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Mehrfamilienhäuser zum Verkauf in Almancil

690.000 EUR

Mehrfamilienhäuser (Zum Verkauf)

Grund 2.671
Aktenzeichen: BRIR-T7 / ga-3625
Gebäude am Eingang von Almancil mit Pool und Garten. Die Idee und das zugrundeliegende Projekt ist eine Kunstgalerie mit integriertem Restaurant.
Es könnte natürlich auch in eine Wohnung umgewandelt werden.Einzigartige Investition! Zögern Sie nicht, uns für einen Besuch zu kontaktieren!
Energiekategorie: B-
Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Gebäude am Eingang von Almancil mit Pool und Garten. Die Idee und das zugrundeliegende Projekt ist eine Kunstgalerie mit integriertem Restaurant.
Es könnte natürlich auch in eine Wohnung umgewandelt werden.Einzigartige Investition! Zögern Sie nicht, uns für einen Besuch zu kontaktieren!
Energiekategorie: B-
Edificio ubicado a la entrada de Almancil con piscina y jardín. La idea y el proyecto subyacente es una galería de arte con un restaurante integrado.
Evidentemente, también podría transformarse en vivienda.Inversión Única! ¡No dude en contactarnos para una visita!
Categoría Energética: B-
Cet édifice est stratégiquement situé à l'entrée d'Almancil, offrant une piscine et un charmant jardin.Le concept derrière ce projet est véritablement novateur : une galerie d'art harmonieusement intégrée à un restaurant à l'atmosphère accueillante. De plus, il offre la flexibilité d'être adapté à un environnement résidentiel, si tel est votre préférence.Il s'agit d'une opportunité d'investissement exceptionnelle. Nous vous invitons à nous contacter pour organiser une visite, où vous serez certainement séduit par le potentiel unique de cet endroit. Découvrez la fusion parfaite entre l'art, la gastronomie et la résidence dans ce projet singulier.Almancil est une ville stratégiquement située au cur de l'Algarve, au Portugal, offrant toute une gamme d'attraits attractifs :1. **Emplacement Central :**
Almancil est positionnée de manière stratégique dans la région centrale de l'Algarve, facilitant l'accès à diverses attractions, plages et villes environnantes.2. **Infrastructure de Haute Qualité :**
La ville est reconnue pour son infrastructure de haute qualité, comprenant d'excellents restaurants, des commerces, des installations sportives et divers services.3. **Golf Prestigieux :**
Almancil est une destination prisée des amateurs de golf, avec plusieurs parcours prestigieux à proximité. Des parcours internationalement reconnus tels que Vale do Lobo et Quinta do Lago se trouvent à proximité.4. **Gastronomie et Vie Nocturne :**
La ville propose une variété d'options culinaires, des restaurants portugais traditionnels aux expériences gastronomiques plus raffinées. La vie nocturne est animée, avec des bars et des lieux de divertissement.5. **Shopping de Luxe :**
Almancil est renommée pour son quartier commerçant de luxe, avec des boutiques, des magasins de créateurs et des galeries d'art. C'est une destination prisée par ceux qui apprécient le commerce de haute qualité.6. **Attractions Culturelles :**
En plus des installations modernes, Almancil conserve son charme traditionnel avec des églises historiques et des événements culturels qui célèbrent la riche histoire de la région.7. **Logements de Luxe et Résidences :**
La ville propose une gamme d'options d'hébergement, des hôtels de luxe aux élégantes propriétés résidentielles. De nombreuses maisons et villas de la région offrent une qualité de vie premium.8. **Proximité de l'Aéroport :**
Almancil est commodément proche de l'aéroport de Faro, facilitant les déplacements pour ceux qui arrivent de l'extérieur de la région.En résumé, Almancil est une destination aux multiples facettes qui combine le meilleur de l'Algarve : beauté naturelle, commodités modernes, divertissement raffiné et un riche patrimoine culturel. C'est un lieu recherché tant par les résidents que par les visiteurs à la recherche d'une expérience unique dans le sud du Portugal.Depuis 2009, sur le marché immobilier, Golden Properties possède un portefeuille de plus de 1 900 propriétés en Algarve et dans la région de Lisbonne, d'appartements, villas, terrains, magasins, bureaux, développements, en construction ou en usine, entre autres. possibilités d'investissement.Lorsque vous achetez votre maison chez nous, vous pouvez bénéficier de divers services, tels que : un accompagnement financier, des conseils fiscaux, un accompagnement juridique personnalisé, un accompagnement au retour sur investissement réalisé (location annuelle et/ou saisonnière), l'après-vente, la gestion des inspections nécessaires de la propriété et également le suivi du processus de certification énergétique à travers la recherche des meilleurs professionnels du secteur.Visitez notre site Web et trouvez la maison de vos rêves!
Performance Énergétique: B-
Exquisite Building at Almancil's Gateway: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity!Welcome to a remarkable building gracing the entrance of Almancil - a true marvel that opens doors to limitless potential. With its glistening pool and lush garden, this property stands as a blank canvas for your visionary endeavors.Prepare to be captivated by the very essence of the idea and the underlying concept: an exclusive art gallery seamlessly intertwined with a refined restaurant. Envision a cultural haven taking shape within these walls, where the realms of art and culinary finesse harmoniously collide, forging indelible memories for every guest.Beyond its inherent charm, this building offers a spectrum of transformation possibilities. Picture a resplendent residence emerging, where each nook reflects your personal desires. Imagine embracing each morning with the breathtaking vista of the garden and pool, or indulging in leisurely moments surrounded by this idyllic ambiance.This is unequivocally a matchless investment opportunity awaiting your transformative touch. Waste no time in reaching out to us, seizing the chance to schedule an exclusive visit. Uncover the myriad of possibilities that this exceptional property holds, and let your future project unfurl within these walls!Almancil is a strategically located town in the heart of the Algarve, Portugal, boasting a range of attractive features:1. **Central Location:**
Almancil is strategically positioned in the central region of the Algarve, providing easy access to various attractions, beaches, and surrounding cities.2. **High-Quality Infrastructure:**
The town is known for its high-quality infrastructure, including excellent restaurants, shops, sports facilities, and diverse services.3. **Prestigious Golf:**
Almancil is a popular destination for golf enthusiasts, with several prestigious golf courses nearby. Internationally recognized courses like Vale do Lobo and Quinta do Lago are in close proximity.4. **Gastronomy and Nightlife:**
The town offers a variety of dining options, from traditional Portuguese restaurants to more refined gastronomic experiences. Nightlife is lively, with bars and entertainment venues.5. **Luxury Shopping:**
Almancil is renowned for its luxury shopping district, featuring boutiques, designer stores, and art galleries. It's a sought-after destination for those who appreciate high-quality commerce.6. **Cultural Attractions:**
In addition to modern facilities, Almancil maintains its traditional charm with historic churches and cultural events that celebrate the region's rich heritage.7. **Luxury Accommodation and Residences:**
The town offers a range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to elegant residential properties. Many homes and villas in the area provide a premium quality of life.8. **Proximity to the Airport:**
Almancil is conveniently close to Faro Airport, making travel easy for those arriving from outside the region.In summary, Almancil is a multifaceted destination that combines the best of the Algarve: natural beauty, modern amenities, refined entertainment, and a rich cultural heritage. It is a sought-after location for both residents and visitors looking for a unique experience in southern Portugal.Since 2009, in the real estate market, Golden Properties has a portfolio of more than 1,900 properties in the Algarve and in the Lisbon area, from apartments, villas, plots of land, shops, offices, developments, under construction or plant, among other options for investment.When you buy your home with us, you can take advantage of various services, such as: financial support, tax advice, personalized legal support, support for the return on the investment made (annual and/or holiday rental), after-sales, management of necessary inspections the property and also monitoring the energy certification process through the search for the best professionals in the sector.Visit our website and find your dream home!
Categoria energetica: B-
Gebäude am Eingang von Almancil mit Pool und Garten. Die Idee und das zugrundeliegende Projekt ist eine Kunstgalerie mit integriertem Restaurant.
Es könnte natürlich auch in eine Wohnung umgewandelt werden.Einzigartige Investition! Zögern Sie nicht, uns für einen Besuch zu kontaktieren!
Energie Categorie: B-
Este edifício está estrategicamente localizado na entrada de Almancil, apresentando uma piscina e um encantador jardim.O conceito por trás deste projeto é verdadeiramente inovador: uma galeria de arte harmoniosamente integrada com um restaurante de atmosfera acolhedora. Além disso, oferece a flexibilidade para ser adaptado para um ambiente residencial, caso essa seja a preferência.Esta é uma oportunidade de investimento excecional. Convidamos você a entrar em contato connosco para agendar uma visita, onde certamente será cativado pelo potencial único deste local. Descubra a fusão perfeita entre arte, gastronomia e residência neste empreendimento singular.Almancil é uma localidade estrategicamente situada no coração do Algarve, em Portugal, e apresenta uma série de características atrativas:1. **Localização Central:**
Almancil está estrategicamente posicionada na região central do Algarve, facilitando o acesso a várias atrações, praias e cidades circundantes.2. **Infraestrutura de Qualidade:**
A localidade é conhecida pela sua infraestrutura de alta qualidade, que inclui excelentes restaurantes, lojas, instalações desportivas e serviços diversos.3. **Golfe de Prestígio:**
Almancil é um destino popular para os amantes de golfe, com vários campos de golfe de prestígio nas proximidades. Campos como o Vale do Lobo e o Quinta do Lago são reconhecidos internacionalmente.4. **Gastronomia e Vida Noturna:**
A cidade oferece uma variedade de opções gastronômicas, desde restaurantes tradicionais portugueses até experiências gastronômicas mais requintadas. A vida noturna é animada, com bares e locais para entretenimento.5. **Comércio de Luxo:**
Almancil é conhecida pela sua zona comercial de luxo, que inclui boutiques, lojas de designer e galerias de arte. É um destino procurado por aqueles que apreciam o comércio de alta qualidade.6. **Atrações Culturais:**
Além das instalações modernas, Almancil preserva o seu charme tradicional com igrejas históricas e eventos culturais que celebram a rica herança da região.7. **Alojamento e Residências de Prestígio:**
A localidade oferece uma variedade de opções de alojamento, desde hotéis de luxo até elegantes propriedades residenciais. Muitas casas e vilas na área oferecem uma qualidade de vida premium.8. **Proximidade com o Aeroporto:**
Almancil está convenientemente próxima ao Aeroporto de Faro, facilitando as viagens para quem chega de fora.Em resumo, Almancil é um destino multifacetado que combina o melhor do Algarve: beleza natural, comodidades modernas, entretenimento refinado e uma rica herança cultural. É um local procurado tanto por residentes quanto por visitantes em busca de uma experiência única no sul de Portugal.Desde 2009 no mercado imobiliário, a Golden Properties dispõe de um portfólio com mais de 1.900 imóveis no Algarve e na zona de Lisboa, desde apartamentos, moradias, lotes de terreno, lojas, escritórios, empreendimentos, em construção ou planta, entre outras opções de investimento.Ao comprar a sua casa connosco, pode usufruir de vários serviços, tais como: apoio financeiro, aconselhamento fiscal, apoio jurídico personalizado, apoio à rentabilização do investimento realizado (arrendamento anual e/ou para férias), pós-venda, gestão das inspeções necessárias ao imóvel e ainda o acompanhamento no processo de certificação energética através da procura dos melhores profissionais do sector.Visite o nosso website e encontre a sua casa de sonho!
Categoria Energética: B-
Exquisite Building at Almancil's Gateway: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity!Welcome to a remarkable building gracing the entrance of Almancil - a true marvel that opens doors to limitless potential. With its glistening pool and lush garden, this property stands as a blank canvas for your visionary endeavors.Prepare to be captivated by the very essence of the idea and the underlying concept: an exclusive art gallery seamlessly intertwined with a refined restaurant. Envision a cultural haven taking shape within these walls, where the realms of art and culinary finesse harmoniously collide, forging indelible memories for every guest.Beyond its inherent charm, this building offers a spectrum of transformation possibilities. Picture a resplendent residence emerging, where each nook reflects your personal desires. Imagine embracing each morning with the breathtaking vista of the garden and pool, or indulging in leisurely moments surrounded by this idyllic ambiance.This is unequivocally a matchless investment opportunity awaiting your transformative touch. Waste no time in reaching out to us, seizing the chance to schedule an exclusive visit. Uncover the myriad of possibilities that this exceptional property holds, and let your future project unfurl within these walls!Almancil is a strategically located town in the heart of the Algarve, Portugal, boasting a range of attractive features:1. **Central Location:**
Almancil is strategically positioned in the central region of the Algarve, providing easy access to various attractions, beaches, and surrounding cities.2. **High-Quality Infrastructure:**
The town is known for its high-quality infrastructure, including excellent restaurants, shops, sports facilities, and diverse services.3. **Prestigious Golf:**
Almancil is a popular destination for golf enthusiasts, with several prestigious golf courses nearby. Internationally recognized courses like Vale do Lobo and Quinta do Lago are in close proximity.4. **Gastronomy and Nightlife:**
The town offers a variety of dining options, from traditional Portuguese restaurants to more refined gastronomic experiences. Nightlife is lively, with bars and entertainment venues.5. **Luxury Shopping:**
Almancil is renowned for its luxury shopping district, featuring boutiques, designer stores, and art galleries. It's a sought-after destination for those who appreciate high-quality commerce.6. **Cultural Attractions:**
In addition to modern facilities, Almancil maintains its traditional charm with historic churches and cultural events that celebrate the region's rich heritage.7. **Luxury Accommodation and Residences:**
The town offers a range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to elegant residential properties. Many homes and villas in the area provide a premium quality of life.8. **Proximity to the Airport:**
Almancil is conveniently close to Faro Airport, making travel easy for those arriving from outside the region.In summary, Almancil is a multifaceted destination that combines the best of the Algarve: natural beauty, modern amenities, refined entertainment, and a rich cultural heritage. It is a sought-after location for both residents and visitors looking for a unique experience in southern Portugal.Since 2009, in the real estate market, Golden Properties has a portfolio of more than 1,900 properties in the Algarve and in the Lisbon area, from apartments, villas, plots of land, shops, offices, developments, under construction or plant, among other options for investment.When you buy your home with us, you can take advantage of various services, such as: financial support, tax advice, personalized legal support, support for the return on the investment made (annual and/or holiday rental), after-sales, management of necessary inspections the property and also monitoring the energy certification process through the search for the best professionals in the sector.Visit our website and find your dream home!
: B-
Exquisite Building at Almancil's Gateway: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity!Welcome to a remarkable building gracing the entrance of Almancil - a true marvel that opens doors to limitless potential. With its glistening pool and lush garden, this property stands as a blank canvas for your visionary endeavors.Prepare to be captivated by the very essence of the idea and the underlying concept: an exclusive art gallery seamlessly intertwined with a refined restaurant. Envision a cultural haven taking shape within these walls, where the realms of art and culinary finesse harmoniously collide, forging indelible memories for every guest.Beyond its inherent charm, this building offers a spectrum of transformation possibilities. Picture a resplendent residence emerging, where each nook reflects your personal desires. Imagine embracing each morning with the breathtaking vista of the garden and pool, or indulging in leisurely moments surrounded by this idyllic ambiance.This is unequivocally a matchless investment opportunity awaiting your transformative touch. Waste no time in reaching out to us, seizing the chance to schedule an exclusive visit. Uncover the myriad of possibilities that this exceptional property holds, and let your future project unfurl within these walls!Almancil is a strategically located town in the heart of the Algarve, Portugal, boasting a range of attractive features:1. **Central Location:**
Almancil is strategically positioned in the central region of the Algarve, providing easy access to various attractions, beaches, and surrounding cities.2. **High-Quality Infrastructure:**
The town is known for its high-quality infrastructure, including excellent restaurants, shops, sports facilities, and diverse services.3. **Prestigious Golf:**
Almancil is a popular destination for golf enthusiasts, with several prestigious golf courses nearby. Internationally recognized courses like Vale do Lobo and Quinta do Lago are in close proximity.4. **Gastronomy and Nightlife:**
The town offers a variety of dining options, from traditional Portuguese restaurants to more refined gastronomic experiences. Nightlife is lively, with bars and entertainment venues.5. **Luxury Shopping:**
Almancil is renowned for its luxury shopping district, featuring boutiques, designer stores, and art galleries. It's a sought-after destination for those who appreciate high-quality commerce.6. **Cultural Attractions:**
In addition to modern facilities, Almancil maintains its traditional charm with historic churches and cultural events that celebrate the region's rich heritage.7. **Luxury Accommodation and Residences:**
The town offers a range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to elegant residential properties. Many homes and villas in the area provide a premium quality of life.8. **Proximity to the Airport:**
Almancil is conveniently close to Faro Airport, making travel easy for those arriving from outside the region.In summary, Almancil is a multifaceted destination that combines the best of the Algarve: natural beauty, modern amenities, refined entertainment, and a rich cultural heritage. It is a sought-after location for both residents and visitors looking for a unique experience in southern Portugal.Since 2009, in the real estate market, Golden Properties has a portfolio of more than 1,900 properties in the Algarve and in the Lisbon area, from apartments, villas, plots of land, shops, offices, developments, under construction or plant, among other options for investment.When you buy your home with us, you can take advantage of various services, such as: financial support, tax advice, personalized legal support, support for the return on the investment made (annual and/or holiday rental), after-sales, management of necessary inspections the property and also monitoring the energy certification process through the search for the best professionals in the sector.Visit our website and find your dream home!
Energy Rating: B-
Aktenzeichen: BRIR-T7
Land: PT
Region: Faro
Stadt: Loulé
Postleitzahl: 8135-011
Kategorie: Wohnsitze
Anzeigentyp: Zum Verkauf
Immobilientyp: Mehrfamilienhäuser
Größe der Immobilie : 432
Größe des Grundstücks: 2.671
Garagen: 1
Schwimmbad: Ja


Durchschnittsverkaufspreis pro
Okt 2023
3 Mon
1 Jahr
5.343 EUR
7.146 EUR



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