Büros & kommerzielle Räume (Zum Verkauf)
92 m²
/ 103840100
For more information, call us at: ... or 02 425 68 61 and quote the reference number of the property: Sfa 78547. Responsible broker: Ivanka Stoykova No commission from the buyer! Office 1, total area 92.71 sq.m. (net area 72.44 sq.m. + common parts 20.27 sq.m.). We present to your attention a limited number of offices in a newly built building in one of the sought-after southern districts of the capital - Svetlana district. Buxton. All modern amenities are provided in the area, and in the neighborhood there are educational institutions, the key boulevard. Tsar Boris III, sports and recreation complex Slavia (fitness, tennis, football, ice rink, horseback riding, spa), schools and kindergartens, Kaufland supermarket, bul. Ovcha Kupel, ul. Todor Kableshkov, blvd. Buxton Brothers, police station, Borovo market, playgrounds, places for walking, restaurants, public transport stops - 1.2 km from Krasno Selo metro station (part of the third metro line), with quick access to the center and the Ring Road. Completion date - March 2025 The building has 2 entrances: entrance 1 Office and residential part and entrance 2 - Residential part. The residential building occupies the southern part of the property. It consists of 8 floors, with 8 apartments, 2 garages and 5 parking spaces in an underground garage, accessible from the local lane of Blvd. Tsar Boris III. The administrative building is L-shaped, occupying the northwest corner of the property and the southwestern front to an inner street. To the southeast, a small yard is formed for landscaping and parking cars. In total, the building will have 58 offices, 8 garages, 10 parking spaces. The building has 2 elevators. The construction includes high-end materials for the finishing works. The building will have a maintenance fee. In addition, you can buy an underground parking space - 36,000 euros. The construction company has participated in the construction of many large administrative, residential and resort buildings, which have been successfully put into operation, as well as many smaller sites. Leading in the implementation of the projects are the professional attitude to the work, high quality, precision and trust of satisfied customers. The key location and proximity to main thoroughfares guarantee convenient access to both the center and the periphery of the city, close to bus stops and metro, to shops, pharmacies, a market, a school and a number of other daily amenities. We can organize a viewing of the property at a convenient time for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell them when you would
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За повече информация обадете ни се на тел: ... или 02 425 68 61 и цитирайте референтния номер на имота: Sfa 78547. Отговорен брокер: Иванка Стойкова Без комисионна от купувача! Офис 1 , обща площ 92.71 кв.м. (нетна площ 72.44 кв.м. + общи части 20.27 кв.м.). Представяме на вашето внимание ограничен брой офиси в новострояща се сграда в един от търсените южни квартали на столицата - кв. Бъкстон. В района са осигурени всички съвременни удобства, като в съседство се намират учебни заведения, възловия бул. Цар Борис III, спортно-рекреационен комплекс Славия (фитнес, тенис, футбол, ледена пързалка, конна езда, спа), училища и детски градини, супермаркет Кауфланд, бул. Овча купел, ул. Тодор Каблешков, бул. Братя Бъкстон, полицейски участък, пазар Борово, детски площадки, места за разходка, заведения, спирки на градския транспорт - на 1.2 км от метростанция Красно село (част от третата линия на метрото), с бърз достъп до центъра и Околовръстен път. Срок на завършване - март 2025 г. Сградата има 2 входа вход 1 Офисна и жилищна част и вход 2 - Жилищна част. Жилищната сграда заема южната част на имота. Състои се от 8 етажа, с 8 апартамента, 2 гаража и 5 паркоместа в подземен гараж, достъпен от локалното платно на бул. Цар Борис III. Административната сграда е Г образна, заемаща северозападния ъгъл на имота и югозападния фронт към вътрешна улица. На югоизток се оформя малък двор за озеленяване и паркиране на автомобили. Общо в сградата ще има 58 офиса, 8 гаража, 10 паркоместа. Сградата е с 2 асансьора. Строителството включва висок клас материали за довършителните работи. Сградата ще има такса поддръжка. В допълнение може да закупите подземно паркомясто - 36 000 евро. Строителната фирма е участвала в изграждането на множество големи административни, жилищни и курортни сгради, които успешно са въведени в експлоатация, както и на множество по-малки по обем обекти. Водещи в изпълнението на проектите са професионалното отношение към работата, високото качество, прецизността и доверието на доволните клиенти. Възловото местоположение и близостта до главни пътни артерии гарантират удобния достъп както до центъра, така и до периферията на града, в близост до автобусни спирки и метро, до магазини, аптеки, пазар, училище и редица други ежедневни удобства. Оглед на имота Можем да организираме оглед на имота в удобно за вас време. За целта, свържете се с отговорния за офертата брокер и му кажете кога бихте
For more information, call us at: ... or 02 425 68 61 and quote the reference number of the property: Sfa 78547. Responsible broker: Ivanka Stoykova No commission from the buyer! Office 1, total area 92.71 sq.m. (net area 72.44 sq.m. + common parts 20.27 sq.m.). We present to your attention a limited number of offices in a newly built building in one of the sought-after southern districts of the capital - Svetlana district. Buxton. All modern amenities are provided in the area, and in the neighborhood there are educational institutions, the key boulevard. Tsar Boris III, sports and recreation complex Slavia (fitness, tennis, football, ice rink, horseback riding, spa), schools and kindergartens, Kaufland supermarket, bul. Ovcha Kupel, ul. Todor Kableshkov, blvd. Buxton Brothers, police station, Borovo market, playgrounds, places for walking, restaurants, public transport stops - 1.2 km from Krasno Selo metro station (part of the third metro line), with quick access to the center and the Ring Road. Completion date - March 2025 The building has 2 entrances: entrance 1 Office and residential part and entrance 2 - Residential part. The residential building occupies the southern part of the property. It consists of 8 floors, with 8 apartments, 2 garages and 5 parking spaces in an underground garage, accessible from the local lane of Blvd. Tsar Boris III. The administrative building is L-shaped, occupying the northwest corner of the property and the southwestern front to an inner street. To the southeast, a small yard is formed for landscaping and parking cars. In total, the building will have 58 offices, 8 garages, 10 parking spaces. The building has 2 elevators. The construction includes high-end materials for the finishing works. The building will have a maintenance fee. In addition, you can buy an underground parking space - 36,000 euros. The construction company has participated in the construction of many large administrative, residential and resort buildings, which have been successfully put into operation, as well as many smaller sites. Leading in the implementation of the projects are the professional attitude to the work, high quality, precision and trust of satisfied customers. The key location and proximity to main thoroughfares guarantee convenient access to both the center and the periphery of the city, close to bus stops and metro, to shops, pharmacies, a market, a school and a number of other daily amenities. We can organize a viewing of the property at a convenient time for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell them when you would
Para obtener más información, llámenos al: ... o 02 425 68 61 y cite el número de referencia de la propiedad: Sfa 78547. Corredor responsable: Ivanka Stoykova ¡Sin comisión por parte del comprador! Oficina 1, superficie total 92,71 m². (superficie neta 72,44 m² + partes comunes 20,27 m²). Presentamos a su atención un número limitado de oficinas en un edificio de nueva construcción en uno de los distritos más codiciados del sur de la capital: el distrito de Svetlana. Buxton. En la zona se ofrecen todas las comodidades modernas, y en el barrio hay instituciones educativas, el bulevar clave. Zar Boris III, complejo deportivo y recreativo Slavia (gimnasio, tenis, fútbol, pista de hielo, equitación, spa), escuelas y jardines de infancia, supermercado Kaufland, bul. Ovcha Kupel, ul. Todor Kableshkov, blvd. Buxton Brothers, estación de policía, mercado de Borovo, parques infantiles, lugares para caminar, restaurantes, paradas de transporte público: a 1,2 km de la estación de metro Krasno Selo (parte de la tercera línea de metro), con acceso rápido al centro y a la carretera de circunvalación. Fecha de finalización: marzo de 2025 El edificio tiene 2 entradas: entrada 1 Parte de oficinas y residencial y entrada 2 - Parte residencial. El edificio residencial ocupa la parte sur de la propiedad. Consta de 8 pisos, con 8 apartamentos, 2 garajes y 5 plazas de aparcamiento en un garaje subterráneo, accesible desde el carril local de Blvd. Zar Boris III. El edificio administrativo tiene forma de L, ocupando la esquina noroeste de la propiedad y el frente suroeste a una calle interior. Hacia el sureste, se forma un pequeño patio para paisajismo y estacionamiento de automóviles. En total, el edificio contará con 58 oficinas, 8 garajes, 10 plazas de aparcamiento. El edificio dispone de 2 ascensores. La construcción incluye materiales de alta gama para los trabajos de acabado. El edificio tendrá una cuota de mantenimiento. Además, puedes comprar una plaza de aparcamiento subterráneo - 36.000 euros. La empresa constructora ha participado en la construcción de muchos grandes edificios administrativos, residenciales y turísticos, que se han puesto en funcionamiento con éxito, así como en muchos sitios más pequeños. Liderando en la ejecución de los proyectos se encuentran la actitud profesional hacia el trabajo, la alta calidad, la precisión y la confianza de clientes satisfechos. La ubicación clave y la proximidad a las principales vías garantizan un acceso conveniente tanto al centro como a la periferia de la ciudad, cerca de las paradas de autobús y metro, a tiendas, farmacias, un mercado, una escuela y una serie de otros servicios diarios. Podemos organizar una visita a la propiedad en un momento conveniente para usted. Para ello, ponte en contacto con el corredor responsable de la oferta y dile cuándo lo harías
Zum Verkauf
Büros & kommerzielle Räume
Größe der Immobilie :
92 m²