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Neu/ Wiederverkauf
Preis / m²
Miete / m² / Jahr

Geschäftsmöglichkeiten zum Verkauf in Welingrad

192.555 EUR

Geschäftsmöglichkeiten (Zum Verkauf)

Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T102052181 / 102052181
We offer for sale an excellent retail outlet located in a strategic location in the center of Velingrad. The property is suitable for various commercial and business activities, thanks to its functional layout and large windows providing natural light and high visibility. Main characteristics: Area: 94 m² The site is spacious and offers enough space for the implementation of various business ideas. Exposure: South, which makes the room bright and welcoming throughout the day, as well as easy to heat. Distribution: Two levels, providing flexible and functional utilization of the internal space. Bathroom: Private bathroom, providing convenience for staff and customers. Parking spaces: Possibility for parking in front of the site, which gives exceptional convenience to customers. Advantages of the property: Large showcase: An attractive showcase with direct visibility to a busy street provides high exposure for businesses. Possibility of division: The premises can be divided into two separate parts with individual entrances, which allows the use of the site for different activities or combined businesses. Suitable for a wide range of activities: The property can be used as a shop, office, beauty salon, café, fast food restaurant and many other applications, according to the wishes of the new owner. Location: The property is located in the heart of Velingrad, in close proximity to major retail outlets, restaurants and other establishments. The location is extremely communicative and easily accessible to both pedestrians and cars. Its location guarantees a constant flow of people, which creates conditions for a successful business. For more information and viewings, call ... We speak Russian: ... We speak English: ... We have different properties according to your needs and preferences. We offer consulting, intermediary, legal, accounting and insurance services to our clients. We assist in financing transactions through bank loans. For more information, you are welcome to visit the place in Sofia. Velingrad, ul. Lilyana Dimitrova 3, floor 3 or call ... Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Предлагаме за продажба отличен търговски обект, разположен на стратегическа локация в центъра на Велинград. Имотът е подходящ за различни търговски и бизнес дейности, благодарение на функционалното си разпределение и големите прозорци, осигуряващи естествена светлина и висока видимост. Основни характеристики: Площ: 94 м² обектът е просторен и предлага достатъчно пространство за реализация на различни бизнес идеи. Изложение: Южно, което прави помещението светло и приветливо през целия ден, както и лесно за отопление. Разпределение: Две нива, осигуряващи гъвкаво и функционално усвояване на вътрешното пространство. Санитарен възел: Собствен санитарен възел, осигуряващ удобство за персонала и клиентите. Паркоместа: Възможност за паркиране пред обекта, което дава изключително удобство за клиентите. Преимущества на имота: Голяма витрина: Атрактивната витрина с пряка видимост към оживена улица осигурява висока експозиция за бизнеса. Възможност за разделяне: Помещението може да се обособи на две отделни части с индивидуални входове, което позволява използването на обекта за различни дейности или комбинирани бизнеси. Подходящо за широк спектър от дейности: Имотът може да се ползва като магазин, офис, салон за красота, кафе, заведение за бързо хранене и още много други приложение, според желанията на новият собственик. Локация: Имотът се намира в сърцето на Велинград, в непосредствена близост до основни търговски обекти, ресторанти и други заведения. Локацията е изключително комуникативна и лесно достъпна както за пешеходци, така и за автомобили. Разположението му гарантира постоянен поток от хора, което създава условия за успешен бизнес. За повече информация и огледи се обадете на телефон ... Мы говорим по-русски: ... We speak english: ... Разполагаме с различни имоти, според Вашите нужди и предпочитания. Предлагаме консултантски, посреднически, юридически, счетоводни и застрахователни услуги на нашите клиенти. Съдействаме за финансиране на сделки чрез банкови кредити. За повече информация заповядайте на място, гр. Велинград, ул. Лиляна Димитрова 3, ет.3 или позвънете на телефон ... Ponemos a la venta un excelente punto de venta situado en una ubicación estratégica en el centro de Velingrad. La propiedad es adecuada para diversas actividades comerciales y empresariales, gracias a su distribución funcional y sus grandes ventanales que proporcionan luz natural y alta visibilidad. Características principales: Superficie: 94 m² El sitio es espacioso y ofrece suficiente espacio para la implementación de diversas ideas de negocio. Orientación: Sur, lo que hace que la habitación sea luminosa y acogedora durante todo el día, además de fácil de calentar. Distribución: Dos niveles, proporcionando un aprovechamiento flexible y funcional del espacio interno. Baño: Baño privado, brindando comodidad para el personal y los clientes. Plazas de aparcamiento: Posibilidad de aparcar frente al recinto, lo que proporciona una comodidad excepcional a los clientes. Ventajas de la propiedad: Gran escaparate: Un atractivo escaparate con visibilidad directa a una calle concurrida proporciona una alta exposición para las empresas. Posibilidad de división: El local se puede dividir en dos partes separadas con entradas individuales, lo que permite el uso del sitio para diferentes actividades o negocios combinados. Adecuado para una amplia gama de actividades: La propiedad se puede utilizar como tienda, oficina, salón de belleza, cafetería, restaurante de comida rápida y muchas otras aplicaciones, según los deseos del nuevo propietario. Ubicación: La propiedad se encuentra en el corazón de Velingrad, muy cerca de los principales puntos de venta, restaurantes y otros establecimientos. La ubicación es extremadamente comunicativa y de fácil acceso tanto para peatones como para automóviles. Su ubicación garantiza un flujo constante de personas, lo que crea las condiciones para un negocio exitoso. Para más información y visitas, llame al ... Hablamos ruso: ... Hablamos inglés: ... Disponemos de diferentes propiedades según sus necesidades y preferencias. Ofrecemos servicios de consultoría, intermediación, legal, contabilidad y seguros a nuestros clientes. Asistimos en operaciones de financiamiento a través de préstamos bancarios. Para obtener más información, le invitamos a visitar el lugar en Sofía. Velingrad, ul. Lilyana Dimitrova 3, piso 3 o llame al ... We offer for sale an excellent retail outlet located in a strategic location in the center of Velingrad. The property is suitable for various commercial and business activities, thanks to its functional layout and large windows providing natural light and high visibility. Main characteristics: Area: 94 m² The site is spacious and offers enough space for the implementation of various business ideas. Exposure: South, which makes the room bright and welcoming throughout the day, as well as easy to heat. Distribution: Two levels, providing flexible and functional utilization of the internal space. Bathroom: Private bathroom, providing convenience for staff and customers. Parking spaces: Possibility for parking in front of the site, which gives exceptional convenience to customers. Advantages of the property: Large showcase: An attractive showcase with direct visibility to a busy street provides high exposure for businesses. Possibility of division: The premises can be divided into two separate parts with individual entrances, which allows the use of the site for different activities or combined businesses. Suitable for a wide range of activities: The property can be used as a shop, office, beauty salon, café, fast food restaurant and many other applications, according to the wishes of the new owner. Location: The property is located in the heart of Velingrad, in close proximity to major retail outlets, restaurants and other establishments. The location is extremely communicative and easily accessible to both pedestrians and cars. Its location guarantees a constant flow of people, which creates conditions for a successful business. For more information and viewings, call ... We speak Russian: ... We speak English: ... We have different properties according to your needs and preferences. We offer consulting, intermediary, legal, accounting and insurance services to our clients. We assist in financing transactions through bank loans. For more information, you are welcome to visit the place in Sofia. Velingrad, ul. Lilyana Dimitrova 3, floor 3 or call ... Nous proposons à la vente un excellent point de vente situé dans un emplacement stratégique dans le centre de Velingrad. La propriété est adaptée à diverses activités commerciales et d’affaires, grâce à son agencement fonctionnel et à de grandes fenêtres offrant lumière naturelle et haute visibilité. Caractéristiques principales : Superficie : 94 m² Le site est spacieux et offre suffisamment d’espace pour la mise en œuvre de diverses idées commerciales. Exposition : Sud, ce qui rend la pièce lumineuse et accueillante tout au long de la journée, ainsi que facile à chauffer. Distribution : Deux niveaux, offrant une utilisation flexible et fonctionnelle de l’espace intérieur. Salle de bain : Salle de bain privée, offrant commodité au personnel et aux clients. Places de parking : Possibilité de se garer devant le site, ce qui offre un confort exceptionnel aux clients. Avantages de la propriété : Grande vitrine : Une vitrine attrayante avec une visibilité directe sur une rue animée offre une grande visibilité aux entreprises. Possibilité de division : Les locaux peuvent être divisés en deux parties distinctes avec des entrées individuelles, ce qui permet d’utiliser le site pour différentes activités ou entreprises combinées. Convient à un large éventail d’activités : La propriété peut être utilisée comme magasin, bureau, salon de beauté, café, restaurant de restauration rapide et de nombreuses autres applications, selon les souhaits du nouveau propriétaire. Emplacement : La propriété est située au cœur de Velingrad, à proximité des principaux points de vente, restaurants et autres établissements. L’emplacement est extrêmement communicatif et facilement accessible aux piétons et aux voitures. Son emplacement garantit un flux constant de personnes, ce qui crée les conditions d’une entreprise prospère. Pour plus d’informations et pour les visites, appelez le ... Nous parlons russe : ... Nous parlons anglais : ... Nous avons différents établissements en fonction de vos besoins et préférences. Nous offrons à nos clients des services de consultation, d’intermédiaire, de droit, de comptabilité et d’assurance. Nous assistons les opérations de financement par le biais de prêts bancaires. Pour plus d’informations, vous êtes invités à visiter le lieu à Sofia. Velingrad, ul. Lilyana Dimitrova 3, étage 3 ou appelez le ...
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T102052181
Land: BG
Stadt: Pazardjik
Kategorie: Kommerziell
Anzeigentyp: Zum Verkauf
Immobilientyp: Geschäftsmöglichkeiten
Größe der Immobilie : 94
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