroku.


Agenti společnosti Zome absolvují na trhu unikátní školení založené na praktických zkušenostech, sdílení mezi profesionály a posílené aplikovanými neurovědeckými poznatky, které jim umožňují zjednodušit a zefektivnit jejich zkušenosti s nemovitostmi. Zapomeňte na byrokratické noční můry, protože se Zome máte plnou podporu zkušeného a mnohostranně kvalifikovaného týmu, který vám poskytne praktickou podporu ve všech podstatných aspektech, takže vaše zkušenosti s nemovitostmi předčí vaše očekávání.


Zbavte se starostí a získejte kvalitní čas, který potřebujete na to, co vás dělá šťastnějšími. Každý den pracujeme na tom, abychom do vašeho života přinesli přidanou hodnotu tím, že vám poskytneme spolehlivé rady, které potřebujete, abychom společně dosáhli těch nejlepších výsledků. Se Zome se nikdy nebudete cítit ztraceni nebo bez doprovodu a získáte něco, co je k nezaplacení: váš naprostý klid na duši! Tak se budete cítit po celou dobu zážitku: Klidně, bezpečně, pohodlně a... VESELÉ!


1. Pokud jste realitní makléř, je tato nemovitost k dispozici pro obchodní sdílení. Neváhejte ji ukázat svým zákazníkům a promluvte si s námi o rezervaci.
2. Pro snazší identifikaci tohoto ubytování uveďte příslušné ZMPT ID nebo příslušného zástupce, který vám návrh zaslal
- Terrace
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T94422890
Land: PT
Stadt: Ponta Delgada
Kategorie: Wohnsitze
Anzeigentyp: Zum Verkauf
Immobilientyp: Häuser & Einzelhäuser
Größe der Immobilie : 599
Größe des Grundstücks: 2.080
Zimmer: 13
Schlafzimmer: 7
Badezimmer: 6
Terasse: Ja



Durchschnittsverkaufspreis pro
Okt 2023
3 Mon
1 Jahr
1.610 EUR
2.719 EUR



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