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Apartments & eigentumswohnungen zum Verkauf in Santa Maria e São Miguel

590.000 EUR

Apartments & Eigentumswohnungen (Zum Verkauf)

2 Schla
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T100802583 / 100802583
One Thousand Native: A Thousand Ways to Experience Life2, 3 and 4-bedroom apartmentsStrategically situated in Belas, One Thousand Native offers unparalleled accessibility to the historic charm of Sintra, the coastal charm of Cascais and the vibrant energy of Lisbon. Just a stones throw from the majestic historic town of Sintra, residents can immerse themselves in its rich tapestry of noble history and royal splendor; the sparkling beaches of Cascais beckon, offering a coastal escape just steps from home. And for those seeking the pulse of urban life, the vibrant energy of Lisbon is within reach, ensuring effortless connectivity to its cultural wonders. At One Thousand Native, living is about unparalleled convenience and access to Portugals most cherished destinations.A UNIQUE LIFESTYLEOn your doorstep you will find the forest, a future-proof school, golf course and paddle tennis courts, swimming pool, health club, co-working space, the finest flavors and all the amenities. because education, health, inspiration and entertainment for your family come from the countryside. right on the citys doorstep. In this hub, city life comes to the countryside with all its energy. so that everyone has a space designed to live closer to the community and creativity, in full sharing. 24-hour security
João de Deus Kindergarten
Shuttle BCC/ Colombo Center
(free for residents
within the development)
Paths and Trails
Playgrounds/Cycle Paths
Skatepark, Playgrounds
Monthly events calendarTHE PROJECTIntroducing One Thousand Native, where contemporary design meets comfort and elegance. From the distinctive lobby to the top-of-the-line amenities, every detail is carefully crafted for a premium living experience.3 Different Ways to Enjoy LifeAt One Thousand Native, we offer three distinct apartment styles, tailored to suit your lifestyle preferences. No matter which style you choose, a distinctive living experience awaits you.Sky Villas
Our Sky Villas, situated at the top of the building, offer incredible panoramic views.Terrace Villas
Our Terrace Villas offer a variety of gourmet balconies, purposefully designed to be enjoyed while enjoying an outdoor family meal.Garden Villas
Enjoy the peace and quiet of Sintra from the comfort of your own private garden.AMENITIESAt One Thousand Native, luxury living is defined by sophisticated amenities designed to elevate your lifestyle. Indulge in fine wines at our exclusive wine bar or gather around the fire pit for cozy evenings under the stars. Stay productive in our stylish coworking space and recharge in the refreshing outdoor fitness area. Here, every aspect of your comfort and leisure is meticulously considered. Wine Bar
Fire Pit
Co-working Space
Outdoor Fitness Area
Childrens Playground
Contemplation SpaceBELASDiscover a home that suits you at Belas Clube de Campo, the largest development in the Lisbon metropolitan area. This private community offers a life full of comfort and exclusivity, with excellent facilities that include a hub, tennis and paddle tennis courts, a stunning golf course, as well as a kindergarten and mini-market. Characterized by its calm and tranquility, Belas Clube de Campo is the perfect retreat for those seeking a balance between serenity and accessibility, located within convenient proximity to the center of Lisbon, providing the best of both worlds: the peace of a natural environment and the vibrant city life.
Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Mil Nativos: Mil Maneiras de Experimentar a VidaApartamentos de 2, 3 e 4 quartosEstrategicamente situado em Belas, o One Thousand Native oferece uma acessibilidade inigualável ao charme histórico de Sintra, ao charme costeiro de Cascais e à energia vibrante de Lisboa. A poucos passos da majestosa vila histórica de Sintra, os moradores podem mergulhar em sua rica tapeçaria de história nobre e esplendor real; as praias cintilantes de Cascais acenam, oferecendo um refúgio costeiro a poucos passos de casa. E para aqueles que procuram o pulsar da vida urbana, a energia vibrante de Lisboa está ao seu alcance, garantindo uma conectividade sem esforço com as suas maravilhas culturais. Na One Thousand Native, viver é uma conveniência incomparável e acesso aos destinos mais queridos de Portugal.UM ESTILO DE VIDA ÚNICOÀ sua porta, você encontrará a floresta, uma escola preparada para o futuro, campo de golfe e quadras de padel, piscina, health club, espaço de coworking, os melhores sabores e todas as comodidades. Porque a educação, a saúde, a inspiração e o entretenimento para sua família vêm do campo. bem na porta da cidade. Neste centro, a vida da cidade chega ao campo com toda a sua energia. para que todos tenham um espaço pensado para viver mais perto da comunidade e da criatividade, em plena partilha.Segurança 24 horas
Jardim de Infância João de Deus
Transporte BCC/ Colombo Center
(gratuito para residentes
dentro do desenvolvimento)
Caminhos e Trilhas
Skatepark, Playgrounds
Calendário de eventos mensaisO PROJETOApresentamos o One Thousand Native, onde o design contemporâneo encontra o conforto e a elegância. Do lobby distinto às comodidades de primeira linha, cada detalhe é cuidadosamente elaborado para uma experiência de vida premium.3 maneiras diferentes de aproveitar a vidaNa One Thousand Native, oferecemos três estilos distintos de apartamentos, adaptados para atender às suas preferências de estilo de vida. Não importa qual estilo você escolha, uma experiência de vida distinta espera por você.Vilas do Céu
Nossas Sky Villas, situadas no topo do edifício, oferecem vistas panorâmicas incríveis.Villas com terraço
Nossas Terrace Villas oferecem uma variedade de varandas gourmet, projetadas propositadamente para serem desfrutadas enquanto desfruta de uma refeição em família ao ar livre.Villas Jardim
Desfrute da paz e tranquilidade de Sintra no conforto do seu próprio jardim privado.AMENIDADESNo One Thousand Native, a vida de luxo é definida por comodidades sofisticadas projetadas para elevar seu estilo de vida. Delicie-se com vinhos finos em nosso bar de vinhos exclusivo ou reúna-se ao redor da fogueira para noites aconchegantes sob as estrelas. Mantenha-se produtivo em nosso elegante espaço de coworking e recarregue as energias na refrescante área de fitness ao ar livre. Aqui, todos os aspectos do seu conforto e lazer são meticulosamente considerados.Bar de vinhos
Espaço de coworking
Área de fitness ao ar livre
Parque infantil
Espaço de ContemplaçãoBELASDescubra a casa que mais lhe convém no Belas Clube de Campo, o maior empreendimento da área metropolitana de Lisboa. Esta comunidade privada oferece uma vida cheia de conforto e exclusividade, com excelentes instalações que incluem um hub, quadras de tênis e padel, um campo de golfe deslumbrante, além de um jardim de infância e minimercado. Caracterizado pela sua calma e tranquilidade, o Belas Clube de Campo é o refúgio perfeito para quem procura um equilíbrio entre serenidade e acessibilidade, localizado numa proximidade conveniente ao centro de Lisboa, proporcionando o melhor de dois mundos: a paz de um ambiente natural e a vibrante vida citadina.
Тысяча нативных: тысяча способов познать жизньАпартаменты с 2, 3 и 4 спальнямиСтратегически расположенный в Беласе, One Thousand Native предлагает беспрецедентную доступность к историческому очарованию Синтры, прибрежному очарованию Кашкайша и яркой энергии Лиссабона. Всего в двух шагах от величественного исторического города Синтра жители могут погрузиться в его богатый гобелен благородной истории и королевского великолепия; сверкающие пляжи Кашкайша манят, предлагая отдых на побережье всего в нескольких шагах от дома. А для тех, кто хочет держать руку на пульсе городской жизни, яркая энергия Лиссабона находится в пределах досягаемости, обеспечивая непринужденную связь с его культурными чудесами. В One Thousand Native жизнь - это несравненное удобство и доступ к самым заветным местам Португалии.УНИКАЛЬНЫЙ ОБРАЗ ЖИЗНИУ вашего порога вы найдете лес, перспективную школу, поле для гольфа и корты для паддл-тенниса, бассейн, оздоровительный клуб, коворкинг, лучшие вкусы и все удобства. Потому что образование, здоровье, вдохновение и развлечения для вашей семьи приходят из сельской местности. прямо на пороге города. В этом хабе городская жизнь со всей своей энергией переходит в сельскую местность. Чтобы у каждого было пространство, предназначенное для жизни ближе к сообществу и творчеству, в полном обмене.24-часовая охрана
Детский сад João de Deus
Шаттл BCC/ Центр Коломбо
(бесплатно для жителей
в рамках разработки)
Тропы и тропы
Детские площадки/велосипедные дорожки
Скейтпарк, Детские площадки
Календарь событий на месяцПРОЕКТПредставляем One Thousand Native, где современный дизайн сочетается с комфортом и элегантностью. От характерного вестибюля до первоклассных удобств — каждая деталь тщательно продумана для комфортного проживания.3 разных способа наслаждаться жизньюВ One Thousand Native мы предлагаем три различных стиля квартир, адаптированных к вашим предпочтениям в образе жизни. Независимо от того, какой стиль вы выберете, вас ждет неповторимый жизненный опыт.Небесные виллы
Наши виллы Sky Villas, расположенные на вершине здания, предлагают невероятный панорамный вид.Виллы с террасой
Наши виллы с террасами предлагают множество балконов для гурманов, специально спроектированных для наслаждения семейной трапезой на свежем воздухе.Садовые виллы
Наслаждайтесь тишиной и покоем Синтры, не выходя из собственного сада.УДОБСТВАВ One Thousand Native роскошная жизнь определяется изысканными удобствами, созданными для улучшения вашего образа жизни. Побалуйте себя изысканными винами в нашем эксклюзивном винном баре или соберитесь у костра на уютные вечера под звездами. Оставайтесь продуктивными в нашем стильном коворкинге и зарядитесь энергией в освежающем фитнес-центре на открытом воздухе. Здесь каждый аспект вашего комфорта и досуга тщательно продуман.Винный бар
Открытый фитнес-центр
Детская игровая площадка
Пространство для созерцанияБЕЛАСОткройте для себя дом, который вам подходит, в Belas Clube de Campo, крупнейшем комплексе в столичном регионе Лиссабона. Это частное сообщество предлагает жизнь, полную комфорта и эксклюзивности, с отличными удобствами, включая хаб, теннисные корты и корты для паддл-тенниса, потрясающее поле для гольфа, а также детский сад и мини-маркет. Характеризующийся своим спокойствием и спокойствием, Belas Clube de Campo является идеальным местом для тех, кто ищет баланс между спокойствием и доступностью, расположенным в удобной близости от центра Лиссабона, предлагая лучшее из обоих миров: спокойствие природы и яркую городскую жизнь.
One Thousand Native: A Thousand Ways to Experience Life2, 3 and 4-bedroom apartmentsStrategically situated in Belas, One Thousand Native offers unparalleled accessibility to the historic charm of Sintra, the coastal charm of Cascais and the vibrant energy of Lisbon. Just a stones throw from the majestic historic town of Sintra, residents can immerse themselves in its rich tapestry of noble history and royal splendor; the sparkling beaches of Cascais beckon, offering a coastal escape just steps from home. And for those seeking the pulse of urban life, the vibrant energy of Lisbon is within reach, ensuring effortless connectivity to its cultural wonders. At One Thousand Native, living is about unparalleled convenience and access to Portugals most cherished destinations.A UNIQUE LIFESTYLEOn your doorstep you will find the forest, a future-proof school, golf course and paddle tennis courts, swimming pool, health club, co-working space, the finest flavors and all the amenities. because education, health, inspiration and entertainment for your family come from the countryside. right on the citys doorstep. In this hub, city life comes to the countryside with all its energy. so that everyone has a space designed to live closer to the community and creativity, in full sharing. 24-hour security
João de Deus Kindergarten
Shuttle BCC/ Colombo Center
(free for residents
within the development)
Paths and Trails
Playgrounds/Cycle Paths
Skatepark, Playgrounds
Monthly events calendarTHE PROJECTIntroducing One Thousand Native, where contemporary design meets comfort and elegance. From the distinctive lobby to the top-of-the-line amenities, every detail is carefully crafted for a premium living experience.3 Different Ways to Enjoy LifeAt One Thousand Native, we offer three distinct apartment styles, tailored to suit your lifestyle preferences. No matter which style you choose, a distinctive living experience awaits you.Sky Villas
Our Sky Villas, situated at the top of the building, offer incredible panoramic views.Terrace Villas
Our Terrace Villas offer a variety of gourmet balconies, purposefully designed to be enjoyed while enjoying an outdoor family meal.Garden Villas
Enjoy the peace and quiet of Sintra from the comfort of your own private garden.AMENITIESAt One Thousand Native, luxury living is defined by sophisticated amenities designed to elevate your lifestyle. Indulge in fine wines at our exclusive wine bar or gather around the fire pit for cozy evenings under the stars. Stay productive in our stylish coworking space and recharge in the refreshing outdoor fitness area. Here, every aspect of your comfort and leisure is meticulously considered. Wine Bar
Fire Pit
Co-working Space
Outdoor Fitness Area
Childrens Playground
Contemplation SpaceBELASDiscover a home that suits you at Belas Clube de Campo, the largest development in the Lisbon metropolitan area. This private community offers a life full of comfort and exclusivity, with excellent facilities that include a hub, tennis and paddle tennis courts, a stunning golf course, as well as a kindergarten and mini-market. Characterized by its calm and tranquility, Belas Clube de Campo is the perfect retreat for those seeking a balance between serenity and accessibility, located within convenient proximity to the center of Lisbon, providing the best of both worlds: the peace of a natural environment and the vibrant city life.
Mil nativos: Mil formas de experimentar la vidaApartamentos de 2, 3 y 4 dormitoriosEstratégicamente situado en Belas, One Thousand Native ofrece una accesibilidad incomparable al encanto histórico de Sintra, el encanto costero de Cascais y la vibrante energía de Lisboa. A tiro de piedra de la majestuosa ciudad histórica de Sintra, los residentes pueden sumergirse en su rico tapiz de noble historia y esplendor real; las resplandecientes playas de Cascais atraen, ofreciendo una escapada costera a pocos pasos de casa. Y para aquellos que buscan el pulso de la vida urbana, la vibrante energía de Lisboa está a su alcance, lo que garantiza una conectividad sin esfuerzo con sus maravillas culturales. En One Thousand Native, la vida se trata de una comodidad y un acceso incomparables a los destinos más preciados de Portugal.UN ESTILO DE VIDA ÚNICOA la vuelta de la esquina encontrará el bosque, una escuela preparada para el futuro, campo de golf y pistas de pádel, piscina, club de salud, espacio de co-working, los mejores sabores y todas las comodidades. Porque la educación, la salud, la inspiración y el entretenimiento para tu familia vienen del campo. Justo en la puerta de la ciudad. En este centro, la vida de la ciudad llega al campo con toda su energía. para que todos tengan un espacio pensado para vivir más cerca de la comunidad y la creatividad, en pleno compartir.Seguridad las 24 horas
Jardín de Infantes João de Deus
Lanzadera BCC/ Centro de Colombo
(Gratis para los residentes
dentro del desarrollo)
Caminos y senderos
Parques infantiles/carriles bici
Skatepark, Parques infantiles
Calendario mensual de eventosEL PROYECTOPresentamos One Thousand Native, donde el diseño contemporáneo se encuentra con la comodidad y la elegancia. Desde el distintivo lobby hasta las comodidades de primera línea, cada detalle está cuidadosamente diseñado para una experiencia de vida premium.3 formas diferentes de disfrutar de la vidaEn One Thousand Native, ofrecemos tres estilos de apartamentos distintos, diseñados para adaptarse a sus preferencias de estilo de vida. Independientemente del estilo que elijas, te espera una experiencia de vida distintiva.Villas en el cielo
Nuestras Sky Villas, situadas en la parte superior del edificio, ofrecen increíbles vistas panorámicas.Villas con terraza
Nuestras villas con terraza ofrecen una variedad de balcones gourmet, diseñados a propósito para ser disfrutados mientras disfrutan de una comida familiar al aire libre.Villas con jardín
Disfrute de la paz y la tranquilidad de Sintra desde la comodidad de su propio jardín privado.COMODIDADESEn One Thousand Native, la vida de lujo se define por comodidades sofisticadas diseñadas para elevar su estilo de vida. Deléitese con excelentes vinos en nuestro exclusivo bar de vinos o reúnase alrededor de la fogata para disfrutar de acogedoras veladas bajo las estrellas. Mantente productivo en nuestro elegante espacio de coworking y recarga energías en la refrescante zona de fitness al aire libre. Aquí, todos los aspectos de su comodidad y ocio se consideran meticulosamente.Bar de vinos
Espacio de coworking
Área de fitness al aire libre
Parque infantil
Espacio de ContemplaciónBELASDescubra una casa que se adapte a usted en Belas Clube de Campo, la urbanización más grande del área metropolitana de Lisboa. Esta comunidad privada ofrece una vida llena de confort y exclusividad, con excelentes instalaciones que incluyen un hub, canchas de tenis y pádel, un impresionante campo de golf, así como una guardería y un minimercado. Caracterizado por su calma y tranquilidad, Belas Clube de Campo es el refugio perfecto para aquellos que buscan un equilibrio entre serenidad y accesibilidad, ubicado en una conveniente proximidad al centro de Lisboa, proporcionando lo mejor de ambos mundos: la paz de un entorno natural y la vibrante vida de la ciudad.
Aktenzeichen: EDEN-T100802583
Land: PT
Stadt: Sintra Lisboa
Kategorie: Wohnsitze
Anzeigentyp: Zum Verkauf
Immobilientyp: Apartments & Eigentumswohnungen
Größe der Immobilie : 114
Badezimmer: 2



Durchschnittsverkaufspreis pro
Jul 2023
3 Mon
1 Jahr
4.450 EUR


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