Lagerhäuser & Industrieräume (Zum Verkauf)
23.796 m²
/ 102847411
Ethnographic complex Ovchaga is a large yard estate with an area of 23796 sq.m., on which are built many sites with different purposes and ways of use with an area of about 1500 sq.m., as follows: Four separate detached houses, made entirely in a typical local Kamchia style, separately two studios, a tavern, a fish pond, a swimming pool, a barbecue, sheds to each house, a children's playground, swings, numerous, well-arranged and landscaped lawns, a traditional fountain with running water, a pine forest, fruit trees and a large parking lot for customers and guests of the complex. It was completely renovated and renovated in 2011, as three of the houses and the tavern were completely rebuilt, and the fourth house was completely renovated, with replaced windows, roof and insulation. Ovchaga complex is located in the center of the village of Asparuhovo, next to the church of St. Petka, 300 meters from the shore of the dam. Tsonevo. The village of Asparuhovo is located in Northeastern Bulgaria and is part of the municipality of Dalgopol, Varna region. This is a picturesque village located at the foot of the Balkan Mountains, on the shore of the dam. Tsonevo. It is located 85 km southwest of the town of Sofia. Varna and 15 km from the town of Varna. Dalgopol. The complex includes: Four houses, operating, fully furnished and equipped for guests: Chorbadzhiyska House: The house has two floors, with a total built-up area of 214 sq. m. On the first floor there is one double room, one studio, an equipped kitchen and a bathroom. The house has an external wooden staircase and a veranda. On the second floor there is one studio with a bathroom and two double rooms with a bathroom. Valchanova House: The house has two floors, with a total built-up area of 140 sq. m. and includes five rooms, each with its own bathroom. On the first floor there are two triple rooms, and on the second floor there are two triple and one double rooms. The building is heated by a fireplace with a pump and a water jacket, located on the first floor of the house. Next to the house is a shed with running water and equipped as a summer kitchen for use by the guests of the complex. House Krushata : The house has two floors, with a total built-up area of 138 sq. m. and includes 5 rooms, each of which has its own bathroom. On the first floor there are 2 triple rooms, and on the second floor there are 2 triple and one double rooms. The building is heated by a fireplace with a pump and a water jacket, located on the first floor of the house. Right next to the house there is a covered barbecue for use by the guests of the complex. House Boxwood : The house has two floors, with a total built-up area of 136.46 sq. m. m. and including
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Етнографски комплекс Овчага представлява голямо дворно място имение с площ 23796 кв.м, върху което са изградени много обекти с различно предназначение и начин на ползване с площ около 1500 кв.м, както следва: Четири отделни самостоятелни къщи, изпълнени изцяло в характерен местен Камчийски стил, отделно две студиа, механа, рибарник, басейн, барбекю, навеси към всяка къща, детски кът, люлки, многобройни, добре аранжирани и озеленени тревни площи, чешма в битов стил с течаща вода, борова гора, овощни дръвчета и голям паркинг за клиенти и гости на комплекса. Той е изцяло реновиран и обновен през 2011 г., като три от къщите и механата са изградени изцяло наново, а четвъртата къща е основно реновирана, със сменени дограми, покрив и поставена изолация. Комплекс Овчага се намира в центъра на с. Аспарухово, до църквата Света Петка , на 300 метра от брега на яз. Цонево . Село Аспарухово се намира в Североизточна България и е част от община Дългопол, област Варна. Това е едно живописно село, разположено в подножието на Стара планина, на брега на яз. Цонево . Намира се на 85 км югозападно от гр. Варна и на 15 км от гр. Дългопол. Комплексът включва: Четири къщи, действащи, напълно обзаведени и оборудвани за настаняване на гости: Чорбаджийска къща: Къщата е на два етажа, с РЗП 214 кв. м. На първи етаж са разположени една двойна стая, едно студио, оборудвано кухненско помещение и санитарен възел. Къщата е с външно дървено стълбище и веранда. На втория етаж са разположени едно студио със санитарен възел и две двойни стаи със санитарен възел. Вълчанова къща: Къщата е на два етажа, с РЗП 140 кв. м и включва пет стаи, всяка от които със собствен санитарен възел. На първи етаж са разположени две тройни стаи, а на втория етаж две тройни и една двойна стая. Сградата се отоплява чрез камина с помпа и водна риза, разположена на първия етаж в къщата. До къщата е прилепен навес с изнесена течаща вода и оборудван като лятна кухня за ползване от гостите на комплекса. Къща Крушата : Къщата е на два етажа, с РЗП 138 кв. м. и включва 5 стаи, всяка от които със собствен санитарен възел. На първи етаж са разположени 2 тройни стаи, а на втория етаж 2 тройни и една двойна стая. Сградата се отоплява чрез камина с помпа и водна риза, разположени на първия етаж в къщата. Непосредствено до къщата има покрито барбекю за ползване от гостите на комплекса. Къща Чемшира : Къщата е на два етажа, с РЗП 136.46 кв. м. и включв
Ethnographic complex Ovchaga is a large yard estate with an area of 23796 sq.m., on which are built many sites with different purposes and ways of use with an area of about 1500 sq.m., as follows: Four separate detached houses, made entirely in a typical local Kamchia style, separately two studios, a tavern, a fish pond, a swimming pool, a barbecue, sheds to each house, a children's playground, swings, numerous, well-arranged and landscaped lawns, a traditional fountain with running water, a pine forest, fruit trees and a large parking lot for customers and guests of the complex. It was completely renovated and renovated in 2011, as three of the houses and the tavern were completely rebuilt, and the fourth house was completely renovated, with replaced windows, roof and insulation. Ovchaga complex is located in the center of the village of Asparuhovo, next to the church of St. Petka, 300 meters from the shore of the dam. Tsonevo. The village of Asparuhovo is located in Northeastern Bulgaria and is part of the municipality of Dalgopol, Varna region. This is a picturesque village located at the foot of the Balkan Mountains, on the shore of the dam. Tsonevo. It is located 85 km southwest of the town of Sofia. Varna and 15 km from the town of Varna. Dalgopol. The complex includes: Four houses, operating, fully furnished and equipped for guests: Chorbadzhiyska House: The house has two floors, with a total built-up area of 214 sq. m. On the first floor there is one double room, one studio, an equipped kitchen and a bathroom. The house has an external wooden staircase and a veranda. On the second floor there is one studio with a bathroom and two double rooms with a bathroom. Valchanova House: The house has two floors, with a total built-up area of 140 sq. m. and includes five rooms, each with its own bathroom. On the first floor there are two triple rooms, and on the second floor there are two triple and one double rooms. The building is heated by a fireplace with a pump and a water jacket, located on the first floor of the house. Next to the house is a shed with running water and equipped as a summer kitchen for use by the guests of the complex. House Krushata : The house has two floors, with a total built-up area of 138 sq. m. and includes 5 rooms, each of which has its own bathroom. On the first floor there are 2 triple rooms, and on the second floor there are 2 triple and one double rooms. The building is heated by a fireplace with a pump and a water jacket, located on the first floor of the house. Right next to the house there is a covered barbecue for use by the guests of the complex. House Boxwood : The house has two floors, with a total built-up area of 136.46 sq. m. m. and including
El complejo etnográfico Ovchaga es una gran finca de patio con un área de 23796 metros cuadrados, en la que se construyen muchos sitios con diferentes propósitos y formas de uso con un área de aproximadamente 1500 metros cuadrados, de la siguiente manera: Cuatro casas unifamiliares separadas, hechas completamente en un estilo típico local de Kamchia, dos estudios separados, una taberna, un estanque de peces, una piscina, una barbacoa, cobertizos para cada casa, un parque infantil, columpios, numerosos, césped bien dispuesto y ajardinado, una fuente tradicional con agua corriente, un bosque de pinos, árboles frutales y un gran aparcamiento para los clientes e invitados del complejo. Fue completamente renovada y renovada en 2011, ya que tres de las casas y la taberna fueron completamente reconstruidas, y la cuarta casa fue completamente renovada, con ventanas, techo y aislamiento reemplazados. El complejo Ovchaga se encuentra en el centro del pueblo de Asparuhovo, junto a la iglesia de San Petka, a 300 metros de la orilla de la presa. Tsonevo. El pueblo de Asparuhovo se encuentra en el noreste de Bulgaria y forma parte del municipio de Dalgopol, región de Varna. Se trata de un pintoresco pueblo situado a los pies de las montañas de los Balcanes, a orillas de la presa. Tsonevo. Se encuentra a 85 km al suroeste de la ciudad de Sofía. Varna y a 15 km de la ciudad de Varna. Dalgopol. El complejo incluye: Cuatro casas, en funcionamiento, totalmente amuebladas y equipadas para los huéspedes: Casa Chorbadzhiyska: La casa tiene dos plantas, con una superficie total construida de 214 metros cuadrados. En la primera planta hay una habitación doble, un estudio, una cocina equipada y un baño. La casa tiene una escalera exterior de madera y un porche. En la segunda planta hay un estudio con baño y dos habitaciones dobles con baño. Casa Valchanova: La casa tiene dos plantas, con una superficie total construida de 140 metros cuadrados. e incluye cinco habitaciones, cada una con su propio baño. En la primera planta hay dos habitaciones triples, y en la segunda planta hay dos habitaciones triples y una doble. El edificio está climatizado por una chimenea con bomba y camisa de agua, situada en el primer piso de la casa. Junto a la casa hay un cobertizo con agua corriente y equipado como cocina de verano para uso de los huéspedes del complejo. Casa Krushata : La casa tiene dos plantas, con una superficie total construida de 138 metros cuadrados. e incluye 5 habitaciones, cada una de las cuales tiene su propio baño. En la primera planta hay 2 habitaciones triples, y en la segunda planta hay 2 habitaciones triples y una doble. El edificio está climatizado por una chimenea con bomba y camisa de agua, situada en el primer piso de la casa. Justo al lado de la casa hay una barbacoa cubierta para uso de los huéspedes del complejo. Casa Boxwood : La casa tiene dos plantas, con una superficie total construida de 136,46 metros cuadrados. m. e incluyendo
Zum Verkauf
Lagerhäuser & Industrieräume
Größe der Immobilie :
23.796 m²